[GNC] Problem getting Finance::Quote working

Bruce Schuck bschuck at asgard-systems.com
Mon Jan 6 17:14:25 EST 2025

On 1/6/25 12:50 PM, Kalpesh Patel wrote:

> For AV, I think embedding a single constant API key, which could be
> over ridden with an env var or from GNC, would work equally well as
> opposed to creating a random one. My belief is that when key is not
> valid it is ignored altogether and uses only IP for tracking to
> limit 25/day limit. While the change to provide a random key would
> be trivial, I would be concern with adding another module dependency
> to do so. May be simple like this might suffice:

"My belief is"...

Never assume or "better safe then sorry". I don't have the motivation to 
trying hitting AVs api from 2 or more locations using the same bogus 
key, but I'm a gambling man and would put money on AV enforcing the per 
day limit regardless of source address.

> I been using API from Bank of Italy (https://
> tassidicambio.bancaditalia.it/terzevalute-wf-ui-web/assets/files/
> Operating_Instructions.pdf) in my own custom module and that API
> seems to be fine without need for a API key or any wizardry from
> http.  Good thing about Bank of Italy JSON reply is that it provides
> date for the query of last exchange rate or you can specify a date
> for the exchange rate to get in the request.
Too bad it's only other currencies compared to USD, EUR, or Lira 
depending on which API. Although if it was really needed exchange rates 
for 2 other currencies can be calculated from their current rate 
compared to one of those "base" currencies.

This thread has gone beyond the scope of GnuCash User. This is my last 
response to it.

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