[GNC] Question about credit card reconciliation and invoice payment date.

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 10:02:44 EST 2024

Apparently you have checked the box Edit > Preferences > Register >
Automatic credit card payment.  You should either uncheck that box or
estimate the date when you want to pay it when you get the pop-up.  I have
never used that feature so I don't know how you would track whether you
have actually made that payment or not.  I would probably use a special
text (maybe Sched?) in the Num[ber] box when first entering it, then change
the number to something real when I actually make the payment. If you carry
a balance you would need to adjust the amount too.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 6:37 AM Boniforti Flavio <boniforti.f at gmail.com>

> Hi David.
> The invoice I'm referring to is the invoice my bank sends to me to pay for
> the credit card expenses of the past month. Nothing related to GNC.
> I'm running GNC 5.9
> The reconciliation process ask for the "statement date" initially, that's
> correct. The second date asked is when you confirm "finish" the
> reconciliation process: That's the "Transfer Funds" Pop-Up window - and
> probably, now looking at it again, that's the date of the invoice being
> paid.
> F.
> https://www.instagram.com/boniforti_music
> https://soundcloud.com/boniforti_music
> https://bonny-j.bandcamp.com
> Am Mo., 18. Nov. 2024 um 13:31 Uhr schrieb David Carlson <
> david.carlson.417 at gmail.com>:
>> Boniforti Flavio,
>> First, what version of GnuCash are you using?
>> Second, I have never seen the word Invoice appear during the
>> reconciliation process.  Are you using a business feature called Invoice?
>> Third, AFAIK the reconciliation process only asks for the statement date
>> on the first window.  It does not ask for any other date.  I cannot explain
>> what that other date is for,
>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 5:03 AM Boniforti Flavio <boniforti.f at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm happy with the reconciliation process for my credit card, but now I
>>> noticed the following.
>>> I receive the credit card invoice and the statement is from the
>>> 13.11.2024
>>> (as an example). Therefore I reconcile every transaction up until
>>> 13.11.2024 - which is fine. When I complete the reconciliation process, I
>>> get asked for a date, which is already automatically set to 13.11.2024 -
>>> but here's the "issue": my credit card invoice is not being paid on that
>>> date. It will be paid later on (usually around 27th of the month). So now
>>> my checking account balance in GnuCash does not reflect the real balance,
>>> because it's already deducted the credit card invoice payment (on
>>> 13.11.2024).
>>> Is there a way to correct this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> F.
>>> https://www.instagram.com/boniforti_music
>>> https://soundcloud.com/boniforti_music
>>> https://bonny-j.bandcamp.com
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>> David Carlson

David Carlson

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