gnucash master: Multiple changes pushed

Christopher Lam clam at
Sat Jan 23 21:19:07 EST 2021

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit ddc86579c0a74fd4ac24a9c0ad0b214e1d4b29ae
Merge: 4ca179c89 6cd21ae9f
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Jan 24 09:25:08 2021 +0800

    Merge branch 'master-remove-deprecated' #855

commit 6cd21ae9fce20a921235d53f193845eca3de4446
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Jan 3 22:13:59 2021 +0800

    [gnc-report.c] remove deprecated functions

diff --git a/gnucash/report/gnc-report.c b/gnucash/report/gnc-report.c
index c8ed10c15..75becf0e8 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/gnc-report.c
+++ b/gnucash/report/gnc-report.c
@@ -234,55 +234,6 @@ gnc_run_report_with_error_handling (gint report_id, gchar ** data, gchar **errms
-static void
-error_handler(const char *str)
-    g_warning("Failure running report: %s", str);
-gnc_run_report (gint report_id, char ** data)
-    SCM scm_text;
-    gchar *str;
-    PWARN ("gnc_run_report is deprecated. use gnc_run_report_with_error_handling instead.");
-    g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
-    *data = NULL;
-    str = g_strdup_printf("(gnc:report-run %d)", report_id);
-    scm_text = gfec_eval_string(str, error_handler);
-    g_free(str);
-    if (scm_text == SCM_UNDEFINED || !scm_is_string (scm_text))
-        return FALSE;
-    *data = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (scm_text);
-    return TRUE;
-gnc_run_report_id_string (const char * id_string, char **data)
-    gint report_id;
-    PWARN ("gnc_run_report_id_string is deprecated. use gnc_run_report_id_string_with_error_handling instead.");
-    g_return_val_if_fail (id_string != NULL, FALSE);
-    g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
-    *data = NULL;
-    if (strncmp ("id=", id_string, 3) != 0)
-        return FALSE;
-    if (sscanf (id_string + 3, "%d", &report_id) != 1)
-        return FALSE;
-    return gnc_run_report (report_id, data);
 gnc_report_name( SCM report )
diff --git a/gnucash/report/gnc-report.h b/gnucash/report/gnc-report.h
index 3641528c3..b0e83dca2 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/gnc-report.h
+++ b/gnucash/report/gnc-report.h
@@ -38,11 +38,9 @@
 void gnc_report_init (void);
-gboolean gnc_run_report (gint report_id, char ** data);
 gboolean gnc_run_report_with_error_handling (gint report_id,
                                              gchar **data,
                                              gchar **errmsg);
-gboolean gnc_run_report_id_string (const char * id_string, char **data);
 gboolean gnc_run_report_id_string_with_error_handling (const char * id_string,
                                                        char **data,
                                                        gchar **errmsg);

commit c5e7406c9fb38025b9f84eb690f10fee1a4453bc
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Jan 1 20:33:31 2021 +0800

    [account.cpp] remove deprecated function

diff --git a/libgnucash/engine/Account.cpp b/libgnucash/engine/Account.cpp
index 090e7d837..6d2bd3b05 100644
--- a/libgnucash/engine/Account.cpp
+++ b/libgnucash/engine/Account.cpp
@@ -3900,27 +3900,6 @@ xaccAccountGetSplitList (const Account *acc)
     return GET_PRIVATE(acc)->splits;
-xaccAccountCountSplits (const Account *acc, gboolean include_children)
-    gint64 nr, i;
-    PWARN ("xaccAccountCountSplits is deprecated and will be removed \
-in GnuCash 5.0. If testing for an empty account, use \
-xaccAccountGetSplitList(account) == NULL instead. To test descendants \
-as well, use gnc_account_and_descendants_empty.");
-    g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc), 0);
-    nr = g_list_length(xaccAccountGetSplitList(acc));
-    if (include_children && (gnc_account_n_children(acc) != 0))
-    {
-        for (i=0; i < gnc_account_n_children(acc); i++)
-        {
-            nr += xaccAccountCountSplits(gnc_account_nth_child(acc, i), TRUE);
-        }
-    }
-    return nr;
 gboolean gnc_account_and_descendants_empty (Account *acc)
diff --git a/libgnucash/engine/Account.h b/libgnucash/engine/Account.h
index 78eff7244..5511392c8 100644
--- a/libgnucash/engine/Account.h
+++ b/libgnucash/engine/Account.h
@@ -1032,18 +1032,6 @@ gboolean xaccAccountIsEquityType(GNCAccountType t);
 SplitList* xaccAccountGetSplitList (const Account *account);
-/** The xaccAccountCountSplits() routine returns the number of all
- *    the splits in the account. xaccAccountCountSplits is O(N). if
- *    testing for emptiness, use xaccAccountGetSplitList != NULL.
- * @param acc the account for which to count the splits
- *
- * @param include_children also count splits in descendants (TRUE) or
- *        for this account only (FALSE).
- */
-gint64 xaccAccountCountSplits (const Account *acc, gboolean include_children);
 /** The xaccAccountMoveAllSplits() routine reassigns each of the splits
  *  in accfrom to accto. */
 void xaccAccountMoveAllSplits (Account *accfrom, Account *accto);

commit ebcb0bc478ec32a0b8160afe3bd6ef8ca656ddbc
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Jan 1 20:30:27 2021 +0800

    [master] remove deprecated scheme functions

diff --git a/bindings/guile/CMakeLists.txt b/bindings/guile/CMakeLists.txt
index b5446b027..f8e32acba 100644
--- a/bindings/guile/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/bindings/guile/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -127,14 +127,6 @@ gnc_add_scheme_targets(scm-engine-2
 add_custom_target(scm-engine ALL DEPENDS scm-engine-2 scm-engine-1 scm-engine-0)
-    gnucash-guile)
-    SOURCES gnc-module.scm
-    OUTPUT_DIR gnucash
-    DEPENDS "${scm_gnc_module_DEPENDS}")
diff --git a/bindings/guile/business-core.scm b/bindings/guile/business-core.scm
index b88acc313..0dd2a9dfd 100644
--- a/bindings/guile/business-core.scm
+++ b/bindings/guile/business-core.scm
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 (export gnc:owner-get-address-dep)
 (export gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep)
 (export gnc:owner-get-owner-id)
-(export gnc:owner-from-split)
 (export gnc:split->owner)
 (define (gnc:owner-get-address owner)
@@ -105,37 +104,9 @@
        (gnc:owner-get-owner-id (gncJobGetOwner (gncOwnerGetJob owner))))
       (else ""))))
-;; this function aims to find a split's owner. various splits are
-;; supported: (1) any splits in the invoice posted transaction, in
-;; APAR or income/expense accounts (2) any splits from invoice's
-;; payments, in APAR or asset/liability accounts. it returns either
-;; the owner or '() if not found. in addition, if owner was found, the
-;; result-owner argument is mutated to it.
-(define (gnc:owner-from-split split result-owner)
-  (define (notnull x) (and (not (null? x)) x))
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:owner-from-split is deprecated in 4.x. use gnc:split->owner instead.")
-  (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-	 (invoice (notnull (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn trans)))
-	 (temp (gncOwnerNew))
-	 (owner (or (and invoice (gncInvoiceGetOwner invoice))
-                    (any
-                     (lambda (split)
-                       (let* ((lot (xaccSplitGetLot split))
-                              (invoice (notnull (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot lot))))
-                         (or (and invoice (gncInvoiceGetOwner invoice))
-                             (and (gncOwnerGetOwnerFromLot lot temp) temp))))
-                     (xaccTransGetSplitList trans)))))
-    (gncOwnerFree temp)
-    (cond (owner (gncOwnerCopy (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner) result-owner)
-                 result-owner)
-          (else  '()))))
-;; optimized from above, and simpler: does not search all transaction
-;; splits. It will allocate and memoize (cache) the owners because
-;; gncOwnerGetOwnerFromLot is slow. after use, it must be called with
-;; #f to free the owners.
+;; this function aims to find a split's owner. It will allocate and
+;; memoize (cache) the owners because gncOwnerGetOwnerFromLot is
+;; slow. after use, it must be called with #f to free the owners.
 (define gnc:split->owner
   (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
     (lambda (split)
diff --git a/bindings/guile/engine.scm b/bindings/guile/engine.scm
index 18656abed..651296869 100644
--- a/bindings/guile/engine.scm
+++ b/bindings/guile/engine.scm
@@ -31,33 +31,3 @@
                    (gnucash engine commodity-table)
                    (gnucash engine gnc-numeric))
-(export gnc:account-map-descendants)
-(export gnc:account-map-children)
-(export account-full-name<?)
-(export accounts-get-children-depth)
-;; A few account related utility functions which used to be in engine-utilities.scm
-(define (gnc:account-map-descendants thunk account)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:account-map-descendants is deprecated.")
-  (map thunk (or (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted account) '())))
-(define (gnc:account-map-children thunk account)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:account-map-children is deprecated.")
-  (map thunk (or (gnc-account-get-children-sorted account) '())))
-;; account related functions
-;; helper for sorting of account list
-(define (account-full-name<? a b)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "account-full-name<? is deprecated. use gnc:account-full-name<? instead.")
-  (string<? (gnc-account-get-full-name a) (gnc-account-get-full-name b)))
-;; return maximum depth over accounts and their children, if any
-(define (accounts-get-children-depth accounts)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "accounts-get-children-depth is deprecated. use \
-gnc:accounts-get-children-depth instead.")
-  (1- (apply max
-             (map (lambda (acct)
-                    (+ (gnc-account-get-current-depth acct)
-                       (gnc-account-get-tree-depth acct)))
-                  accounts))))
diff --git a/bindings/guile/gnc-module.scm b/bindings/guile/gnc-module.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 883a094dd..000000000
--- a/bindings/guile/gnc-module.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-;;;  gnc-module.scm
-;;;  Guile module which allows initialization of the gnucash module
-;;;  system from Scheme 
-;;;  Copyright 2001 Linux Developers Group
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash gnc-module))
-(use-modules (ice-9 match))
-(define (deprecate . lst)
-  ;; 4.x deprecation. remove in 5.x
-  (issue-deprecation-warning (string-concatenate lst)))
-(define (no-op-deprecation-warning)
-  (deprecate "* WARNING * Guile wrappers for the gnc module system have been \
-deprecated. This particular function call is now a no-op. Please use \
-equivalent (use-modules ...) calls instead."))
-(define-public gnc:module-system-init no-op-deprecation-warning)
-(define-public gnc:module-system-refresh no-op-deprecation-warning)
-(define-public gnc:module-load-optional no-op-deprecation-warning)
-(define-public gnc:module-unload no-op-deprecation-warning)
-(define-public (gnc:module-load gnc-mod-name mod-sys-version)
-  (let* ((mod-name-split (string-split gnc-mod-name #\/))
-         (mod-name-str (string-join mod-name-split " "))
-         (scm-mod-name (map string->symbol mod-name-split)))
-    (match gnc-mod-name
-      ("gnucash/app-utils"
-       (deprecate "* WARNING * 'gnc:module-load (\"gnucash/app-utils\" 0)' has \
-been deprecated and will be removed in gnucash 5.0. Use '(use-modules (gnucash \
-engine) (gnucash app-utils))' instead. Use of the '(gnucash engine)' guile \
-module is optional and depends on whether or not you use functions from \
-this module in your code or not.")
-       (use-modules (gnucash engine) (gnucash app-utils)))
-      ((or "gnucash/tax/de_DE" "gnucash/tax/us")
-       (set! scm-mod-name `(gnucash locale ,(list-ref scm-mod-name 2) tax))
-       (set! mod-name-str (string-join (map symbol->string scm-mod-name) " "))
-       (deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"" gnc-mod-name "\" 0)' has \
-been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (" mod-name-str "))' instead.")
-       (module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name)))
-      ((or "gnucash/gnome-utils" "gnucash/report/report-system")
-       (when (string=? gnc-mod-name "gnucash/report/report-system")
-         (set! mod-name-str "gnucash report"))
-       (set! scm-mod-name '(gnucash report))
-       (deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"" gnc-mod-name "\" 0)' has \
-been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (gnucash engine) (gnucash app-utils) \
-(" mod-name-str "))' instead. Use of the '(gnucash engine)' or \
-'(gnucash app-utils)' guile modules is optional and depends on whether \
-or not you use functions from this module in your code or not.")
-       (use-modules (gnucash engine) (gnucash app-utils))
-       (module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name)))
-      ("gnucash/html"
-       (deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"gnucash/html\" 0)' has \
-been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (gnucash html))' instead.")
-       (use-modules (gnucash html))
-       (module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name)))
-      (_ (deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"" gnc-mod-name "\" 0)' \
-has been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (" mod-name-str "))' instead. \
-Additional guile modules may have to be loaded depending on your specific code.")
-       (module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name))))))
diff --git a/bindings/guile/test/CMakeLists.txt b/bindings/guile/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 9382136c9..0791d791b 100644
--- a/bindings/guile/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/bindings/guile/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ set(bindings_test_SCHEME
 #list(APPEND engine_test_SCHEME  test-scm-query-import.scm) Fails
-    scm-gnc-module
@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ set(test_scm_SCHEME
-    scm-gnc-module
diff --git a/bindings/guile/test/test-business-core.scm b/bindings/guile/test/test-business-core.scm
index 9cd0731d1..725459f31 100644
--- a/bindings/guile/test/test-business-core.scm
+++ b/bindings/guile/test/test-business-core.scm
@@ -242,57 +242,4 @@
     (env-transfer env 01 01 1990
                   (get-acct "Income-GBP") (get-acct "Bank-GBP") 10)
-    (let ((new-owner (gncOwnerNew)))
-      (test-equal "new-owner is initially empty"
-        ""
-        (gncOwnerGetName new-owner))
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (from AR) return"
-        "cust-1-name"
-        (gncOwnerGetName
-         (gnc:owner-from-split
-          (last (xaccAccountGetSplitList (get-acct "AR-USD")))
-          new-owner)))
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (from AR) mutated"
-        "cust-1-name"
-        (gncOwnerGetName new-owner))
-      (set! new-owner (gncOwnerNew))
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (from inc-acct) return"
-        "cust-1-name"
-        (gncOwnerGetName
-         (gnc:owner-from-split
-          (last (xaccAccountGetSplitList (get-acct "Income-USD")))
-          new-owner)))
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (from inc-acct) mutated"
-        "cust-1-name"
-        (gncOwnerGetName new-owner))
-      (set! new-owner (gncOwnerNew))
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (from payment txn) return"
-        "cust-1-name"
-        (gncOwnerGetName
-         (gnc:owner-from-split
-          (last (xaccAccountGetSplitList (get-acct "Bank-USD")))
-          new-owner)))
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (from payment txn) mutated"
-        "cust-1-name"
-        (gncOwnerGetName new-owner))
-      (set! new-owner 'reset)
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (non-business split) return"
-        ""
-        (gncOwnerGetName
-         (gnc:owner-from-split
-          (last (xaccAccountGetSplitList (get-acct "Bank-GBP")))
-          new-owner)))
-      (test-equal "gnc:owner-from-split (non-business split) mutated"
-        'reset
-        new-owner))
diff --git a/bindings/guile/test/test-scm-utilities.scm b/bindings/guile/test/test-scm-utilities.scm
index 660767f2c..8da44aaf4 100644
--- a/bindings/guile/test/test-scm-utilities.scm
+++ b/bindings/guile/test/test-scm-utilities.scm
@@ -34,35 +34,6 @@
     (gnc:substring-replace "foobarfoobar" "bar" "xyz"))
-  ;; note the following 2 tests illustrate code behaviour: start from
-  ;; 2nd matched substring, and perform either 2 or 1 substitution.
-  (test-equal "gnc:substring-replace-from-to ... ... 2 2"
-    "foobarfooxyzfooxyz"
-    (gnc:substring-replace-from-to "foobarfoobarfoobar" "bar" "xyz" 2 2))
-  (test-equal "gnc:substring-replace-from-to ... ... 2 1"
-    "foobarfooxyzfoobar"
-    (gnc:substring-replace-from-to "foobarfoobarfoobar" "bar" "xyz" 2 1))
-  ;; comprehensive test suite for gnc:substring-replace-from-to:
-  (test-equal "gnc:substring-replace-from-to ... ... 2 1"
-    "foo xxx foo foo foo foo foo foo"
-    (gnc:substring-replace-from-to
-     "foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo"
-     "foo" "xxx" 2 1))
-  (test-equal "gnc:substring-replace-from-to ... ... 1 1"
-    "xxx foo foo foo foo foo foo foo"
-    (gnc:substring-replace-from-to
-     "foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo"
-     "foo" "xxx" 1 1))
-  (test-equal "gnc:substring-replace-from-to ... ... 4 -1"
-    "foo foo foo xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx"
-    (gnc:substring-replace-from-to
-     "foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo"
-     "foo" "xxx" 4 -1))
   (test-end "substring-replace"))
 (define (test-sort-and-delete-duplicates)
diff --git a/bindings/guile/utilities.scm b/bindings/guile/utilities.scm
index ad0852a4a..4aaaab256 100644
--- a/bindings/guile/utilities.scm
+++ b/bindings/guile/utilities.scm
@@ -124,26 +124,6 @@
 (define (gnc:substring-replace s1 s2 s3)
   (string-replace-substring s1 s2 s3))
-;;  gnc:substring-replace-from-to
-;;  same as gnc:substring-replace extended by:
-;;  start: from which occurrence onwards the replacement shall start
-;;  end-after: max. number times the replacement should executed
-;;  Example: (gnc:substring-replace-from-to "foobarfoobarfoobar" "bar" "xyz" 2 1)
-;;           returns "foobarfooxyzfoobar".
-;; start=1 and end-after<=0 will call gnc:substring-replace (replace all)
-;; start>1 and end-after<=0 will the replace from "start" until end of file
-(define (gnc:substring-replace-from-to s1 s2 s3 start end-after)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:substring-replace-from-to is deprecated in 4.x.")
-  (string-replace-substring
-   s1 s2 s3 0 (string-length s1) (max 0 (1- start))
-   (and (positive? end-after) (+ (max 0 (1- start)) (1- end-after)))))
 ;; function to sanitize strings. the resulting string can be safely
 ;; added to html.
diff --git a/gnucash/report/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/CMakeLists.txt
index a2da0f785..d41b6fe30 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -53,12 +53,8 @@ set (report_SCHEME_1
-    html-barchart.scm
-    html-piechart.scm
-    html-scatter.scm
-    html-linechart.scm
diff --git a/gnucash/report/eguile-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/eguile-utilities.scm
index 01c908405..1b0a31bb7 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/eguile-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/eguile-utilities.scm
@@ -41,40 +41,6 @@
 (define-public fmtnumeric
   (compose fmtnumber exact->inexact))
-(define-public (gnc-monetary-neg? monetary)
-  ;; return true if the monetary value is negative
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc-monetary-neg? is deprecated")
-  (negative? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary)))
-;; 'Safe' versions of cdr and cadr that don't crash
-;; if the list is empty  (is there a better way?)
-(define-public safe-cdr
-  ;; deprecate
-  (match-lambda
-    ((_ . x) x)
-    (_ '())))
-(define-public safe-cadr
-  ;; deprecate
-  (match-lambda
-    ((_ x . y) x)
-    (_ '())))
-; deprecated - use find-stylesheet or find-template instead
-(define-public (find-file fname)
-  ;; Find the file 'fname', and return its full path.
-  ;; First look in the user's .config/gnucash directory.
-  ;; Then look in Gnucash's standard report directory.
-  ;; If no file is found, returns just 'fname' for use in error messages.
-  (let* ((stylesheetpath (find-stylesheet fname))
-         (templatepath  (find-template fname)))
-    ; make sure there's a trailing delimiter
-      (issue-deprecation-warning "find-file is deprecated in 4.x. Please use find-stylesheet or find-template instead.")
-      (cond
-       ((access? stylesheetpath R_OK) stylesheetpath)
-       ((access? templatepath R_OK) templatepath)
-       (else fname))))
 (define (find-internal ftype fname)
   ;; Find the file fname', and return its full path.
   ;; First look in the user's .config/gnucash directory.
@@ -101,26 +67,3 @@
   ;; If no file is found, returns just 'fname' for use in error messages.
   (find-internal "templates" fname))
-;; Define syntax for more readable for loops (the built-in for-each
-;; requires an explicit lambda and has the list expression all the way
-;; at the end).  Note: deprecated in 4.x, removal in 5.x. this syntax
-;; is pythonic rather than lispy, is not recognized by code
-;; highlighters, and is not necessary to seasoned schemers.
-(export for)
-(define-syntax for
-  (syntax-rules (for in do)
-    ;; Multiple variables and equal number of lists (in
-    ;; parenthesis). e.g.:
-    ;;   (for (a b) in (lsta lstb) do (display (+ a b)))
-    ;; Note that this template must be defined before the
-    ;; next one, since the template are evaluated in-order.
-    ((for (<var> ...) in (<list> ...) do <expr> ...)
-     (begin
-       (issue-deprecation-warning "for loops are deprecated. use for-each instead.")
-       (for-each (lambda (<var> ...) <expr> ...) <list> ...)))
-    ;; Single variable and list. e.g.: (for a in lst do (display a))
-    ((for <var> in <list> do <expr> ...)
-     (begin
-       (issue-deprecation-warning "for loops are deprecated. use for-each instead.")
-       (for-each (lambda (<var>) <expr> ...) <list>)))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/html-barchart.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index ea3b72ec7..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/html-barchart.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-;; html-barchart.scm : generate HTML programmatically, with support
-;; for simple style elements. 
-;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report html-barchart))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-chart)
-             (gnucash report report-utilities))
-(export <html-barchart>)
-(export gnc:html-barchart? )
-(export gnc:make-html-barchart-internal)
-(export gnc:make-html-barchart)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-data)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-data!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-width)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-width!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-height)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-height!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-x-axis-label)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-x-axis-label!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-y-axis-label)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-y-axis-label!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-row-labels)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-row-labels-rotated?)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels-rotated?!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-stacked?)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-stacked?!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-col-labels)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-col-labels!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-col-colors)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-col-colors!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-legend-reversed?)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-legend-reversed?!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-title)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-title!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-subtitle)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-subtitle!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-button-1-bar-urls)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-bar-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-button-2-bar-urls)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-bar-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-button-3-bar-urls)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-bar-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-button-1-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-button-2-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-button-3-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-append-row!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-prepend-row!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-append-column!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-prepend-column!)
-(export gnc:html-barchart-render barchart)
-(define <html-barchart>
-  (make-record-type '<html-barchart>
-                    '(width 
-                      height 
-                      title 
-                      subtitle 
-                      x-axis-label
-                      y-axis-label
-                      col-labels
-                      row-labels 
-                      col-colors 
-		      legend-reversed?
-                      row-labels-rotated?
-		      stacked?
-                      data
-		      button-1-bar-urls
-                      button-2-bar-urls 
-		      button-3-bar-urls
-		      button-1-legend-urls
-                      button-2-legend-urls 
-		      button-3-legend-urls)))
-(define-syntax-rule (gnc:guard-html-chart api)
-  ;; this macro applied to old html-bar/line/scatter/pie apis will
-  ;; guard a report writer from passing html-chart objects. this
-  ;; should be removed in 5.x series.
-  (let ((old-api api))
-    (set! api
-      (lambda args
-        (if (and (pair? args) (gnc:html-chart? (car args)))
-            (gnc:warn "using old-api " (procedure-name api) " on html-chart object. set options via gnc:html-chart-set! or its shortcuts gnc:html-chart-set-title! etc, and set data via gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! see sample-graphs.scm for examples.")
-            (apply old-api args))))))
-(define gnc:html-barchart? 
-  (record-predicate <html-barchart>))
-;;  <html-barchart> class
-;;  generate the <object> form for a barchart. 
-(define gnc:make-html-barchart-internal
-  (record-constructor <html-barchart>))
-(define (gnc:make-html-barchart)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "(gnc:make-html-barchart) is deprecated in 4.x. use gnc:make-html-chart instead.")
-  (gnc:make-html-barchart-internal '(pixels . -1) '(pixels . -1) #f #f #f #f '() '() '() 
-				   #f #f #f '() #f #f #f #f #f #f))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-data
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-data!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-width
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-width!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-height
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-height!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-x-axis-label
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'x-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-x-axis-label!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'x-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-y-axis-label
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'y-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-y-axis-label!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'y-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-row-labels
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'row-labels))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'row-labels))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-row-labels-rotated?
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'row-labels-rotated?))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels-rotated?!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'row-labels-rotated?))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-stacked?
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'stacked?))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-stacked?!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'stacked?))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-col-labels
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'col-labels))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-col-labels!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'col-labels))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-col-colors
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'col-colors))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-col-colors!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'col-colors))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-legend-reversed?
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'legend-reversed?))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-legend-reversed?!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'legend-reversed?))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-title
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-title!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-subtitle
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'subtitle))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-subtitle!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'subtitle))
-;; Note: ATM you can specify one url per column, but this url will be
-;; used for all of the rows. Otherwise we could have cols*rows urls
-;; (quite a lot), but this first requires fixing
-;; guppi_bar_1_callback() in gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c .
-;; FIXME url's haven't been working since GnuCash 1.x
-;;       GnuCash 2.x switched from guppy to goffice, which
-;;       made it very hard to remain the url functionality
-;;       At this point I (gjanssens) is in the process of
-;;       moving from goffice to jqplot for our charts
-;;       which perhaps may allow urls again in the charts
-;;       I'm keeping the parameters below around to remind
-;;       us this still has to be investigated again
-(define gnc:html-barchart-button-1-bar-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'button-1-bar-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-bar-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'button-1-bar-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-button-2-bar-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'button-2-bar-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-bar-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'button-2-bar-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-button-3-bar-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'button-3-bar-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-bar-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'button-3-bar-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-button-1-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-button-2-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-button-3-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-barchart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-barchart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
-(define (gnc:html-barchart-append-row! barchart newrow)
-  (let ((dd (gnc:html-barchart-data barchart)))
-    (set! dd (append dd (list newrow)))
-    (gnc:html-barchart-set-data! barchart dd)))
-(define (gnc:html-barchart-prepend-row! barchart newrow)
-  (let ((dd (gnc:html-barchart-data barchart)))
-    (set! dd (cons newrow dd))
-    (gnc:html-barchart-set-data! barchart dd)))
-(define (gnc:html-barchart-append-column! barchart newcol)
-  (let ((colnum 0)
-        (rownum 0)
-        (rows (gnc:html-barchart-data barchart))
-        (this-row #f)
-        (new-row #f))
-    ;; find out how many cols are already there in the deepest row
-    (for-each 
-     (lambda (row)
-       (let ((l (length row)))
-         (if (> l colnum)
-             (set! colnum l))))
-     rows)
-    ;; append the elements of 'newrow' to the rowumns 
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (newelt)
-       ;; find the row, or append one 
-       (if (not (null? rows))
-           (begin
-             (set! new-row #f)
-             (set! this-row (car rows))
-             (if (null? (cdr rows))
-                 (set! rows #f)                
-                 (set! rows (cdr rows))))
-           (begin 
-             (set! new-row #t)
-             (set! this-row '())))
-       ;; make sure the rowumn is long enough, then append the data 
-       (let loop ((l (length this-row))
-                  (r (reverse this-row)))
-         (if (< l colnum)
-             (loop (+ l 1) (cons #f r))
-             (set! this-row 
-                   (reverse (cons newelt r)))))
-       (if new-row
-           (gnc:html-barchart-append-row! barchart this-row)
-           (list-set! (gnc:html-barchart-data barchart) rownum this-row))
-       (set! rownum (+ 1 rownum)))
-     newcol)))
-(define (gnc:html-barchart-prepend-column! barchart newcol)
-  (let ((rows (gnc:html-barchart-data barchart))
-        (this-row #f)
-        (new-row #f)
-        (rownum 0))
-    (for-each 
-     (lambda (elt)
-       (if (not (null? rows))
-           (begin 
-             (set! new-row #f)
-             (set! this-row (car rows))
-             (if (null? (cdr rows))
-                 (set! rows #f)                
-                 (set! rows (cdr rows))))
-           (begin 
-             (set! new-row #t)
-             (set! this-row '())))
-       (if new-row
-           (gnc:html-barchart-append-row! barchart (list elt))
-           (list-set! (gnc:html-barchart-data barchart) rownum
-                      (cons elt this-row)))
-       (set! rownum (+ 1 rownum)))
-     newcol)))
-(define (gnc:html-barchart-render barchart doc)
-  (let* ((chart (gnc:make-html-chart))
-         (data (gnc:html-barchart-data barchart)))
-    (cond
-     ((and (pair? data) (gnc:not-all-zeros data))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-type! chart 'bar)
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-width! chart (gnc:html-barchart-width barchart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-height! chart (gnc:html-barchart-height barchart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-data-labels! chart (gnc:html-barchart-row-labels barchart))
-      (for-each
-       (lambda (label series color)
-         (gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! chart label series color))
-       (gnc:html-barchart-col-labels barchart)
-       data
-       (gnc:html-barchart-col-colors barchart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-title! chart (list
-                                        (gnc:html-barchart-title barchart)
-                                        (gnc:html-barchart-subtitle barchart)))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-stacking?! chart (gnc:html-barchart-stacked? barchart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-render chart doc))
-     (else
-      (gnc:warn "null-data, not rendering barchart")
-      ""))))
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-data)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-data!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-width)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-width!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-height)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-height!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-x-axis-label)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-x-axis-label!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-y-axis-label)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-y-axis-label!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-row-labels)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-row-labels-rotated?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels-rotated?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-stacked?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-stacked?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-col-labels)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-col-labels!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-col-colors)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-col-colors!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-legend-reversed?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-legend-reversed?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-title)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-title!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-subtitle)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-subtitle!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-button-1-bar-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-bar-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-button-2-bar-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-bar-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-button-3-bar-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-bar-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-button-1-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-button-2-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-button-3-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-append-row!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-prepend-row!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-append-column!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-prepend-column!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-barchart-render)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-document.scm b/gnucash/report/html-document.scm
index fa34e0c5f..48a62dbdf 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/html-document.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/html-document.scm
@@ -25,11 +25,7 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash html))
 (use-modules (gnucash report html-anytag))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-barchart))
 (use-modules (gnucash report html-chart))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-linechart))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-piechart))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-scatter))
 (use-modules (gnucash report html-style-info))
 (use-modules (gnucash report html-style-sheet))
 (use-modules (gnucash report html-table))
@@ -368,18 +364,6 @@
    ((gnc:html-table-cell? obj)
     (gnc:make-html-object-internal gnc:html-table-cell-render obj))
-   ((gnc:html-barchart? obj)
-    (gnc:make-html-object-internal gnc:html-barchart-render obj))
-   ((gnc:html-piechart? obj)
-    (gnc:make-html-object-internal gnc:html-piechart-render obj))
-   ((gnc:html-scatter? obj)
-    (gnc:make-html-object-internal gnc:html-scatter-render obj))
-   ((gnc:html-linechart? obj)
-    (gnc:make-html-object-internal gnc:html-linechart-render obj))
    ((gnc:html-object? obj)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-linechart.scm b/gnucash/report/html-linechart.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index b4652e4b7..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/html-linechart.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-;; html-linechart.scm : generate HTML programmatically, with support
-;; for simple style elements.
-;; Copyright 2008 Sven Henkel <shenkel at>
-;; Adapted from html-barchart.scm which is
-;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report html-linechart))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-chart)
-             (gnucash report report-utilities))
-(export <html-linechart>)
-(export gnc:html-linechart? )
-(export gnc:make-html-linechart-internal)
-(export gnc:make-html-linechart)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-data)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-data!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-width)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-width!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-height)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-height!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-x-axis-label)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-x-axis-label!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-y-axis-label)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-row-labels)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-row-labels-rotated?)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-stacked?)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-markers?)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-markers?!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-major-grid?)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-major-grid?!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-minor-grid?)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-minor-grid?!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-col-labels)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-col-colors)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-legend-reversed?)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-title)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-title!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-subtitle)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-button-1-line-urls)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-button-2-line-urls)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-line-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-button-3-line-urls)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-line-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-button-1-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-button-2-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-button-3-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-append-row!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-prepend-row!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-append-column!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-prepend-column!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-render linechart)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-set-line-width!)
-(export gnc:html-linechart-line-width)
-(define <html-linechart>
-  (make-record-type '<html-linechart>
-                    '(width
-                      height
-                      title
-                      subtitle
-                      x-axis-label
-                      y-axis-label
-                      col-labels
-                      row-labels
-                      col-colors
-                      legend-reversed?
-                      row-labels-rotated?
-                      stacked?
-                      markers?
-                      major-grid?
-                      minor-grid?
-                      data
-                      button-1-line-urls
-                      button-2-line-urls
-                      button-3-line-urls
-                      button-1-legend-urls
-                      button-2-legend-urls
-                      button-3-legend-urls
-                      line-width)))
-(define-syntax-rule (gnc:guard-html-chart api)
-  ;; this macro applied to old html-bar/line/scatter/pie apis will
-  ;; guard a report writer from passing html-chart objects. this
-  ;; should be removed in 5.x series.
-  (let ((old-api api))
-    (set! api
-      (lambda args
-        (if (and (pair? args) (gnc:html-chart? (car args)))
-            (gnc:warn "using old-api " (procedure-name api) " on html-chart object. set options via gnc:html-chart-set! or its shortcuts gnc:html-chart-set-title! etc, and set data via gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! see sample-graphs.scm for examples.")
-            (apply old-api args))))))
-(define gnc:html-linechart?
-  (record-predicate <html-linechart>))
-;;  <html-linechart> class
-;;  generate the <object> form for a linechart.
-(define gnc:make-html-linechart-internal
-  (record-constructor <html-linechart>))
-(define (gnc:make-html-linechart)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "(gnc:make-html-linechart) is deprecated in 4.x. use gnc:make-html-chart instead.")
-  (gnc:make-html-linechart-internal
-    '(pixels . -1)  ;;width
-    '(pixels . -1)  ;;height
-    #f   ;;title
-    #f   ;;subtitle
-    #f   ;;x-axis-label
-    #f   ;;y-axis-label
-    '()  ;;col-labels
-    '()  ;;row-labels
-    '()  ;;col-colors
-    #f   ;;legend-reversed?
-    #f   ;;row-labels-rotated?
-    #f   ;;stacked?
-    #t   ;;markers?
-    #t   ;;major-grid?
-    #t   ;;minor-grid?
-    '()  ;;data
-    #f   ;;button-1-line-urls
-    #f   ;;button-2-line-urls
-    #f   ;;button-3-line-urls
-    #f   ;;button-1-legend-urls
-    #f   ;;button-2-legend-urls
-    #f   ;;button-3-legend-urls
-    1.5  ;;line-width
-  )
-(define gnc:html-linechart-data
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-data!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-width
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-width!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-height
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-height!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-x-axis-label
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'x-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-x-axis-label!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'x-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-y-axis-label
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'y-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'y-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-row-labels
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'row-labels))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'row-labels))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-row-labels-rotated?
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'row-labels-rotated?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'row-labels-rotated?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-stacked?
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'stacked?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'stacked?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-markers?
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'markers?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-markers?!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'markers?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-major-grid?
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'major-grid?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-major-grid?!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'major-grid?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-minor-grid?
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'minor-grid?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-minor-grid?!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'minor-grid?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-col-labels
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'col-labels))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'col-labels))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-col-colors
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'col-colors))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'col-colors))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-legend-reversed?
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'legend-reversed?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'legend-reversed?))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-title
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-title!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-subtitle
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'subtitle))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'subtitle))
-;; Note: ATM you can specify one url per column, but this url will be
-;; used for all of the rows. Otherwise we could have cols*rows urls
-;; (quite a lot), but this first requires fixing
-;; guppi_line_1_callback() in gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c .
-;; FIXME url's haven't been working since GnuCash 1.x
-;;       GnuCash 2.x switched from guppy to goffice, which
-;;       made it very hard to remain the url functionality
-;;       At this point I (gjanssens) is in the process of
-;;       moving from goffice to jqplot for our charts
-;;       which perhaps may allow urls again in the charts
-;;       I'm keeping the parameters below around to remind
-;;       us this still has to be investigated again
-(define gnc:html-linechart-button-1-line-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-1-line-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-1-line-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-button-2-line-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-2-line-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-line-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-2-line-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-button-3-line-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-3-line-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-line-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-3-line-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-button-1-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-button-2-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-button-3-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-line-width
-  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'line-width))
-(define gnc:html-linechart-set-line-width!
-  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'line-width))
-(define (gnc:html-linechart-append-row! linechart newrow)
-  (let ((dd (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart)))
-    (set! dd (append dd (list newrow)))
-    (gnc:html-linechart-set-data! linechart dd)))
-(define (gnc:html-linechart-prepend-row! linechart newrow)
-  (let ((dd (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart)))
-    (set! dd (cons newrow dd))
-    (gnc:html-linechart-set-data! linechart dd)))
-(define (gnc:html-linechart-append-column! linechart newcol)
-  (let ((colnum 0)
-        (rownum 0)
-        (rows (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart))
-        (this-row #f)
-        (new-row #f))
-    ;; find out how many cols are already there in the deepest row
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (row)
-       (let ((l (length row)))
-         (if (> l colnum)
-             (set! colnum l))))
-     rows)
-    ;; append the elements of 'newrow' to the rowumns
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (newelt)
-       ;; find the row, or append one
-       (if (not (null? rows))
-           (begin
-             (set! new-row #f)
-             (set! this-row (car rows))
-             (if (null? (cdr rows))
-                 (set! rows #f)
-                 (set! rows (cdr rows))))
-           (begin
-             (set! new-row #t)
-             (set! this-row '())))
-       ;; make sure the rowumn is long enough, then append the data
-       (let loop ((l (length this-row))
-                  (r (reverse this-row)))
-         (if (< l colnum)
-             (loop (+ l 1) (cons #f r))
-             (set! this-row
-                   (reverse (cons newelt r)))))
-       (if new-row
-           (gnc:html-linechart-append-row! linechart this-row)
-           (list-set! (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart) rownum this-row))
-       (set! rownum (+ 1 rownum)))
-     newcol)))
-(define (gnc:html-linechart-prepend-column! linechart newcol)
-  (let ((rows (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart))
-        (this-row #f)
-        (new-row #f)
-        (rownum 0))
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (elt)
-       (if (not (null? rows))
-           (begin
-             (set! new-row #f)
-             (set! this-row (car rows))
-             (if (null? (cdr rows))
-                 (set! rows #f)
-                 (set! rows (cdr rows))))
-           (begin
-             (set! new-row #t)
-             (set! this-row '())))
-       (if new-row
-           (gnc:html-linechart-append-row! linechart (list elt))
-           (list-set! (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart) rownum
-                      (cons elt this-row)))
-       (set! rownum (+ 1 rownum)))
-     newcol)))
-(define (gnc:html-linechart-render linechart doc)
-  (let* ((chart (gnc:make-html-chart))
-         (data (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart))
-         (line-width (gnc:html-linechart-line-width linechart))
-         (radius (if (gnc:html-linechart-markers? linechart) 3 0)))
-    (cond
-     ((and (pair? data) (gnc:not-all-zeros data))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-type! chart 'line)
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-width! chart (gnc:html-linechart-width linechart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-height! chart (gnc:html-linechart-height linechart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-data-labels! chart (gnc:html-linechart-row-labels linechart))
-      (for-each
-       (lambda (label series color)
-         (gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! chart label series color
-                                          'borderWidth line-width
-                                          'pointRadius radius
-                                          'fill #f))
-       (gnc:html-linechart-col-labels linechart)
-       (apply zip data)
-       (gnc:html-linechart-col-colors linechart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-title! chart (list
-                                        (gnc:html-linechart-title linechart)
-                                        (gnc:html-linechart-subtitle linechart)))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-stacking?! chart (gnc:html-linechart-stacked? linechart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-render chart doc))
-     (else
-      (gnc:warn "null-data, not rendering linechart")
-      ""))))
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-data)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-data!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-width)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-width!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-height)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-height!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-x-axis-label)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-x-axis-label!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-y-axis-label)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-row-labels)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-row-labels-rotated?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-stacked?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-markers?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-markers?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-major-grid?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-major-grid?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-minor-grid?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-minor-grid?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-col-labels)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-col-colors)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-legend-reversed?)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-title)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-title!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-subtitle)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-button-1-line-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-button-2-line-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-line-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-button-3-line-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-line-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-button-1-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-button-2-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-button-3-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-append-row!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-prepend-row!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-append-column!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-prepend-column!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-render)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-set-line-width!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-linechart-line-width)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-piechart.scm b/gnucash/report/html-piechart.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 103dce3f5..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/html-piechart.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-;; html-piechart.scm : generate HTML programmatically, with support
-;; for simple style elements. 
-;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report html-piechart))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-chart)
-             (gnucash report report-utilities))
-(export <html-piechart>)
-(export gnc:html-piechart?)
-(export gnc:make-html-piechart-internal)
-(export gnc:make-html-piechart)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-data)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-data!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-width)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-width!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-height)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-height!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-labels)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-labels!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-colors)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-colors!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-title)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-title!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-subtitle)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-subtitle!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-button-1-slice-urls)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-slice-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-button-2-slice-urls)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-slice-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-button-3-slice-urls)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-slice-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-button-1-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-button-2-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-button-3-legend-urls)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
-(export gnc:html-piechart-render)
-(define <html-piechart>
-  (make-record-type '<html-piechart>
-                    '(width
-                      height
-                      title
-                      subtitle
-                      data
-                      colors
-                      labels
-                      button-1-slice-urls
-                      button-2-slice-urls 
-                      button-3-slice-urls
-                      button-1-legend-urls
-                      button-2-legend-urls 
-                      button-3-legend-urls)))
-(define gnc:html-piechart? 
-  (record-predicate <html-piechart>))
-(define-syntax-rule (gnc:guard-html-chart api)
-  ;; this macro applied to old html-bar/line/scatter/pie apis will
-  ;; guard a report writer from passing html-chart objects. this
-  ;; should be removed in 5.x series.
-  (let ((old-api api))
-    (set! api
-      (lambda args
-        (if (and (pair? args) (gnc:html-chart? (car args)))
-            (gnc:warn "using old-api " (procedure-name api) " on html-chart object. set options via gnc:html-chart-set! or its shortcuts gnc:html-chart-set-title! etc, and set data via gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! see sample-graphs.scm for examples.")
-            (apply old-api args))))))
-;;  <html-piechart> class
-;;  generate the <object> form for a piechart. 
-(define gnc:make-html-piechart-internal
-  (record-constructor <html-piechart>))
-(define (gnc:make-html-piechart)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "(gnc:make-html-piechart) is deprecated in 4.x. use gnc:make-html-chart instead.")
-  (gnc:make-html-piechart-internal '(pixels . -1) '(pixels . -1) #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-data
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-data!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-width
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-width!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-height
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-height!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-labels
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'labels))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-labels!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'labels))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-colors
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'colors))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-colors!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'colors))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-title
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-title!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-subtitle
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'subtitle))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-subtitle!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'subtitle))
-;; FIXME url's haven't been working since GnuCash 1.x
-;;       GnuCash 2.x switched from guppy to goffice, which
-;;       made it very hard to remain the url functionality
-;;       At this point I (gjanssens) is in the process of
-;;       moving from goffice to jqplot for our charts
-;;       which perhaps may allow urls again in the charts
-;;       I'm keeping the parameters below around to remind
-;;       us this still has to be investigated again
-(define gnc:html-piechart-button-1-slice-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'button-1-slice-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-slice-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'button-1-slice-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-button-2-slice-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'button-2-slice-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-slice-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'button-2-slice-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-button-3-slice-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'button-3-slice-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-slice-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'button-3-slice-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-button-1-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-button-2-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-button-3-legend-urls
-  (record-accessor <html-piechart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
-(define gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!
-  (record-modifier <html-piechart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
-(define (gnc:html-piechart-render piechart doc)
-  (let* ((chart (gnc:make-html-chart))
-         (title (gnc:html-piechart-title piechart))
-         (subtitle (gnc:html-piechart-subtitle piechart))
-         (data  (gnc:html-piechart-data piechart))
-         (colors (gnc:html-piechart-colors piechart)))
-    (cond
-     ((and (pair? data) (gnc:not-all-zeros data))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-type! chart 'pie)
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-axes-display! chart #f)
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-width! chart (gnc:html-piechart-width piechart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-height! chart (gnc:html-piechart-height piechart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-data-labels! chart (gnc:html-piechart-labels piechart))
-      (gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! chart "" data colors)
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-title! chart (list title subtitle))
-      (gnc:html-chart-render chart doc))
-     (else
-      (gnc:warn "null-data, not rendering piechart")
-      ""))))
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-data)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-data!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-width)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-width!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-height)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-height!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-labels)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-labels!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-colors)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-colors!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-title)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-title!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-subtitle)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-subtitle!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-button-1-slice-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-slice-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-button-2-slice-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-slice-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-button-3-slice-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-slice-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-button-1-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-button-2-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-button-3-legend-urls)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-piechart-render)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-scatter.scm b/gnucash/report/html-scatter.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f6f38c0..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/html-scatter.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-;; html-scatter.scm : generate HTML programmatically, with support
-;; for simple style elements. 
-;; Copyright 2001 Christian Stimming <stimming at>
-;; Adapted from html-barchart.scm which is 
-;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report html-scatter))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (gnucash report html-chart)
-             (gnucash report report-utilities))
-(export <html-scatter>)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-add-datapoint!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-data)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-height)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-marker)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-markercolor)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-render)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-data!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-height!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-marker!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-markercolor!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-subtitle!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-title!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-width!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-x-axis-label!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-set-y-axis-label!)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-subtitle)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-title)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-width)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-x-axis-label)
-(export gnc:html-scatter-y-axis-label)
-(export gnc:html-scatter?)
-(export gnc:make-html-scatter)
-(export gnc:make-html-scatter-internal)
-(define <html-scatter>
-  (make-record-type '<html-scatter>
-                    '(width
-                      height
-                      title
-                      subtitle 
-                      x-axis-label
-                      y-axis-label
-                      ;; a list of x-y-value lists.
-                      data 
-                      ;; Valid marker names are:
-                      ;; diamond, circle, square, x, plus, dash,
-                      ;; filledDiamond, filledCircle, filledSquare
-                      marker
-                      ;; The color of the markers outline. Should be a hex string,
-                      ;; as returned by gnc:color-option->hex-string, prefixed by
-                      ;; #, like "#ff0000" for red
-                      markercolor
-                      )))
-(define-syntax-rule (gnc:guard-html-chart api)
-  ;; this macro applied to old html-bar/line/scatter/pie apis will
-  ;; guard a report writer from passing html-chart objects. this
-  ;; should be removed in 5.x series.
-  (let ((old-api api))
-    (set! api
-      (lambda args
-        (if (and (pair? args) (gnc:html-chart? (car args)))
-            (gnc:warn "using old-api " (procedure-name api) " on html-chart object. set options via gnc:html-chart-set! or its shortcuts gnc:html-chart-set-title! etc, and set data via gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! see sample-graphs.scm for examples.")
-            (apply old-api args))))))
-(define gnc:html-scatter? 
-  (record-predicate <html-scatter>))
-;;  <html-scatter> class
-;;  generate the <object> form for a scatter plot. 
-(define gnc:make-html-scatter-internal
-  (record-constructor <html-scatter>))
-(define (gnc:make-html-scatter)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "(gnc:make-html-scatter) is deprecated in 4.x. use gnc:make-html-chart instead.")
-  (gnc:make-html-scatter-internal '(pixels . -1) '(pixels . -1) #f #f #f #f '() #f #f))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-width
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-width!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'width))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-height
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-height!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'height))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-title
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-title!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'title))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-subtitle
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'subtitle))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-subtitle!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'subtitle))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-x-axis-label
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'x-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-x-axis-label!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'x-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-y-axis-label
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'y-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-y-axis-label!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'y-axis-label))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-data
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-data!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'data))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-marker
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'marker))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-marker!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'marker))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-markercolor
-  (record-accessor <html-scatter> 'markercolor))
-(define gnc:html-scatter-set-markercolor!
-  (record-modifier <html-scatter> 'markercolor))
-(define (gnc:html-scatter-add-datapoint! scatter newpoint)
-  (if (and (list? newpoint)
-	   (not (null? newpoint)))
-      (gnc:html-scatter-set-data!
-       scatter
-       (cons newpoint (gnc:html-scatter-data scatter)))))
-;; The Renderer
-(define (gnc:html-scatter-render scatter doc)
-  (let* ((chart (gnc:make-html-chart))
-         (mcolor (gnc:html-scatter-markercolor scatter))
-         (data  (gnc:html-scatter-data scatter)))
-    (cond
-     ((and (pair? data) (gnc:not-all-zeros data))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-type! chart 'scatter)
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-width! chart (gnc:html-scatter-width scatter))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-height! chart (gnc:html-scatter-height scatter))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-data-labels! chart (make-list (length data) #f))
-      (gnc:html-chart-add-data-series! chart "scatter"
-                                       (map
-                                        (lambda (datum)
-                                          (list
-                                           (cons 'x (car datum))
-                                           (cons 'y (cadr datum))))
-                                        data)
-                                       (make-list (length data) mcolor)
-                                       'showLine #t
-                                       'fill #f
-                                       'borderColor mcolor)
-      (gnc:html-chart-set-title! chart (list
-                                        (gnc:html-scatter-title scatter)
-                                        (gnc:html-scatter-subtitle scatter)))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set! chart
-                           '(options elements point pointStyle)
-                           (case (gnc:html-scatter-marker scatter)
-                             ((filleddiamond diamond) "rectRot")
-                             ((filledcircle circle) "circle")
-                             ((filledsquare square) "rect")
-                             ((cross) "crossRot")
-                             ((plus) "cross")
-                             ((dash) "line")
-                             (else #f)))
-      (gnc:html-chart-set! chart '(options scales xAxes (0) type) "linear")
-      (gnc:html-chart-render chart doc))
-     (else
-      (gnc:warn "null-data, not rendering scatter")
-      ""))))
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-width)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-width!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-height)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-height!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-title)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-title!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-subtitle)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-subtitle!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-x-axis-label)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-x-axis-label!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-y-axis-label)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-y-axis-label!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-data)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-data!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-marker)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-marker!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-markercolor)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-set-markercolor!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-add-datapoint!)
-(gnc:guard-html-chart gnc:html-scatter-render)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-table.scm b/gnucash/report/html-table.scm
index e9206548e..c62bae3fd 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/html-table.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/html-table.scm
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@
 (export gnc:html-table-get-cell)
 (export gnc:html-table-set-cell!)
 (export gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!)
-(export gnc:html-table-append-column!)
 (export gnc:html-table-render)
@@ -412,30 +411,6 @@
     (gnc:html-table-cell-set-tag! tc tag)
     (gnc:html-table-set-cell-datum! table row col tc)))
-(define (gnc:html-table-append-column! table newcol)
-  (define width (apply max (cons 0 (map length (gnc:html-table-data table)))))
-  (define (add-fn a b) (list-set-safe! b width a))
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-table-append-column! deprecated. please \
-populate html-table row-wise using gnc:html-table-append-row! instead.")
-  (let lp ((newcol newcol)
-           (olddata (reverse (gnc:html-table-data table)))
-           (res '())
-           (numrows 0))
-    (cond
-     ((null? newcol)
-      (gnc:html-table-set-num-rows-internal! table numrows)
-      (gnc:html-table-set-data! table res))
-     ((null? olddata)
-      (lp (cdr newcol)
-          '()
-          (cons (add-fn (car newcol) '()) res)
-          (1+ numrows)))
-     (else
-      (lp (cdr newcol)
-          (cdr olddata)
-          (cons (add-fn (car newcol) (car olddata)) res)
-          (1+ numrows))))))
 (define (gnc:html-table-render table doc)
   (let* ((retval '())
          (push (lambda (l) (set! retval (cons l retval)))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
index dcb45ca10..81abad44b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
@@ -247,33 +247,6 @@
    table (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
                 1 colspan (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr))))))
-;; Create a html-table of all exchange rates. The report-commodity is
-;; 'common-commodity', the exchange rates are given through the
-;; function 'exchange-fn' and the 'accounts' determine which
-;; commodities to show. Returns a html-object, a <html-table>.
-(define (gnc:html-make-exchangerates common-commodity exchange-fn accounts)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-make-exchangerates is deprecated. use gnc:html-make-rates-table instead.")
-  (let* ((comm-list (gnc:accounts-get-commodities accounts common-commodity))
-         (entries (length comm-list))
-         (markup (lambda (c) (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" c)))
-         (table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (unless (= 0 entries)
-      (for-each
-       (lambda (commodity)
-         (let* ((orig-amt (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity 1))
-                (exchanged (exchange-fn orig-amt common-commodity))
-                (conv-amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount exchanged)))
-           (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-            table (list (markup orig-amt)
-                        (markup (gnc:default-price-renderer common-commodity
-                                                            conv-amount))))))
-       comm-list)
-      (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-       table (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/size
-                    1 2 (NG_ "Exchange rate" "Exchange rates" entries)))))
-    table))
 ;; Create a html-table of all prices. The report-currency is
 ;; 'currency', The prices are given through the function 'price-fn'
 ;; and the 'accounts' determine which commodities to show. Returns a
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-core.scm b/gnucash/report/report-core.scm
index f61d1a716..b7b5d217c 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-core.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-core.scm
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
 (export gnc:report-options)
 (export gnc:report-render-html)
 (export gnc:render-report)
-(export gnc:report-run)
 (export gnc:report-serialize)
 (export gnc:report-set-ctext!)
 (export gnc:report-set-dirty?!)
@@ -112,7 +111,6 @@
 (export gnc:report-to-template-new)
 (export gnc:report-to-template-update)
 (export gnc:report-type)
-(export gnc:restore-report-by-guid)
 (export gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template)
 ;; Terminology in this file:
@@ -383,20 +381,6 @@ not found.")))
     (gnc:report-set-id! r (gnc-report-add r))
     (gnc:report-id r)))
-(define (gnc:restore-report-by-guid id template-id template-name options)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:restore-report-by-guid is now deprecated.
- use gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template instead.")
-  (if options
-      (let* ((r (make-report template-id id options #t #t #f #f ""))
-             (report-id (gnc-report-add r)))
-        (if (number? report-id)
-            (gnc:report-set-id! r report-id))
-        report-id)
-      (begin
-        (gui-error-missing-template template-name)
-        #f)))
 (define (gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template
          id template-id template-name custom-template-id options)
   (if options
@@ -761,20 +745,6 @@ not found.")))
   (define (get-report) (gnc:report-render-html report #t))
   (gnc:apply-with-error-handling get-report '()))
-;; looks up the report by id and renders it with gnc:report-render-html
-;; marks the cursor busy during rendering; returns the html
-(define (gnc:report-run id)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:report-run is deprecated. use gnc:render-report instead.")
-  (let ((report (gnc-report-find id))
-        (html #f))
-    (gnc-set-busy-cursor '() #t)
-    (gnc:backtrace-if-exception
-     (lambda ()
-       (if report (set! html (gnc:report-render-html report #t)))))
-    (gnc-unset-busy-cursor '())
-    html))
 ;; "thunk" should take the report-type and the report template record
 (define (gnc:report-templates-for-each thunk)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-utilities.scm
index cb3240a0b..ee20590d6 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-utilities.scm
@@ -592,39 +592,6 @@
-;; Adds all accounts' balances, where the balances are determined with
-;; the get-balance-fn. Intended for usage with a profit and loss
-;; report, hence a) only the income/expense accounts are regarded, and
-;; b) the result is sign reversed. Returns a commodity-collector.
-(define (gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-profit accounts 
-					    get-balance-fn)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-profit deprecated.")
-  (gnc:accounts-get-balance-helper
-   (gnc:filter-accountlist-type (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE) accounts)
-   get-balance-fn
-   (lambda(x) #t)))
-;; Adds all accounts' balances, where the balances are determined with
-;; the get-balance-fn. Only the income accounts are regarded, and
-;; the result is sign reversed. Returns a commodity-collector.
-(define (gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-income accounts 
-					    get-balance-fn)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-income deprecated.")
-  (gnc:accounts-get-balance-helper
-   (gnc:filter-accountlist-type (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME) accounts)
-   get-balance-fn
-   (lambda(x) #t)))
-;; Adds all accounts' balances, where the balances are determined with
-;; the get-balance-fn. Only the expense accounts are regarded, and
-;; the result is sign reversed. Returns a commodity-collector.
-(define (gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-expense accounts 
-                                             get-balance-fn)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-expense deprecated.")
-  (gnc:accounts-get-balance-helper
-   (gnc:filter-accountlist-type (list ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE) accounts)
-   get-balance-fn
-   (lambda(x) #t)))
 ;; Adds all accounts' balances, where the balances are determined with
 ;; the get-balance-fn. Intended for usage with a balance sheet, hence
@@ -668,41 +635,6 @@
 (define (gnc:accountlist-get-comm-balance-at-date-with-closing accountlist date)
   (gnc:account-get-trans-type-balance-interval-with-closing accountlist #f #f date))
-;; utility function - ensure that a query matches only non-voids.  Destructive.
-(define (gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! query book)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! is deprecated. add query for\
-(logand CLEARED-ALL (lognot CLEARED-VOIDED)) instead.")
-  (let ((temp-query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
-    (qof-query-set-book temp-query book)
-    (xaccQueryAddClearedMatch
-     temp-query
-    (let ((inv-query (qof-query-invert temp-query)))
-      (qof-query-merge-in-place query inv-query QOF-QUERY-AND)
-      (qof-query-destroy inv-query)
-      (qof-query-destroy temp-query))))
-;; utility function - ensure that a query matches only voids.  Destructive
-(define (gnc:query-set-match-voids-only! query book)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! is deprecated. add CLEARED-VOIDED \
-query instead.")
-  (let ((temp-query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
-    (qof-query-set-book temp-query book)
-    (xaccQueryAddClearedMatch
-     temp-query
-    (qof-query-merge-in-place query temp-query QOF-QUERY-AND)
-    (qof-query-destroy temp-query)))
 (define (gnc:split-voided? split)
   (let ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
     (xaccTransGetVoidStatus trans)))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/reports/CMakeLists.txt
index deb34de22..b551a6861 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ add_subdirectory(support)
 #These provide some functions used by more than one report.
 set (reports_common_SCHEME
-  aging.scm                     #deprecated 4.x to be removed in 5.x
@@ -13,10 +12,7 @@ set (reports_common_SCHEME
 set (reports_standard_with_exposed_generator_SCHEME
-    standard/owner-report.scm   #deprecated 4.x to be removed in 5.x
-    standard/payables.scm       #deprecated 4.x to be removed in 5.x
-    standard/receivables.scm    #deprecated 4.x to be removed in 5.x
 set (reports_standard_SCHEME
@@ -51,7 +47,6 @@ set (reports_standard_SCHEME
-    standard/job-report.scm
@@ -169,199 +164,6 @@ add_custom_target(scm-reports ALL DEPENDS
-# Module interfaces deprecated in 4.x, will be removed for 5.x
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports"
-    DEPENDS "scm-rpt-reports")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report aging"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports aging"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-common")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports average-balance"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports example average-balance"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-example")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports daily-reports"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports example daily-reports"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-example")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report hello-world"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports example hello-world"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-example")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report test-graphing"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports example sample-graphs"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-example")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report locale-specific de_DE"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports locale-specific de_DE taxtxf"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-de_DE")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report taxtxf-de_DE"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports locale-specific de_DE taxtxf"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-de_DE")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report locale-specific us"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports locale-specific us taxtxf"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-us")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report taxtxf"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports locale-specific us taxtxf"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-us")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports account-piecharts"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard account-piecharts"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports account-summary"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard account-summary"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports advanced-portfolio"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard advanced-portfolio"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports balance-forecast"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard balance-forecast"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports balance-sheet"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard balance-sheet"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report balsheet-eg"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard balsheet-eg"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports balsheet-pnl"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard balsheet-pnl"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports budget-balance-sheet"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard budget-balance-sheet"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports budget-barchart"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard budget-barchart"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports budget-flow"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard budget-flow"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports budget"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard budget"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports budget-income-statement"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard budget-income-statement"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports cashflow-barchart"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard cashflow-barchart"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard-2")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports cash-flow"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard cash-flow"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports category-barchart"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard category-barchart"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report customer-summary"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard customer-summary"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard-2")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report welcome-to-gnucash"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard dashboard"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports equity-statement"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard equity-statement"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports general-journal"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard general-journal"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports general-ledger"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard general-ledger"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports income-gst-statement"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard income-gst-statement"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports income-statement"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard income-statement"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report invoice"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard invoice"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report job-report"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard job-report"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports net-charts"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard net-charts"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report owner-report"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard owner-report"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report payables"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard payables"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports portfolio"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard portfolio"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports price-scatter"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard price-scatter"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report receipt"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard receipt"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report receivables"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard receivables"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports reconcile-report"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard reconcile-report"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports register"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard register"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports sx-summary"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard account-summary"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report taxinvoice"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard taxinvoice"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports transaction"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard transaction"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report standard-reports trial-balance"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard trial-balance"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
-gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module (
-    OLD_MODULE "gnucash report view-column"
-    NEW_MODULE "gnucash reports standard view-column"
-    DEPENDS "scm-reports-standard")
 set_local_dist(reports_DIST_local CMakeLists.txt ${reports_SCHEME}
     ${reports_common_SCHEME} ${reports_standard_SCHEME}  ${reports_standard_SCHEME_2}
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/aging.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/aging.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0d895ed..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/aging.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-;; aging.scm : accounts payable/receivable aging report utilities
-;; By Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> taken from the original...
-;; By Robert Merkel (rgmerk at 
-;; Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash reports aging))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash report))
-(use-modules (gnucash gnome-utils))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
-(define optname-to-date (N_ "To"))
-(define optname-sort-by (N_ "Sort By"))
-(define optname-sort-order (N_ "Sort Order"))
-(define optname-report-currency (N_ "Report's currency"))
-(define optname-price-source (N_ "Price Source"))
-(define optname-multicurrency-totals (N_ "Show Multi-currency Totals"))
-(define optname-show-zeros (N_ "Show zero balance items"))
-(define optname-date-driver (N_ "Due or Post Date"))
-;; Display tab options
-(define optname-addr-source (N_ "Address Source")) ;; Billing or Shipping addresses
-(define optname-disp-addr-name (N_ "Address Name"))
-(define optname-disp-addr1 (N_ "Address 1"))
-(define optname-disp-addr2 (N_ "Address 2"))
-(define optname-disp-addr3 (N_ "Address 3"))
-(define optname-disp-addr4 (N_ "Address 4"))
-(define optname-disp-addr-phone (N_ "Address Phone"))
-(define optname-disp-addr-fax (N_ "Address Fax"))
-(define optname-disp-addr-email (N_ "Address Email"))
-(define optname-disp-active (N_ "Active"))
-(export optname-show-zeros)
-;; The idea is:  have a hash with the key being the contact name
-;; (In future this might be GUID'ed, but for now it's a string
-;; from the description or the split memo.
-;; The value is a record which contains the currency that contact
-;; is stored in (you can only owe a particular contact one
-;; currency, it just gets far too difficult otherwise), and a list
-;; of buckets containing the money owed for each interval,
-;; oldest first.
-;; overpayment is just that - it stores the current overpayment, 
-;; if any.  Any bills get taken out of the overpayment before
-;; incurring debt.
-(define-record-type :company-info
-  (make-company-private currency bucket overpayment owner-obj)
-  company-info?
-  (currency company-get-currency)
-  (bucket company-get-buckets company-set-buckets)
-  (overpayment company-get-overpayment company-set-overpayment)
-  (owner-obj company-get-owner-obj company-set-owner-obj!))
-(define num-buckets 5)
-(define (new-bucket-vector)
-  (make-vector num-buckets (gnc-numeric-zero)))
-(define (make-company currency owner-obj)
-  (make-company-private currency (new-bucket-vector) 0 owner-obj))
-;; Put an invoice in the appropriate bucket
-(define (process-invoice company amount bucket-intervals date)
-  (define (in-interval this-date current-bucket)
-    (< this-date current-bucket))
-  (define (find-bucket current-bucket bucket-intervals date)  
-    (gnc:debug "looking for bucket for date: " date)
-    (begin
-      (gnc:debug "current bucket: " current-bucket)
-      (gnc:debug "bucket-intervals: " bucket-intervals)
-      (if (> current-bucket (vector-length bucket-intervals))
-	  (gnc:error "sanity check failed in find-bucket")
-	  (if (in-interval date (vector-ref bucket-intervals current-bucket))
-	      (begin
-		(gnc:debug "found bucket")
-		current-bucket)
-	      (find-bucket (+ current-bucket 1) bucket-intervals date)))))
-  (define (calculate-adjusted-values amount overpayment)
-    (if (>= (gnc-numeric-compare amount overpayment) 0)
-	(cons (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed amount overpayment)
-	      (gnc-numeric-zero))
-	(cons (gnc-numeric-zero)
-	      (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed overpayment amount))))
-  (let* ((current-overpayment (company-get-overpayment company))
-	 (adjusted-values (calculate-adjusted-values amount current-overpayment))
-	 (adjusted-amount (car adjusted-values))
-	 (adjusted-overpayment (cdr adjusted-values))
-	 (bucket-index (find-bucket 0 bucket-intervals date))
-	 (buckets (company-get-buckets company))
-	 (new-bucket-value 
-	  (gnc-numeric-add-fixed adjusted-amount (vector-ref buckets bucket-index))))
-    (vector-set! buckets bucket-index new-bucket-value)
-    (company-set-buckets company buckets)
-    (company-set-overpayment company adjusted-overpayment)))
-;; NOTE: We assume that bill payments occur in a FIFO manner - ie
-;; any payment to a company goes towards the *oldest* bill first
-(define (process-payment company amount)
-  (define (process-payment-driver amount buckets current-bucket-index)
-    (if (>= current-bucket-index (vector-length buckets))
-	amount
-	(let ((current-bucket-amt (vector-ref buckets current-bucket-index)))
-	  (if (>= (gnc-numeric-compare current-bucket-amt amount) 0)
-	      (begin
-		(vector-set! buckets current-bucket-index (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed
-							   current-bucket-amt amount))
-		(gnc-numeric-zero))
-	      (begin
-		(vector-set! buckets current-bucket-index (gnc-numeric-zero))
-		(process-payment-driver 
-		 (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed amount current-bucket-amt)
-		 buckets
-		 (+ current-bucket-index 1)))))))
-  (let ((overpayment (company-get-overpayment company)))
-	;; if there's already an overpayment, make it bigger
-    (gnc:debug "processing payment of " amount)
-    (gnc:debug "overpayment was " overpayment)
-	(if (gnc-numeric-positive-p overpayment)
-	    (company-set-overpayment company (gnc-numeric-add-fixed overpayment amount))
-	    (let ((result (process-payment-driver amount (company-get-buckets company) 0)))
-	      (gnc:debug "payment-driver processed.  new overpayment: " result)
-	      (company-set-overpayment company result)))))
-;; determine date function to use 
-(define (get-selected-date-from-txn transaction date-type)
-  (if (eq? date-type 'postdate)
-      (xaccTransGetDate transaction)
-      (xaccTransRetDateDue transaction)))
-;; deal with a transaction - figure out if we've seen the company before
-;; if so, either process it as a bill or a payment, if not, create
-;; a new company record in the hash
-(define (update-company-hash hash split bucket-intervals
-			     reverse? show-zeros date-type)
-  (define (do-update value)
-    (let* ((transaction (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-	   (temp-owner (gncOwnerNew))
-	   (owner (gnc:owner-from-split split temp-owner)))
-      (if (not (null? owner))
-       (let* ((guid (gncOwnerReturnGUID owner))
-	      (this-currency (xaccTransGetCurrency transaction))
-	      (this-date (get-selected-date-from-txn transaction date-type))
-	      (company-info (hash-ref hash guid)))
-	 (gnc:debug "update-company-hash called")
-	 (gnc:debug "owner: " owner ", guid: " guid)
-	 (gnc:debug "split-value: " value)
-	 (if reverse? (set! value (gnc-numeric-neg value)))
-	 (if company-info
-	     ;; if it's an existing company, destroy the temp owner and
-	     ;; then make sure the currencies match
-	     (begin
-	       (if (not (gnc-commodity-equiv
-			 this-currency
-			 (company-get-currency company-info)))
-                   (let ((error-str
-                          (string-append "IGNORING TRANSACTION!\n" "Invoice Owner: " (gnc:strify owner)
-                                         "\nTransaction:" (gnc:strify transaction)
-                                         "\nSplits are:\n"
-                                         (string-join
-                                          (map gnc:strify (xaccTransGetSplitList transaction))
-                                          "\n")
-                                         "\nTransaction Currency:" (gnc:strify this-currency)
-                                         "\nClient Currency:" (gnc:strify (company-get-currency company-info)))))
-                     (gnc-error-dialog '() error-str)
-                     (gnc:error error-str)
-                     (cons #f (format #f (G_ "Transactions relating to '~a' contain \
-more than one currency. This report is not designed to cope with this possibility.")  (gncOwnerGetName owner))))
-		   (begin
-		     (gnc:debug "it's an old company")
-		     (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p value)
-			 (process-invoice company-info (gnc-numeric-neg value) bucket-intervals this-date)
-			 (process-payment company-info value))
-		     (hash-set! hash guid company-info)
-		     (cons #t guid)))
-	       (gncOwnerFree temp-owner))
-	     ;; if it's a new company
-	     (begin
-	       (gnc:debug "value" value)
-	       (let ((new-company (make-company this-currency owner)))
-		 (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p value)
-		     (process-invoice new-company (gnc-numeric-neg value) bucket-intervals this-date)
-		     (process-payment new-company value))
-		 (hash-set! hash guid new-company))
-	       (cons #t guid))))
-       ; else (no owner)
-       (gncOwnerFree temp-owner))))
-  ;; figure out if this split is part of a closed lot
-  ;; also save the split value...
-  (let* ((lot (xaccSplitGetLot split))
-	 (value (xaccSplitGetValue split))
-	 (is-paid? (if (null? lot) #f (gnc-lot-is-closed lot))))
-    ;; if it's closed, then ignore it because it doesn't matter.
-    ;; XXX: we _could_ just set the value to 0 in order to list
-    ;;      the company.  I'm not sure what to do.  Perhaps add an
-    ;;      option?
-    (if (or (not is-paid?) show-zeros)
-	(do-update value))))
-;; get the total debt from the buckets
-(define (buckets-get-total buckets)
-  (let ((running-total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-	(buckets-list (vector->list buckets)))
-    (for-each (lambda (bucket)
-		(set! running-total
-		      (gnc-numeric-add-fixed bucket running-total)))
-	      buckets-list)
-    running-total))
-;; compare by the total in the buckets
-(define (safe-strcmp a b)
-  (if (and a b)
-      (cond
-       ((string<? a b) -1)
-       ((string>? a b) 1)
-       (else 0))
-      (cond
-       (a 1)
-       (b -1)
-       (else 0))))
-(define (compare-total litem-a litem-b)
-  (let*  ((company-a (cdr litem-a))
-	 (bucket-a (company-get-buckets company-a))
-	 (company-b (cdr litem-b))
-	 (bucket-b (company-get-buckets company-b))
-	 (total-a (buckets-get-total bucket-a))
-	 (total-b (buckets-get-total bucket-b))
-	 (difference-sign (gnc-numeric-compare (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed total-a total-b) (gnc-numeric-zero))))
-	 ;; if same totals, compare by name
-	 (if (= difference-sign 0)
-	     (safe-strcmp (car litem-a) (car litem-b))
-	     difference-sign)))
-;; compare by buckets, oldest first.
-(define (compare-buckets litem-a litem-b)
-  (define (driver buckets-a buckets-b)
-    (if (null? buckets-a)
-	0
-	(let ((diff (gnc-numeric-compare
-		     (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed
-		      (car buckets-a) 
-		      (car buckets-b)) 
-		     (gnc-numeric-zero))))
-	  (if (= diff 0)
-	      (driver (cdr buckets-a) (cdr buckets-b))
-	      diff))))
-  (let*  ((company-a (cdr litem-a))
-	 (bucket-a (vector->list (company-get-buckets company-a)))
-	 (company-b (cdr litem-b))
-	 (bucket-b (vector->list (company-get-buckets company-b)))
-	 (difference (driver bucket-a bucket-b)))
-	 ;; if same totals, compare by name
-	 (if (= difference 0)
-	     (safe-strcmp (car litem-a) (car litem-b))
-	     difference)))
-;; set up the query to get the splits in the chosen account
-(define (setup-query query account date)
-  (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
-  (xaccQueryAddClearedMatch
-   query (logand CLEARED-ALL (lognot CLEARED-VOIDED)) QOF-QUERY-AND)
-  (xaccQueryAddSingleAccountMatch query account QOF-QUERY-AND)
-  (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT query #f 0 #t date QOF-QUERY-AND)
-  (qof-query-set-sort-order query
-                            (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DATE-POSTED)
-                            '() '())
-  (qof-query-set-sort-increasing query #t #t #t))
-(define (aging-options-generator options)
-  (let* ((add-option 
-          (lambda (new-option)
-            (gnc:register-option options new-option))))
-    (gnc:options-add-report-date!
-     options gnc:pagename-general
-     optname-to-date "a")
-    ;; Use a default report date of 'today'
-    (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                             gnc:pagename-general
-                                             optname-to-date)
-                          (cons 'relative 'today))
- ;; all about currencies
-    (gnc:options-add-currency!
-     options gnc:pagename-general
-     optname-report-currency "b")
-    (gnc:options-add-price-source! 
-     options gnc:pagename-general
-     optname-price-source "c" 'weighted-average)
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      gnc:pagename-general
-      optname-sort-by
-      "i"
-      (N_ "Sort companies by.")
-      'name
-      (list 
-       (vector 'name (N_ "Name") (N_ "Name of the company."))
-       (vector 'total (N_ "Total Owed") (N_ "Total amount owed to/from Company."))
-       (vector 'oldest-bracket (N_ "Bracket Total Owed") (N_ "Amount owed in oldest bracket - if same go to next oldest.")))))
-    (add-option 
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      gnc:pagename-general
-       optname-sort-order
-       "ia"
-       (N_ "Sort order.")
-       'increasing
-       (list
-	(vector 'increasing (N_ "Increasing") (N_ "0 .. 999,999.99, A .. Z."))
-	(vector 'decreasing (N_ "Decreasing") (N_ "999,999.99 .. 0, Z .. A.")))))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-general
-      optname-multicurrency-totals
-      "i"
-      (N_ "Show multi-currency totals. If not selected, convert all \
-totals to report currency.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-general
-      optname-show-zeros
-      "j"
-      (N_ "Show all vendors/customers even if they have a zero balance.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-      (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-       gnc:pagename-general
-       optname-date-driver
-       "k"
-       (N_ "Leading date.")
-       'duedate
-       (list
-         (vector 'duedate (N_ "Due Date") (N_ "Due date is leading.")) ;; Should be using standard label for due date?
-         (vector 'postdate (N_ "Post Date") (N_ "Post date is leading."))))) ;; Should be using standard label for post date?
-	  ;; display tab options
-    ;; option optname-addr-source is added in receivables.scm
-    ;; as cannot access the value of an option in aging-options-generator
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr-name
-      "b"
-      (N_ "Display Address Name. This, and other fields, may be useful if \
-copying this report to a spreadsheet for use in a mail merge.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr1
-      "c"
-      (N_ "Display Address 1.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr2
-      "d"
-      (N_ "Display Address 2.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr3
-      "e"
-      (N_ "Display Address 3.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr4
-      "f"
-      (N_ "Display Address 4.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr-phone
-      "g"
-      (N_ "Display Phone.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr-fax
-      "h"
-      (N_ "Display Fax.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-addr-email
-      "i"
-      (N_ "Display Email.")
-      #f))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display
-      optname-disp-active
-      "j"
-      (N_ "Display Active status.")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:options-set-default-section options "General")
-    options))
-(define (make-interval-list to-date)
-  (let ((begindate to-date))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (gnc:make-date-list begindate to-date ThirtyDayDelta)))
-;; Have make-list create a stepped list, then add a date in the future for the "current" bucket
-(define (make-extended-interval-list to-date)
-    (define dayforcurrent (incdate to-date YearDelta)) ;; MAGIC CONSTANT
-    (define oldintervalreversed (reverse (make-interval-list to-date)))		
-  (reverse (cons dayforcurrent oldintervalreversed)))
-(define (aging-renderer report-obj reportname account reverse?)
-  (define receivable #t)     ;; receivable=#t payable=#f
-  (define (get-name a)
-    (let* ((owner (company-get-owner-obj (cdr a))))
-      (gncOwnerGetName owner)))
-  ;; Predicates for sorting the companys once the data has been collected
-  ;; Format: (cons 'sort-key (cons 'increasing-pred 'decreasing-pred))
-  (define sort-preds
-    (list 
-     (cons 'name (cons (lambda (a b)
-			 (string<? (get-name a) (get-name b)))
-		       (lambda (a b)
-			 (string>? (get-name a) (get-name b)))))
-     (cons 'total (cons (lambda (a b)
-			  (< (compare-total a b) 0))
-			(lambda (a b)
-			  (> (compare-total a b) 0))))
-     (cons 'oldest-bracket (cons 
-			    (lambda (a b) 
-			     (< (compare-buckets a b) 0))
-			    (lambda (a b)
-			      (> (compare-buckets a b) 0))))))
-  (define (get-sort-pred sort-criterion sort-order)
-    (let ((choice (assq-ref sort-preds sort-criterion)))
-      (gnc:debug "sort-criterion" sort-criterion)
-      (gnc:debug "sort-order" sort-order)
-      (gnc:debug "choice: " choice)
-      (if choice
-	  (if (eq? sort-order 'increasing)
-	      (car choice)
-	      (cdr choice))
-	  (begin
-	    (gnc:warn "internal sorting option errorin aging.scm")
-	    (lambda (a b)
-	      (string<? (car a) (car b)))))))
-  (define (get-op section name)
-    (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name))
-  (define (op-value section name)
-    (gnc:option-value (get-op section name)))
-  ;; XXX: This is a hack - will be fixed when we move to a
-  ;; more general interval scheme in this report
-  (define make-heading-list
-    (list 
-      (G_ "Company")
-      (G_ "Current")
-      (G_ "0-30 days")
-      (G_ "31-60 days")
-      (G_ "61-90 days")
-      (G_ "91+ days")
-      (G_ "Total")))
-;; following cols are optional 
-;;    (G_ "Address Name")
-;;    (G_ "Address 1")
-;;    (G_ "Address 2")
-;;    (G_ "Address 3")
-;;    (G_ "Address 4")
-;;    (G_ "Phone")
-;;    (G_ "Fax")
-;;    (G_ "Email")
-;;    (G_ "Active")
-  ;;  Make a list of commodity collectors for column totals
-  (define (make-collector-list)
-    (define (make-collector-driver done total)
-      (if (< done total) 
-	  (cons 
-	   (gnc:make-commodity-collector)
-	   (make-collector-driver (+ done 1) total))
-	  '()))
-    (make-collector-driver 0 (+ num-buckets 1)))
-  ;; update the column totals 
-  (define (add-to-column-totals column-totals monetary-list)
-    (begin
-      (gnc:debug "column-totals" column-totals)
-      (gnc:debug "monetary-list" monetary-list)
-      (map (lambda (amount collector)
-	   (begin
-	     (gnc:debug "amount" amount)
-	     (gnc:debug "collector" collector)
-	     (collector 'add 
-			(gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity amount)
-			(gnc:gnc-monetary-amount amount))))
-	 monetary-list
-	 column-totals)))
-  ;; convert the buckets in the header data structure 
-  (define (convert-to-monetary-list bucket-list currency overpayment)
-    (let* ((running-total (gnc-numeric-neg overpayment))
-	   (monetised-buckets
-	   (map (lambda (bucket-list-entry)
-		  (begin
-		    (set! running-total 
-			  (gnc-numeric-add-fixed running-total bucket-list-entry))
-		  (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency bucket-list-entry)))
-		(vector->list bucket-list))))
-      (append (reverse monetised-buckets) 
-	      (list (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency running-total)))))
-  ;; convert the collectors to the right output format 
-  (define (convert-collectors collector-list report-currency 
-			      exchange-fn
-			      multi-currencies-p)
-    (define (fmt-one-currency collector)
-      (let ((monetary (gnc:sum-collector-commodity collector report-currency exchange-fn)))
-	(if monetary
-	    monetary
-	    (begin
-	      (gnc:warn "Exchange-lookup failed in fmt-one-currency")
-	      #f))))
-    (define (fmt-multiple-currencies collector)
-      (let ((mini-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-	(collector 'format 
-		   (lambda (commodity amount)
-		   (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-		    mini-table
-		    (list (gnc:make-gnc-monetary 
-			   commodity amount))))
-		   #f)
-	mini-table))
-    (let ((fmt-function 
-	   (if multi-currencies-p
-	       fmt-multiple-currencies
-	       fmt-one-currency)))
-      (map fmt-function collector-list)))
-  ;; return pointer to either billing or shipping address
-  ;;  note customers have a shipping address but not vendors
-  (define (get-addr owner disp-addr-source)
-    (if (and receivable (eq? disp-addr-source 'shipping))
-      (gncCustomerGetShipAddr (gncOwnerGetCustomer owner)) ;; shipping
-      (gncOwnerGetAddr owner)))                            ;; billing
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "old aging reports are deprecated and will be removed in 5.x")
-  (set! receivable (eq? (op-value "__hidden" "receivable-or-payable") 'R))
-  (gnc:report-starting reportname)
-  (let* ((companys (make-hash-table 23))
-	 (report-title (op-value gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
-        ;; document will be the HTML document that we return.
-	(report-date (gnc:time64-end-day-time 
-		      (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-		       (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-to-date))))
-	(interval-vec (list->vector (make-extended-interval-list report-date)))
-	(sort-pred (get-sort-pred 
-		    (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-sort-by)
-		    (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-sort-order)))
-	(report-currency (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-report-currency))
-	(price-source (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-price-source))
-	(multi-totals-p (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-multicurrency-totals))
-	(show-zeros (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-show-zeros))
-    (date-type (op-value gnc:pagename-general optname-date-driver)) 
-    (disp-addr-source (if receivable
-      (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-addr-source)
-      'billing))
-    (disp-addr-name (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr-name))
-    (disp-addr1 (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr1))
-    (disp-addr2 (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr2))
-    (disp-addr3 (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr3))
-    (disp-addr4 (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr4))
-    (disp-addr-phone (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr-phone))
-    (disp-addr-fax (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr-fax))
-    (disp-addr-email (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-addr-email))
-    (disp-active (op-value gnc:pagename-display optname-disp-active))
-	(heading-list make-heading-list)
-	(exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-fn price-source report-currency report-date))
-	(total-collector-list (make-collector-list))
-	(table (gnc:make-html-table))
-	(query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
-	(company-list '())
-	(work-done 0)
-	(work-to-do 0)
-        (document (gnc:make-html-document)))
-;    (gnc:debug "Account: " account)
-    ;; add optional column headings
-    (if disp-addr-name
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Address Name")))))
-    (if disp-addr1
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Address 1")))))
-    (if disp-addr2
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Address 2")))))
-    (if disp-addr3
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Address 3")))))
-    (if disp-addr4
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Address 4")))))
-    (if disp-addr-phone
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Phone")))))
-    (if disp-addr-fax
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Fax")))))
-    (if disp-addr-email
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Email")))))
-    (if disp-active
-      (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (G_ "Active")))))
-    ;; set default title
-    (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
-    ;; maybe redefine better...
-    (if (and account (not (null? account)))
-        (begin
-          (gnc:html-document-set-title!
-           document (string-append report-title ": " (xaccAccountGetName account)))
-          (gnc:html-document-set-headline! document
-                                           (gnc:html-markup
-                                            "!" 
-                                            report-title
-                                            ": "
-                                            (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-                                             (gnc:account-anchor-text account)
-                                             (xaccAccountGetName account))))))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table heading-list)
-    (if (and account (not (null? account)))
-	(begin
-	  (setup-query query account report-date)
-	  ;; get the appropriate splits
-	  (let ((splits (qof-query-run query)))
-;	    (gnc:debug "splits" splits)
-	    ;; build the table
-	    (set! work-to-do (length splits))
-	    ;; work-done is already zero
-	    (for-each (lambda (split)
-			(gnc:report-percent-done (* 50 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
-			(set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
-			(update-company-hash companys 
-					      split 
-					      interval-vec 
-					      reverse? show-zeros
-                                              date-type))
-			splits)
-;	    (gnc:debug "companys" companys)
-	    ;; turn the hash into a list
-	    (hash-for-each (lambda (key value)
-			     (set! company-list
-				   (cons (cons key value) company-list)))
-			   companys)
-;	    (gnc:debug "company list" company-list)
-	    (set! company-list (sort-list! company-list
-					    sort-pred))
-	    ;; build the table
-	    (set! work-to-do (length company-list))
-	    (set! work-done 0)
-	    (for-each (lambda (company-list-entry)
-			(gnc:report-percent-done (+ 50 (* 50 (/ work-done work-to-do))))
-			(set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
-			(let* ((monetary-list (convert-to-monetary-list
-					       (company-get-buckets
-						(cdr company-list-entry))
-					       (company-get-currency
-						(cdr company-list-entry))
-					       (company-get-overpayment
-						(cdr company-list-entry))))
-			       (owner (company-get-owner-obj
-				       (cdr company-list-entry)))
-			       (company-name (gncOwnerGetName owner))
-			       (addr (get-addr owner disp-addr-source))
-			       (addr-name  (gncAddressGetName  addr))
-			       (addr-addr1 (gncAddressGetAddr1 addr))
-			       (addr-addr2 (gncAddressGetAddr2 addr))
-			       (addr-addr3 (gncAddressGetAddr3 addr))
-			       (addr-addr4 (gncAddressGetAddr4 addr))
-			       (addr-phone (gncAddressGetPhone addr))
-			       (addr-fax   (gncAddressGetFax   addr))
-			       (addr-email (gncAddressGetEmail addr))
-			       (company-active (if (gncOwnerGetActive owner)
-			         (C_ "One-letter indication for 'yes'" "Y") (C_ "One-letter indication for 'no'" "N")))
-			       (opt-fld-list '())
-			      )
-;;            (gnc:debug "aging-renderer: disp-addr-source=" disp-addr-source
-;;              " owner=" owner
-;;              " gncOwnerGetID="  (gncOwnerGetID owner)	;; cust no
-;;              " gncCustomerGetShipAddr="                  
-;;                (gncCustomerGetShipAddr (gncOwnerGetCustomer owner)))
-			  (if disp-addr-name
-			    (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-name))))
-			  (if disp-addr1
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-addr1))))
-			  (if disp-addr2
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-addr2))))
-			  (if disp-addr3
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-addr3))))
-			  (if disp-addr4
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-addr4))))
-			  (if disp-addr-phone
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-phone))))
-			  (if disp-addr-fax
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-fax))))
-			  (if disp-addr-email
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list addr-email))))
-			  (if disp-active
-                (set! opt-fld-list (append opt-fld-list (list company-active))))
-			  (add-to-column-totals total-collector-list
-						monetary-list)
-			  (let* ((ml (reverse monetary-list))
-				 (total (car ml))
-				 (rest (cdr ml)))
-			    (set! monetary-list
-				  (reverse
-				   (cons
-				    (gnc:make-html-text
-				     (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-				      (gnc:owner-report-text owner account report-date)
-				      total))
-				    rest))))
-			  (gnc:html-table-append-row! table
-			  	(append
-			  	  (cons
-				    (gnc:make-html-text
-				      (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-				        (gnc:owner-anchor-text owner)
-				        company-name))
-				    monetary-list)
-				  opt-fld-list))
-			  (gncOwnerFree owner)))
-		      company-list)
-	    ;; add the totals
-	    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-	     table 
-	     (cons (G_ "Total") (convert-collectors total-collector-list 
-						   report-currency
-						   exchange-fn
-						   multi-totals-p)))
-	    (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-	     document table)))
-	(gnc:html-document-add-object!
-	 document
-	 (gnc:make-html-text
-	  (G_ "No valid account selected. Click on the Options button and select the account to use."))))
-    (qof-query-destroy query)
-    (gnc:report-finished)
-    document))
-(export aging-options-generator)
-(export aging-renderer)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/example/average-balance.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/example/average-balance.scm
index 042a7d36c..a25950bad 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/example/average-balance.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/example/average-balance.scm
@@ -455,9 +455,7 @@
                        barchart (gnc-commodity-get-nice-symbol report-currency))
                       (gnc:html-chart-set-data-labels! barchart col-labels)
-                      ;; (gnc:html-barchart-set-col-colors! barchart col-colors)
                       (gnc:html-chart-set-data-labels! barchart (map car data))
-                      ;; (gnc:html-chart-set-row-labels-rotated?! barchart #t)
                       (gnc:html-chart-set-width! barchart width)
                       (gnc:html-chart-set-height! barchart height)
                       (gnc:html-chart-set-height! barchart height)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-gst-statement.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-gst-statement.scm
index 234422416..c4e4bc846 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-gst-statement.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-gst-statement.scm
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ accounts may be tagged with *EUGOODS* in the account description."))
     (G_ "This message will be removed when tax accounts are specified."))))
-(define* (gst-statement-renderer rpt #:optional export-type file-name)
+(define* (gst-statement-renderer rpt #:optional export-type)
   (define (opt-val section name)
      (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options rpt) section name)))
@@ -83,10 +83,6 @@ accounts may be tagged with *EUGOODS* in the account description."))
      #:custom-source-accounts sales-purch-accounts
      #:custom-split-filter gst-custom-split-filter
      #:export-type export-type))
-  (when file-name
-    (issue-deprecation-warning "gst-statement-renderer filename is \
-obsolete, and not supported for exports. please set html-document \
-export-string instead. this warning will be removed in GnuCash 5.0"))
   (when (null? (opt-val "Accounts" "Tax Accounts"))
     (gnc:html-document-add-object! document TAX-SETUP-DESC))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/job-report.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/job-report.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 00a31d6d5..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/job-report.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-;; -*-scheme-*-
-;; owner-report.scm -- Print out a detailed owner report, which is a
-;;		       summary of invoices and payments for a particular
-;;		       company (the owner) applied to an account.
-;; Created by:  Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash reports standard job-report))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))   ; for gnc:debug
-(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash report))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(define acct-string (N_ "Account"))
-(define owner-string (N_ "Job"))
-(define owner-page gnc:pagename-general)
-(define date-header (N_ "Date"))
-(define due-date-header (N_ "Due Date"))
-(define reference-header (N_ "Reference"))
-(define type-header (N_ "Type"))
-(define desc-header (N_ "Description"))
-(define amount-header (N_ "Amount"))
-(define (date-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 0))
-(define (date-due-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 1))
-(define (num-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 2))
-(define (type-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 3))
-(define (memo-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 4))
-(define (value-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 5))
-(define columns-used-size 6)
-(define (build-column-used options)   
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value 
-     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (define (make-set-col col-vector)
-    (let ((col 0))
-      (lambda (used? index)
-        (if used?
-            (begin
-              (vector-set! col-vector index col)
-              (set! col (+ col 1)))
-            (vector-set! col-vector index #f)))))
-  (let* ((col-vector (make-vector columns-used-size #f))
-         (set-col (make-set-col col-vector)))
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" date-header) 0)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" due-date-header) 1)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" reference-header) 2)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" type-header) 3)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" desc-header) 4)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" amount-header) 5)
-    col-vector))
-(define (make-heading-list column-vector)
-  (let ((heading-list '()))
-    (if (date-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (G_ date-header)))
-    (if (date-due-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (G_ due-date-header)))
-    (if (num-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (G_ reference-header)))
-    (if (type-col column-vector)
-	(addto! heading-list (G_ type-header)))
-    (if (memo-col column-vector)
-	(addto! heading-list (G_ desc-header)))
-    (if (value-col column-vector)
-	(addto! heading-list (G_ amount-header)))
-    (reverse heading-list)))
-(define num-buckets 4)
-(define (new-bucket-vector)
-  (make-vector num-buckets (gnc-numeric-zero)))
-(define (make-interval-list to-date)
-  (let ((begindate to-date))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (gnc:make-date-list begindate to-date ThirtyDayDelta)))
-(define (make-aging-table options query bucket-intervals reverse? currency)
-  (let ((lots (xaccQueryGetLots query QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ANY))
-	(buckets (new-bucket-vector))
-	(payments (gnc-numeric-zero))
-        (table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (define (in-interval this-date current-bucket)
-      (< this-date current-bucket))
-    (define (find-bucket current-bucket bucket-intervals date)
-      (begin
-	(if (>= current-bucket (vector-length bucket-intervals))
-	    (gnc:error "sanity check failed in find-bucket")
-	    (if (in-interval date (vector-ref bucket-intervals current-bucket))
-		current-bucket
-		(find-bucket (+ current-bucket 1) bucket-intervals date)))))
-    (define (apply-invoice date value)
-      (let* ((bucket-index (find-bucket 0 bucket-intervals date))
-	     (new-value (gnc-numeric-add-fixed
-			 value
-			 (vector-ref buckets bucket-index))))
-	(vector-set! buckets bucket-index new-value)))
-    (define (apply-payment value)
-      (set! payments (gnc-numeric-add-fixed value payments)))
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (lot)
-       (let* ((bal (gnc-lot-get-balance lot))
-	      (invoice (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot lot))
-	      (post-date (gncInvoiceGetDatePosted invoice)))
-	 (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p bal))
-	     (begin
-	       (if reverse?
-		   (set! bal (gnc-numeric-neg bal)))
-	       (if (not (null? invoice))
-		   (begin
-		     (apply-invoice post-date bal))
-		   (apply-payment bal))))))
-     lots)
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-     table
-     (list (G_ "0-30 days")
-	   (G_ "31-60 days")
-	   (G_ "61-90 days")
-	   (G_ "91+ days")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table
-     (reverse (map (lambda (entry)
-		     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency entry))
-		   (vector->list buckets))))
-    table))
-;; Make a row list based on the visible columns
-(define (make-row column-vector date due-date num type-str memo monetary)
-  (let ((row-contents '()))
-    (if (date-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents (qof-print-date date)))
-    (if (date-due-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents 
-                (if due-date
-                    (qof-print-date due-date)
-                    "")))
-    (if (num-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents num))
-    (if (type-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents type-str))
-    (if (memo-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents memo))
-    (if (value-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents
-		(gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" monetary)))
-    row-contents))
-;; Adds the 'Balance' row to the table if it has not been printed and
-;; total is not zero
-;; Returns printed? 
-(define (add-balance-row table column-vector txn odd-row? printed? start-date total)
-  (if (not printed?)
-      (begin
-	(set! printed? #t)
-	(if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p total))
-	    (let ((row (make-row column-vector start-date #f "" (G_ "Balance") ""
-				 (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (xaccTransGetCurrency txn) total)))
-		  (row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-	      (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style (reverse row))
-	      (set! odd-row? (not odd-row?))
-	      (set! row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-	    )))
-	printed?)
-;; Make sure the caller checks the type first and only calls us with
-;; invoice and payment transactions.  we don't verify it here.
-;; Return a list of (printed? value odd-row?)
-(define (add-txn-row table txn acc column-vector odd-row? printed?
-		     inv-str reverse? start-date total)
-  (let* ((type (xaccTransGetTxnType txn))
-	 (date (xaccTransGetDate txn))
-	 (due-date #f)
-	 (value (xaccTransGetAccountValue txn acc))
-	 (split (xaccTransGetSplit txn 0))
-	 (invoice (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn txn))
-	 (currency (xaccTransGetCurrency txn))
-	 (type-str
-	  (cond
-	   ((equal? type TXN-TYPE-INVOICE)
-	    (if (not (null? invoice))
-		(gnc:make-html-text
-		 (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-		  (gnc:invoice-anchor-text invoice)
-		  inv-str))
-		inv-str))
-	   ((equal? type TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT) (G_ "Payment, thank you!"))
-	   (else (G_ "Unknown"))))
-	 )
-    (if reverse?
-	(set! value (gnc-numeric-neg value)))
-    (if (< start-date date)
-	(begin
-	  ; Adds 'balance' row if needed
-	  (set! printed? (add-balance-row table column-vector txn odd-row? printed? start-date total))
-	  ; Now print out the invoice row
-          (if (and (not (null? invoice))
-                   (gncInvoiceIsPosted invoice))
-              (set! due-date (gncInvoiceGetDateDue invoice)))
-	  (let ((row (make-row column-vector date due-date (gnc-get-num-action txn split)
-			       type-str (xaccSplitGetMemo split)
-			       (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency value)))
-		(row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-	    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style
-					       (reverse row)))
-	  (set! odd-row? (not odd-row?))
-	  ))
-    (list printed? value odd-row?)
-    ))
-(define (make-txn-table options query acc start-date end-date)
-  (let ((txns (xaccQueryGetTransactions query QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ANY))
-	(used-columns (build-column-used options))
-	(total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-        (currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc))
-	(table (gnc:make-html-table))
-	(inv-str (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg"
-						      "inv-str")))
-	(reverse? (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg"
-						      "reverse?"))))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-     table
-     (make-heading-list used-columns))
-    ; Order the transactions properly
-    (set! txns (sort txns (lambda (a b) (> 0 (xaccTransOrder a b)))))
-    (let ((printed? #f)
-	  (odd-row? #t))
-      (for-each
-       (lambda (txn)
-	 (let ((type (xaccTransGetTxnType txn)))
-	   (if
-	    (or (equal? type TXN-TYPE-INVOICE)
-		(equal? type TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT))
-	    (let ((result (add-txn-row table txn acc used-columns odd-row? printed?
-				       inv-str reverse? start-date total)))
-	      (set! printed? (car result))
-	      (set! total (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total (cadr result)))
-	      (set! odd-row? (caddr result))
-	      ))))
-       txns)
-	  ;Balance row may not have been added if all transactions were before
-	  ;start-date (and no other rows would be added either) so add it now
-      (if (not (null? txns))
-	  (add-balance-row table used-columns (car txns) odd-row? printed? start-date total)
-		))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! 
-     table
-     "grand-total"
-     (append (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-		    "total-label-cell"
-		    (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p total)
-			(G_ "Total Credit")
-			(G_ "Total Due")))
-		   '())
-	     (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-		    1 (value-col used-columns)
-		    "total-number-cell"
-		    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency total)))))
-    (let* ((interval-vec (list->vector (make-interval-list end-date))))
-      (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-       table
-       "grand-total"
-       (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-	      1 (+ 1 (value-col used-columns))
-	      "centered-label-cell"
-	      (make-aging-table options query interval-vec reverse? currency)))))
-    table))
-(define (options-generator acct-type-list owner-type inv-str reverse?)
-  (define gnc:*report-options* (gnc:new-options))
-  (define (gnc:register-inv-option new-option)
-    (gnc:register-option gnc:*report-options* new-option))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "inv-str" inv-str))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option "__reg" "reverse?" "" "" reverse?))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-owner-option owner-page owner-string "v"
-			  (N_ "The job for this report.")
-			  (lambda () '()) #f owner-type))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "owner-type" owner-type))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option owner-page acct-string "w"
-					(N_ "The account to search for transactions.")
-					#f #f acct-type-list))
-  (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
-   gnc:*report-options* gnc:pagename-general
-   (N_ "From") (N_ "To") "a")
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") date-header
-    "b" (N_ "Display the transaction date?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") due-date-header
-    "c" (N_ "Display the transaction date?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") reference-header
-    "d" (N_ "Display the transaction reference?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") type-header
-    "g" (N_ "Display the transaction type?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") desc-header
-    "ha" (N_ "Display the transaction description?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") amount-header
-    "hb" (N_ "Display the transaction amount?") #t))
-  (gnc:options-set-default-section gnc:*report-options* "General")
-  gnc:*report-options*)
-(define (job-options-generator)
-  (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE) GNC-OWNER-JOB
-                     (G_ "Invoice") #f))
-(define (setup-query q owner account end-date)
-  (let* ((guid (gncOwnerReturnGUID owner)))
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q 
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (xaccQueryAddSingleAccountMatch q account QOF-QUERY-AND)
-    (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT q #f end-date #t end-date QOF-QUERY-AND)
-    (qof-query-set-book q (gnc-get-current-book))
-    q))
-(define (make-owner-table owner)
-  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table
-     (list (gnc:multiline-to-html-text
-            (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner))))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-br)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-last-row-style!
-     table "td"
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top"))
-    table))
-(define (make-myname-table book date-format)
-  (let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
-	 (name (gnc:company-info book gnc:*company-name*))
-	 (addy (gnc:company-info book gnc:*company-addy*)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "align" "right")
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top")
-     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (or name "")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (gnc:multiline-to-html-text (or addy ""))))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table (list (gnc-print-time64 (current-time) date-format)))
-    table))
-(define (make-break! document)
-  (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-   document
-   (gnc:make-html-text
-    (gnc:html-markup-br))))
-(define (reg-renderer report-obj)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value
-     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "old job report is deprecated and will be removed in 5.x. Its functionality \
-is now merged into new-owner-report.scm.")
-  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
-	 (table '())
-	 (orders '())
-	 (query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
-	 (account (opt-val owner-page acct-string))
-	 (owner (opt-val owner-page owner-string))
-	 (start-date (gnc:time64-start-day-time 
-		       (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-			(opt-val gnc:pagename-general (N_ "From")))))
-	 (end-date (gnc:time64-end-day-time 
-		       (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-			(opt-val gnc:pagename-general (N_ "To")))))
-	 (book (gnc-get-current-book))
-         (date-format (gnc:options-fancy-date book))
-	 (type (opt-val "__reg" "owner-type"))
-	 (type-str "")
-         (report-title-str ""))
-    (cond
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
-       (set! type-str (N_ "Customer"))
-       (set! report-title-str (G_ "Customer Report")))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-JOB)
-       (set! type-str (N_ "Job"))
-       (set! report-title-str (G_ "Job Report")))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
-       (set! type-str (N_ "Vendor"))
-       (set! report-title-str (G_ "Vendor Report")))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
-       (set! type-str (N_ "Employee"))
-       (set! report-title-str (G_ "Employee Report"))))
-    (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title-str)
-    (if (gncOwnerIsValid owner)
-	(begin
-	  (setup-query query owner account end-date)
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-title!
-	   document
-           (string-append report-title-str ": " (gncOwnerGetName owner)))
-           (gnc:html-document-set-headline!
-            document (gnc:html-markup
-                      "span"
-                      report-title-str ": "
-                      (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-					   (gnc:job-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetJob owner))
-                       (gncOwnerGetName owner))))
-	  (if (not (null? account))
-	      (begin
-		(set! table (make-txn-table (gnc:report-options report-obj)
-					    query account start-date end-date))
-		(gnc:html-table-set-style!
-		 table "table"
-		 'attribute (list "border" 1)
-		 'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-		 'attribute (list "cellpadding" 4)))
-	      (set!
-	       table
-	       (gnc:make-html-text
-		(G_ "No valid account selected. Click on the Options button and select the account to use."))))
-	  (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-	   document
-	   (make-myname-table book date-format))
-	  (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-	   document
-	   (make-owner-table owner))
-	  (make-break! document)
-	  (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-	   document
-	   (gnc:make-html-text
-	    (string-append
-	     (G_ "Date Range")
-	     ": "
-	     (qof-print-date start-date)
-	     " - "
-	     (qof-print-date end-date))))
-	  (make-break! document)
-	  (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table))
-	;; else....
-	(gnc:html-document-add-object!
-         document
-         (gnc:make-html-text
-          (string-append
-           (cond
-            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
-             (G_ "No valid customer selected."))
-            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-JOB)
-             (G_ "No valid job selected."))
-            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
-             (G_ "No valid vendor selected."))
-            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
-             (G_ "No valid employee selected."))
-            (else ""))
-           " "
-           (G_ "Click on the \"Options\" button to select a company.")))))
-    (qof-query-destroy query)
-    document))
- 'version 1
- 'name "Job Report (legacy)"
- 'report-guid "5518ac227e474f47a34439f2d4d049de-old"
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
- 'options-generator job-options-generator
- 'renderer reg-renderer
- 'in-menu? (gnc-prefs-is-extra-enabled))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/owner-report.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/owner-report.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ef11b91..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/owner-report.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,861 +0,0 @@
-;; -*-scheme-*-
-;; owner-report.scm -- Print out a detailed owner report, which is a
-;;                     summary of invoices and payments for a particular
-;;                     company (the owner) applied to an account.
-;; Created by:  Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; Modified by AMM to show tax figures of invoice.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash reports standard owner-report))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-8))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))        ; for gnc:debug
-(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash report))
-;; Option names
-(define optname-from-date (N_ "From"))
-(define optname-to-date (N_ "To"))
-(define optname-date-driver (N_ "Due or Post Date"))
-;; let's define a name for the report-guid's, much prettier
-(define employee-report-guid "08ae9c2e884b4f9787144f47eacd7f44-old")
-(define vendor-report-guid "d7d1e53505ee4b1b82efad9eacedaea0-old")
-(define customer-report-guid "c146317be32e4948a561ec7fc89d15c1-old")
-(define acct-string (N_ "Account"))
-(define owner-page gnc:pagename-general)
-(define date-header (N_ "Date"))
-(define due-date-header (N_ "Due Date"))
-(define reference-header (N_ "Reference"))
-(define type-header (N_ "Type"))
-(define desc-header (N_ "Description"))
-(define sale-header (N_ "Sale"))
-(define tax-header (N_ "Tax"))
-(define credit-header (N_ "Credits"))
-(define debit-header (N_ "Debits"))
-(define amount-header (N_ "Amount"))
-;; Depending on the report type we want to set up some lists/cases 
-;; with strings to ease overview and translation
-;; note: we default to company
-;; owner-string & doctype-str are nearly equivalent, report is vendor report
-;; but default option naming was Company. 
-;; Names in Option panel (Untranslated! Because it is used for option
-;; naming and lookup only, and the display of the option name will be
-;; translated somewhere else.)
-(define (owner-string owner-type)
-  (cond ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) (N_ "Customer"))
-        ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) (N_ "Employee"))
-        ;; FALL THROUGH
-        (else
-          (N_ "Company")))) 
-;; Error strings in case there is no (valid) selection (translated)
-(define (invalid-selection-title-string owner-type)
-  (cond ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) (G_ "No valid customer selected."))
-        ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) (G_ "No valid employee selected."))
-        ;; FALL THROUGH
-        (else
-          (G_ "No valid company selected."))))
-(define (invalid-selection-string owner-type)
-  (cond ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) (G_ "This report requires a customer to be selected."))
-        ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) (G_ "This report requires a employee to be selected."))
-        ;; FALL THROUGH
-        (else
-          (G_ "This report requires a company to be selected."))))
-;; Html formatted error message documents
-(define (gnc:html-make-no-owner-warning
-         report-title-string report-id)
-  (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
-    report-title-string
-    report-id
-    invalid-selection-title-string
-    invalid-selection-string))
-(define (gnc:html-make-no-valid-account-warning
-         report-title-string report-id)
-  (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
-    report-title-string
-    report-id
-    (G_ "No valid account selected")
-    (G_ "This report requires a valid account to be selected.")))
-;; Document names, used in report names (translated)
-(define (doctype-str owner-type)
-  (cond ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) (G_ "Customer"))
-        ((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) (G_ "Employee"))
-        ;; FALL THROUGH
-        (else
-          (G_ "Vendor")))) 
-(define (date-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 0))
-(define (date-due-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 1))
-(define (num-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 2))
-(define (type-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 3))
-(define (memo-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 4))
-(define (sale-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 5))
-(define (tax-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 6))
-(define (credit-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 7))
-(define (debit-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 8))
-(define (value-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 9))
-(define columns-used-size 10)
-(define (build-column-used options)   
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value 
-     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (define (make-set-col col-vector)
-    (let ((col 0))
-      (lambda (used? index)
-        (if used?
-            (begin
-              (vector-set! col-vector index col)
-              (set! col (+ col 1)))
-            (vector-set! col-vector index #f)))))
-  (let* ((col-vector (make-vector columns-used-size #f))
-         (set-col (make-set-col col-vector)))
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" date-header) 0)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" due-date-header) 1)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" reference-header) 2)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" type-header) 3)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" desc-header) 4)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" sale-header) 5)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" tax-header) 6)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" credit-header) 7)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" debit-header) 8)
-    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" amount-header) 9)
-    col-vector))
-(define (make-heading-list column-vector)
-  (let ((heading-list '()))
-    (if (date-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (G_ date-header)))
-    (if (date-due-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (G_ due-date-header)))
-    (if (num-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (G_ reference-header)))
-    (if (type-col column-vector)
-    (addto! heading-list (G_ type-header)))
-    (if (memo-col column-vector)
-    (addto! heading-list (G_ desc-header)))
-    (if (sale-col column-vector)
-    (addto! heading-list (G_ sale-header)))
-    (if (tax-col column-vector)
-    (addto! heading-list (G_ tax-header)))
-    (if (credit-col column-vector)
-    (addto! heading-list (G_ credit-header)))
-    (if (debit-col column-vector)
-    (addto! heading-list (G_ debit-header)))
-    (if (value-col column-vector)
-    (addto! heading-list (G_ amount-header)))
-    (reverse heading-list)))
-(define num-buckets 5)
-(define (new-bucket-vector)
-  (make-vector num-buckets (gnc-numeric-zero)))
-(define (make-interval-list to-date)
-  (let ((begindate to-date))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (set! begindate (decdate begindate ThirtyDayDelta))
-    (gnc:make-date-list begindate to-date ThirtyDayDelta)))
-;; Have make-list create a stepped list, then add a date in the future for the "current" bucket 
-(define (make-extended-interval-list to-date) 
-    (define dayforcurrent (incdate to-date YearDelta)) ;; MAGIC CONSTANT 
-    (define oldintervalreversed (reverse (make-interval-list to-date)))          
-    (reverse (cons dayforcurrent oldintervalreversed))) 
-(define (make-aging-table options query bucket-intervals reverse? date-type currency)
-  (let ((lots (xaccQueryGetLots query QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ANY))
-    (buckets (new-bucket-vector))
-    (payments (gnc-numeric-zero))
-    (table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-     (define (in-interval this-date current-bucket)
-      (< this-date current-bucket))
-     (define (find-bucket current-bucket bucket-intervals date)
-      (begin
-       (if (>= current-bucket (vector-length bucket-intervals))
-        (gnc:error "sanity check failed in find-bucket")
-        (if (in-interval date (vector-ref bucket-intervals current-bucket))
-        current-bucket
-        (find-bucket (+ current-bucket 1) bucket-intervals date)))))
-     (define (apply-invoice date value)
-      (let* ((bucket-index (find-bucket 0 bucket-intervals date))
-         (new-value (gnc-numeric-add-fixed
-             value
-             (vector-ref buckets bucket-index))))
-       (vector-set! buckets bucket-index new-value)))
-    (define (apply-payment value)
-      (set! payments (gnc-numeric-add-fixed value payments)))
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (lot)
-       (let* ((bal (gnc-lot-get-balance lot))
-          (invoice (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot lot))
-              (date (if (eq? date-type 'postdate)
-               (gncInvoiceGetDatePosted invoice)
-               (gncInvoiceGetDateDue invoice)))
-              )
-     (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p bal))
-         (begin
-           (if reverse?
-           (set! bal (gnc-numeric-neg bal)))
-           (if (not (null? invoice))
-           (begin
-             (apply-invoice date bal))
-           (apply-payment bal))))))
-     lots)
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-     table
-     (list (G_ "Current")
-           (G_ "0-30 days")
-       (G_ "31-60 days")
-       (G_ "61-90 days")
-       (G_ "91+ days")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table
-     (reverse (map (lambda (entry)
-             (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency entry))
-           (vector->list buckets))))
-    table))
-;; Make a row list based on the visible columns
-(define (make-row column-vector date due-date num type-str memo monetary credit debit sale tax)
-  (let ((row-contents '()))
-    (if (date-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents (qof-print-date date)))
-    (if (date-due-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents 
-         (if due-date
-             (qof-print-date due-date)
-             "")))
-    (if (num-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents (gnc:html-string-sanitize num)))
-    (if (type-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents type-str))
-    (if (memo-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents (gnc:html-string-sanitize memo)))
-    (if (sale-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-         (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" sale)))
-    (if (tax-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-         (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" tax)))
-    (if (credit-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-         (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" credit)))
-    (if (debit-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-         (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" debit)))
-    (if (value-col column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-         (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" monetary)))
-    row-contents))
-;; Adds the 'Balance' row to the table if it has not been printed and
-;; total is not zero
-;; Returns printed? 
-(define (add-balance-row table column-vector txn odd-row? printed? start-date total)
-  (if (not printed?)
-      (begin
-    (set! printed? #t)
-    (if (and (value-col column-vector) (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p total)))
-        (let ((row (make-row column-vector start-date #f "" (G_ "Balance") ""
-                 (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (xaccTransGetCurrency txn) total) "" "" "" ""))
-          (row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-          (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style (reverse row))
-          (set! odd-row? (not odd-row?))
-          (set! row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-        )))
-    printed?)
-;; Make sure the caller checks the type first and only calls us with
-;; invoice and payment transactions.  we don't verify it here.
-;; Return a list of (printed? value odd-row?)
-(define (add-txn-row table txn acc column-vector odd-row? printed?
-             reverse? start-date total)
-  (let* ((type (xaccTransGetTxnType txn))
-     (date (xaccTransGetDate txn))
-     (due-date #f)
-     (value (xaccTransGetAccountValue txn acc))
-     (sale (gnc-numeric-zero))
-     (tax (gnc-numeric-zero))
-     (split (xaccTransGetSplit txn 0))
-     (invoice (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn txn))
-     (currency (xaccTransGetCurrency txn))
-     (type-str
-      (cond
-       ((equal? type TXN-TYPE-INVOICE)
-        (if (not (null? invoice))
-        (gnc:make-html-text
-         (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-          (gnc:invoice-anchor-text invoice)
-          (gncInvoiceGetTypeString invoice)))
-        (G_ "Unknown")))
-       ((equal? type TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT)
-        (gnc:make-html-text
-	 (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-	  (gnc:split-anchor-text split) (G_ "Payment"))))
-       (else (G_ "Unknown"))))
-     )
-   (if reverse?
-    (set! value (gnc-numeric-neg value)))
-   (if (<= start-date date)
-    (begin
-      ; Adds 'balance' row if needed
-      (set! printed? (add-balance-row table column-vector txn odd-row? printed? start-date total))
-      ; Now print out the invoice row
-      (if (not (null? invoice))
-        (begin
-          (set! due-date (and (gncInvoiceIsPosted invoice)
-                              (gncInvoiceGetDateDue invoice)))
-          (set! sale (gncInvoiceGetTotalSubtotal invoice))
-          (set! tax (gncInvoiceGetTotalTax invoice))))
-      (if (gncInvoiceGetIsCreditNote invoice)
-        (begin
-          (set! tax (gnc-numeric-neg tax))
-          (set! sale (gnc-numeric-neg sale))))
-      (let ((row (make-row column-vector date due-date (gnc-get-num-action txn split)
-                   type-str (xaccSplitGetMemo split)
-                   (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency value)
-           (if (not (gnc-numeric-negative-p value))
-               (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency value) "")
-           (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p value)
-               (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency value) "")
-           (if (not (null? invoice))
-               (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency sale) "")
-           (if (not (null? invoice))
-               (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency tax) "")
-        ))
-        (row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-        (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style
-                           (reverse row)))
-      (set! odd-row? (not odd-row?))
-      ))
-    (list printed? value odd-row? sale tax)
-    ))
-(define (make-txn-table options query acc start-date end-date date-type)
-  (let ((txns (xaccQueryGetTransactions query QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ANY))
-    (used-columns (build-column-used options))
-    (total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-    (debit (gnc-numeric-zero))
-    (credit (gnc-numeric-zero))
-    (tax (gnc-numeric-zero))
-    (sale (gnc-numeric-zero))
-    (currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc))
-    (table (gnc:make-html-table))
-    (reverse? (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg"
-                              "reverse?"))))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-     table
-     (make-heading-list used-columns))
-    ; Order the transactions properly
-    (set! txns (sort txns (lambda (a b) (> 0 (xaccTransOrder a b)))))
-    (let ((printed? #f)
-      (odd-row? #t))
-      (for-each
-       (lambda (txn)
-     (let ((type (xaccTransGetTxnType txn)))
-       (if
-        (or (equal? type TXN-TYPE-INVOICE)
-        (equal? type TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT))
-        (let ((result (add-txn-row table txn acc used-columns odd-row? printed?
-                       reverse? start-date total)))
-          (set! printed? (car result))
-          (if (and printed? total)
-            (begin
-              (set! sale (gnc-numeric-add-fixed sale (cadddr result)))
-              (set! tax (gnc-numeric-add-fixed tax (car (cddddr result))))
-              (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p (cadr result))
-                (set! debit (gnc-numeric-add-fixed debit (cadr result)))
-                (set! credit (gnc-numeric-add-fixed credit (cadr result))))))
-          (set! total (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total (cadr result)))
-          (set! odd-row? (caddr result))
-          ))))
-       txns)
-      ;Balance row may not have been added if all transactions were before
-      ;start-date (and no other rows would be added either) so add it now
-      (if (not (null? txns))
-      (add-balance-row table used-columns (car txns) odd-row? printed? start-date total)
-        ))
-    (if (or (sale-col used-columns) (tax-col used-columns) (credit-col used-columns) (debit-col used-columns))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! 
-     table
-     "grand-total"
-     (append (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-            "total-label-cell"
-            (G_ "Period Totals"))
-           '())
-     (let ((row-contents '())
-         (pre-span 0))
-      ; HTML gets generated in reverse order
-      (if (value-col used-columns) (addto! row-contents
-          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-          1 1 "total-number-cell"
-          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-add-fixed credit debit)))))
-      (if (debit-col used-columns) (addto! row-contents
-          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-          1 1 "total-number-cell"
-          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency debit))))
-      (if (credit-col used-columns) (addto! row-contents
-          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-          1 1 "total-number-cell"
-          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency credit))))
-      (if (tax-col used-columns) (addto! row-contents
-          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-          1 1 "total-number-cell"
-          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency tax))))
-      (if (sale-col used-columns) (addto! row-contents
-          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-          1 1 "total-number-cell"
-          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency sale))))
-      (if (memo-col used-columns) (set! pre-span (+ pre-span 1)))
-      (if (type-col used-columns) (set! pre-span (+ pre-span 1)))
-      (if (num-col used-columns) (set! pre-span (+ pre-span 1)))
-      (if (date-due-col used-columns) (set! pre-span (+ pre-span 1)))
-      (if (date-col used-columns) (set! pre-span (+ pre-span 1)))
-      (if (>= pre-span 2) (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size 1 (- pre-span 1) "")))
-     row-contents))))
-    (if (value-col used-columns)
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! 
-     table
-     "grand-total"
-     (append (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-            "total-label-cell"
-            (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p total)
-            (G_ "Total Credit")
-            (G_ "Total Due")))
-           '())
-         (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-            1 (value-col used-columns)
-            "total-number-cell"
-            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency total))))))
-    (let* ((interval-vec (list->vector (make-extended-interval-list end-date))))
-      (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-       table
-       "grand-total"
-       (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-          1 columns-used-size
-          (make-aging-table options query interval-vec reverse? date-type currency)))))
-    table))
-(define (options-generator acct-type-list owner-type reverse?)
-  (define gnc:*report-options* (gnc:new-options))
-  (define (gnc:register-inv-option new-option)
-   (gnc:register-option gnc:*report-options* new-option))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option "__reg" "reverse?" "" "" reverse?))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-owner-option owner-page (owner-string owner-type) "v"
-              (N_ "The company for this report.")
-              (lambda () '()) #f owner-type))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "owner-type" owner-type))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option owner-page acct-string "w"
-                    (N_ "The account to search for transactions.")
-                    #f #f acct-type-list))
-  (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
-   gnc:*report-options* gnc:pagename-general
-   optname-from-date optname-to-date "a")
-  ;; Use a default report date of 'today'
-  (gnc:option-set-default-value
-   (gnc:lookup-option gnc:*report-options* gnc:pagename-general optname-to-date)
-   (cons 'relative 'today))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") date-header
-    "b" (N_ "Display the transaction date?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") due-date-header
-    "c" (N_ "Display the transaction date?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") reference-header
-    "d" (N_ "Display the transaction reference?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") type-header
-    "g" (N_ "Display the transaction type?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") desc-header
-    "ha" (N_ "Display the transaction description?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") sale-header
-    "haa" (N_ "Display the sale amount column?") #f))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") tax-header
-    "hab" (N_ "Display the tax column?") #f))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") credit-header
-    "hac" (N_ "Display the period credits column?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") debit-header
-    "had" (N_ "Display the period debits column?") #t))
-  (gnc:register-inv-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    (N_ "Display Columns") amount-header
-    "hb" (N_ "Display the transaction amount?") #t)) 
-  (gnc:register-inv-option 
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option 
-    gnc:pagename-general 
-    optname-date-driver 
-    "k" 
-    (N_ "Leading date.") 
-    'duedate 
-    (list 
-     (vector 'duedate (N_ "Due Date") (N_ "Due date is leading.")) ;; Should be using standard label for due date? 
-     (vector 'postdate (N_ "Post Date") (N_ "Post date is leading."))))) ;; Should be using standard label for post date? 
-  (gnc:options-set-default-section gnc:*report-options* "General")
-  gnc:*report-options*)
-(define (customer-options-generator)
-  (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE) GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER #f))
-(define (vendor-options-generator)
-  (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE) GNC-OWNER-VENDOR #t))
-(define (employee-options-generator)
-  (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE) GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE #t))
-(define (setup-query q owner account end-date)
-  (let* ((guid (gncOwnerReturnGUID (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))))
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q 
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (xaccQueryAddSingleAccountMatch q account QOF-QUERY-AND)
-    (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT q #f end-date #t end-date QOF-QUERY-AND)
-    (qof-query-set-book q (gnc-get-current-book))
-    q))
-(define (make-owner-table owner)
-  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table (gnc:multiline-to-html-text (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner)))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-br)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-last-row-style!
-     table "td"
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top"))
-    table))
-(define (make-date-row! table label date)
-  (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-   table
-   (list
-    (string-append label ": ")
-    (qof-print-date date))))
-(define (make-date-table)
-  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-last-row-style!
-     table "td"
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top"))
-    table))
-(define (make-myname-table book date-format)
-  (let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
-     (name (gnc:company-info book gnc:*company-name*))
-     (addy (gnc:company-info book gnc:*company-addy*)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "align" "right")
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top")
-     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (or name "")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table (list (gnc:multiline-to-html-text (or addy ""))))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table (list (gnc-print-time64 (gnc:get-today) date-format)))
-    table))
-(define (make-break! document)
-  (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-   document
-   (gnc:make-html-text
-    (gnc:html-markup-br))))
-(define (reg-renderer report-obj)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value
-     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "old owner reports are deprecated and will be removed in 5.x")
-  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
-     (table '())
-     (orders '())
-     (query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
-     (account (opt-val owner-page acct-string))
-     (start-date (gnc:time64-start-day-time 
-      (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-       (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-from-date))))
-     (end-date (gnc:time64-end-day-time 
-               (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-               (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-to-date))))
-     (book (gnc-get-current-book))
-     (date-format (gnc:options-fancy-date book))
-     (type (opt-val "__reg" "owner-type"))
-     (owner-descr (owner-string type))
-     (date-type (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-date-driver))
-     (owner (opt-val owner-page owner-descr))
-     (report-title (string-append (doctype-str type) " " (G_ "Report"))))
-    (if (not (gncOwnerIsValid owner))
-     (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-      document
-      (gnc:html-make-no-owner-warning
-       report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
-    ;; else....
-     (begin
-      (set! report-title (string-append report-title ": " (gncOwnerGetName owner)))
-      (if (null? account)
-       (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-        document
-        (gnc:html-make-no-valid-account-warning
-         report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
-      ;; else....
-       (begin
-        (setup-query query owner account end-date)
-        (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
-        (gnc:html-document-set-headline!
-         document (gnc:html-markup
-                   "span"
-                   (doctype-str type)
-                   " " (G_ "Report:") " "
-                   (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-                    (gnc:owner-anchor-text owner)
-                    (gncOwnerGetName owner))))
-        (set! table (make-txn-table (gnc:report-options report-obj)
-                        query account start-date end-date date-type))
-        (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-         table "table"
-         'attribute (list "border" 1)
-         'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-         'attribute (list "cellpadding" 4))
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-         document
-         (make-myname-table book date-format))
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-         document
-         (make-owner-table owner))
-        (make-break! document)
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-         document
-         (gnc:make-html-text
-          (string-append
-           (G_ "Date Range")
-           ": "
-           (qof-print-date start-date)
-           " - "
-           (qof-print-date end-date))))
-        (make-break! document)
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)
-        (qof-query-destroy query)))))
-   document))
-(define* (find-first-account type #:key currency)
-  (or (find
-       (lambda (acc)
-         (and (eqv? type (xaccAccountGetType acc))
-              (or (not currency)
-                  (gnc-commodity-equiv currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc)))))
-       (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account)))
-      '()))
-(define* (find-first-account-for-owner owner #:key currency)
-  (let ((type (gncOwnerGetType (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))))
-    (cond
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
-       (find-first-account ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE #:currency currency))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
-       (find-first-account ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE #:currency currency))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
-       (find-first-account ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE #:currency currency))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-JOB)
-       (find-first-account-for-owner (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner)
-                                     #:currency currency))
-      (else
-       '()))))
- 'version 1
- 'name "Customer Report (legacy)"
- 'report-guid customer-report-guid
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
- 'options-generator customer-options-generator
- 'renderer reg-renderer
- 'in-menu? (gnc-prefs-is-extra-enabled))
- 'version 1
- 'name "Vendor Report (legacy)"
- 'report-guid vendor-report-guid
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
- 'options-generator vendor-options-generator
- 'renderer reg-renderer
- 'in-menu? (gnc-prefs-is-extra-enabled))
- 'version 1
- 'name "Employee Report (legacy)"
- 'report-guid employee-report-guid 
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
- 'options-generator employee-options-generator
- 'renderer reg-renderer
- 'in-menu? (gnc-prefs-is-extra-enabled))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/payables.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/payables.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 31aeb7d02..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/payables.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-;; payables.scm : accounts payable aging report
-;; By Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash reports standard payables))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash report))
-(use-modules (gnucash reports aging))
-(define acc-page gnc:pagename-general)
-(define this-acc (N_ "Payable Account"))
-(define (options-generator)    
-  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options)) 
-         (add-option 
-          (lambda (new-option)
-            (gnc:register-option options new-option))))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option
-      acc-page this-acc
-      "w" (N_ "The payable account you wish to examine.") 
-      #f #f (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE)))
-    ;; As aging.scm functions are used by both receivables.scm and payables.scm
-    ;;  add option "receivable" on hidden page "__hidden" with default value 'P
-    ;;  so aging.scm functions can tell if they are reporting on
-    ;;  accounts receivable or payable, as customers have a shipping address
-    ;;  but vendors do not. The Address Source option therefore only applies
-    ;;  to customers.
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-internal-option "__hidden" "receivable-or-payable" 'P))
-    (aging-options-generator options)))
-(define (payables-renderer report-obj)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value
-     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))
-  (let ((payables-account (opt-val acc-page this-acc)))
-    (gnc:debug "payables-account" payables-account)
-    (aging-renderer report-obj this-acc payables-account #f)))
-(define payables-aging-guid "e57770f2dbca46619d6dac4ac5469b50-old")
-;; Here we define the actual report with gnc:define-report
- 'version 1
- 'name "Payable Aging (legacy)"
- 'report-guid payables-aging-guid
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
- 'options-generator options-generator
- 'renderer payables-renderer
- 'in-menu? (gnc-prefs-is-extra-enabled))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/receivables.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/receivables.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 519d5514f..000000000
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/receivables.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-;; receivables.scm : accounts receivable aging report
-;; By Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash reports standard receivables))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash report))
-(use-modules (gnucash reports aging))
-(define acc-page gnc:pagename-general)
-(define this-acc (N_ "Receivables Account"))
-(define optname-addr-source (N_ "Address Source")) ;; Billing or Shipping addresses
-(define (options-generator)    
-  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options)) 
-         (add-option 
-          (lambda (new-option)
-            (gnc:register-option options new-option))))
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option
-      acc-page this-acc
-      "w" (N_ "The receivables account you wish to examine.") 
-      #f #f (list ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE)))
-    ;; As aging.scm functions are used by both receivables.scm and payables.scm
-    ;;  add option "receivable" on hidden page "__hidden" with default value 'R
-    ;;  so aging.scm functions can tell if they are reporting on
-    ;;  accounts receivable or payable, as customers have a shipping address
-    ;;  but vendors do not. The Address Source option therefore only applies
-    ;;  to customers.
-    (add-option
-     (gnc:make-internal-option "__hidden" "receivable-or-payable" 'R))
-    (add-option
-      (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-        gnc:pagename-display
-        optname-addr-source
-        "a"
-        (N_ "Address source.")
-        'billing
-        (list
-         (vector 'billing (N_ "Billing") (N_ "Address fields from billing address."))
-         (vector 'shipping (N_ "Shipping") (N_ "Address fields from shipping address.")))))
-    (aging-options-generator options)))
-(define (receivables-renderer report-obj)
-  (define (op-value section name)
-    (gnc:option-value
-     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))
-  (let* ((receivables-account (op-value acc-page this-acc)))
-    (gnc:debug "receivables-account" receivables-account)
-    (aging-renderer report-obj this-acc receivables-account #t)))
-(define receivables-aging-guid "9cf76bed17f14401b8e3e22d0079cb98-old")
-;; Here we define the actual report with gnc:define-report
- 'version 1
- 'name "Receivable Aging (legacy)"
- 'report-guid receivables-aging-guid
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
- 'options-generator options-generator
- 'renderer receivables-renderer
- 'in-menu? (gnc-prefs-is-extra-enabled))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-owner-report.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-owner-report.scm
index a5bdc4273..825777ff5 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-owner-report.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-owner-report.scm
@@ -14,11 +14,7 @@
 (use-modules (system vm vm))
 (define uuid-list
-  (list (cons 'employee "08ae9c2e884b4f9787144f47eacd7f44-old")
-        (cons 'vendor "d7d1e53505ee4b1b82efad9eacedaea0-old")
-        (cons 'customer "c146317be32e4948a561ec7fc89d15c1-old")
-        (cons 'customer-new "c146317be32e4948a561ec7fc89d15c1")
-        (cons 'job "5518ac227e474f47a34439f2d4d049de-old")))
+  (list (cons 'customer-new "c146317be32e4948a561ec7fc89d15c1")))
 (setlocale LC_ALL "C")
@@ -301,32 +297,6 @@
                                (gnc-dmy2time64 22 06 1980) ;due
                                "inv $3 CN" #t #f))
-    ;; (gnc:dump-book) (newline)
-    ;; (gnc:dump-invoices) (newline)
-    (display "customer-report tests:\n")
-    (test-begin "customer-report")
-    (let* ((options (default-testing-options 'customer owner-1 (get-acct "AR-USD")))
-           (sxml (options->sxml 'customer options "customer-report basic")))
-      (test-equal "inv-descriptions"
-        '("inv >90 $11.50" "inv 60-90 $7.50" "inv 30-60 $8.50"
-          "inv >90 payment" "inv >90 payment" "inv <30days $4.00"
-          "inv $200" "inv $200" "inv current $6.75" "inv $3 CN"
-          "$31.75" "$8.00" "$8.00")
-        (sxml-get-row-col sxml #f 5))
-      (test-equal "debit-amounts"
-        '("$11.50" "$7.50" "$8.50" "$4.00" "$200.00" "$6.75")
-        (sxml-get-row-col sxml #f 6))
-      (test-equal "crebit-amounts"
-        '("-$1.50" "-$2.00" "-$200.00" "-$3.00")
-        (sxml-get-row-col sxml #f 7))
-      ;; from the report, find the 3rd table, last row, find embedded
-      ;; table, retrieve tr contents
-      (test-equal "aging-table"
-        '("$6.75" "$1.00" "$8.50" "$7.50" "$8.00")
-        ((sxpath `(// (table 3) // (tr -1) // table // tbody // tr // *text*))
-         sxml)))
-    (test-end "customer-report")
     (display "new-owner-report tests:\n")
     (test-begin "new-customer-report")
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options 'customer-new
@@ -371,29 +341,4 @@
         '("$0.00" "$6.75" "$1.00" "$8.50" "$7.50" "$8.00" "$31.75")
         ((sxpath `(// (table 3) // (tr -1) // table // tbody // tr // *text*))
-    (test-end "new-customer-report")
-    (display "job-report tests:\n")
-    ;; inv for job
-    (let ((inv-2-copy (gncInvoiceCopy inv-2)))
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-2-copy (entry 25/4))
-      (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-2-copy
-                               (get-acct "AR-USD")         ;post-to acc
-                               (gnc-dmy2time64 13 05 1980) ;posted
-                               (gnc-dmy2time64 18 06 1980) ;due
-                               "inv for job" #t #f)
-      (gncInvoiceApplyPayment
-       inv-2-copy '() (get-acct "Bank-USD") 25/4 1
-       (gnc-dmy2time64 18 06 1980)
-       "inv for job" "fully paid"))
-    (test-begin "job-report")
-    (let* ((options (default-testing-options 'job owner-2 (get-acct "AR-USD")))
-           (sxml (options->sxml 'job options "job-report basic")))
-      (test-equal "inv-descriptions"
-        '("inv for job" "inv for job")
-        (sxml-get-row-col sxml #f 5))
-      (test-equal "amounts"
-        '("$6.25" "-$6.25")
-        (sxml-get-row-col sxml #f 6)))
-    (test-end "job-report")))
+    (test-end "new-customer-report")))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/test/test-report-html.scm b/gnucash/report/test/test-report-html.scm
index 7e5b75c7c..8fe3d406d 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/test/test-report-html.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/test/test-report-html.scm
@@ -703,39 +703,14 @@ HTML Document Title</title></head><body></body>\n\
     (test-end "HTML Table - Cell Access and Edit")
-    (test-begin "HTML Table - Append Columns")
-      (let (
-             (test-doc (gnc:make-html-document))
-             (test-table (gnc:make-html-table))
-           )
-        (gnc:html-table-set-caption! test-table #t)
-        (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "r1c1")
-        (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table '("r2c1" "r2c2" "r2c3"))
-        (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table '("r3c1" "r3c2"))
-        (gnc:html-table-append-column! test-table '("r1c4" "r2c4" "r3c4" "r4c4"))
-        (test-equal "HTML Table - Check Num Rows after append column"
-          4
-          (gnc:html-table-num-rows test-table)
-        )
-        (test-equal "HTML Table - Check data after append column"
-          '((#f #f #f "r4c4") ("r3c1" "r3c2" #f "r3c4") ("r2c1" "r2c2" "r2c3" "r2c4") ("r1c1" #f #f "r1c4"))
-          (gnc:html-table-data test-table)
-        )
-        (test-equal "HTML Table - Check Cell Access after append column"
-          "r3c2"
-          (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 2 1)
-        )
-      )
-    (test-end "HTML Table - Append Columns")
     (test-begin "HTML Table - Table Rendering")
       (let (
              (test-doc (gnc:make-html-document))
              (test-table (gnc:make-html-table))
         (gnc:html-table-set-caption! test-table #t)
-        (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 1")
-        (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 2")
-        (gnc:html-table-append-column! test-table '("Col A" "Col B"))
+        (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table '("Row 1" "Col A"))
+        (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table '("Row 2" "Col B"))
         (test-equal "HTML Table - Check table rendering result"
 "<table><caption><boolean> #t</caption>\n\
diff --git a/gnucash/report/test/test-report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/test/test-report-utilities.scm
index 647540b2d..e3478e155 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/test/test-report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/test/test-report-utilities.scm
@@ -383,30 +383,6 @@
                                              (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2001)
-      (test-equal "gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-profit"
-        '(("GBP" . 612) ("USD" . 2389))
-        (collector->list
-         (gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-profit all-accounts
-                                             (lambda (acct)
-                                               (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
-                                                acct (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2001) #f)))))
-      (test-equal "gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-income"
-        '(("GBP" . 612) ("USD" . 2573))
-        (collector->list
-         (gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-income all-accounts
-                                             (lambda (acct)
-                                               (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
-                                                acct (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2001) #f)))))
-      (test-equal "gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-expense"
-        '(("USD" . -184))
-        (collector->list
-         (gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-expense all-accounts
-                                              (lambda (acct)
-                                                (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
-                                                 acct (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2001) #f)))))
       (test-equal "gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-assets"
         '(("GBP" . 608) ("USD" . 2394))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/test/test-report.scm b/gnucash/report/test/test-report.scm
index 80a24ef49..018f69146 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/test/test-report.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/test/test-report.scm
@@ -134,13 +134,8 @@
   (test-begin "test-make-report")
   (test-assert "gnc:make-report succeeds"
     (gnc:make-report test4-guid))
-  (test-equal "gnc:restore-report-by-guid"
-    1
-    (gnc:restore-report-by-guid 1 test4-guid test4-name "options"))
-  (test-assert "gnc:restore-report-by-guid, no options"
-    (not (gnc:restore-report-by-guid 1 test4-guid test4-name #f)))
   (test-equal "gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template"
-    2
+    1
      "id" test4-guid test4-name "custom-template-id" "options"))
   (test-assert "gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template, no options"
diff --git a/gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm b/gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm
index f6e1a31ee..66fba6a72 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm
@@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
           report-obj #:key custom-calculated-cells empty-report-message
           custom-split-filter split->date split->date-include-false?
-          export-type filename)
+          export-type)
   ;; the trep-renderer is a define* function which, at minimum, takes
   ;; the report object
@@ -2011,11 +2011,6 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
         (((? from-account?) . _) #t)
         ((_ . rest) (lp rest)))))
-  (when filename
-    (issue-deprecation-warning "trep-renderer filename is obsolete, and not \
-supported for exports. please set html-document export-string instead. this \
-warning will be removed in GnuCash 5.0"))
   (gnc:report-starting (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
   (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm b/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm
index 9a5f5269a..b9f218a36 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm
@@ -38,14 +38,3 @@
 (export gnc:get-debit-string)
 (export gnc:get-credit-string)
 (export gnc:config-file-format-version)
-;; Symbols deprecated in 4.x, to remove for 5.x
-(define (gnc:get-debit-string acct-type)
-    (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:get-debit-string is deprecated in 4.x. Please use (gnucash engine)'s gnc-account-get-debit-string instead.")
-    (gnc-account-get-debit-string acct-type))
-(define (gnc:get-credit-string acct-type)
-    (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:get-credit-string is deprecated in 4.x. Please use (gnucash engine)'s gnc-account-get-credit-string instead.")
-    (gnc-account-get-debit-string acct-type))
-(define (gnc:config-file-format-version version)
-    (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:config-file-format-version is deprecated in 4.x and will be removed from a future version.")
-    #t)
diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/c-interface.scm b/libgnucash/app-utils/c-interface.scm
index 0468fe501..967ee1224 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/c-interface.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/c-interface.scm
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 (export gnc:apply-with-error-handling)
 (export gnc:eval-string-with-error-handling)
 (export gnc:backtrace-if-exception)
-(export gnc:last-captured-error)
 (define (gnc:call-with-error-handling cmd args)
   (let ((captured-stack #f)
@@ -78,22 +77,5 @@
     ((result #f) result)
     ((_ captured-error)
      (display captured-error (current-error-port))
-     ;; the next line will be removed in 5.x - deprecated
-     (set! gnc:last-captured-error (gnc:html-string-sanitize captured-error))
      (when (defined? 'gnc:warn) (gnc:warn captured-error))
-(define gnc:last-captured-error "")     ;deprecate - remove in 5.x
-;; This database can be used to store and retrieve translatable
-;; strings. Strings that are returned by the lookup function are
-;; translated with gettext.
-(define (gnc:make-string-database)
-  (define string-hash (make-hash-table))
-  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-string-database is deprecated. It \
-will be removed in GnuCash 5.x")
-  (lambda args
-    (match args
-      (('lookup key) (G_ (hash-ref string-hash key)))
-      (('store key string) (hash-set! string-hash key string))
-      (_ (gnc:warn "string-database: bad action")))))

Summary of changes:
 bindings/guile/CMakeLists.txt                      |   8 -
 bindings/guile/business-core.scm                   |  35 +-
 bindings/guile/engine.scm                          |  30 -
 bindings/guile/gnc-module.scm                      |  88 ---
 bindings/guile/test/CMakeLists.txt                 |   2 -
 bindings/guile/test/test-business-core.scm         |  53 --
 bindings/guile/test/test-scm-utilities.scm         |  29 -
 bindings/guile/utilities.scm                       |  20 -
 gnucash/report/CMakeLists.txt                      |   4 -
 gnucash/report/eguile-utilities.scm                |  57 --
 gnucash/report/gnc-report.c                        |  49 --
 gnucash/report/gnc-report.h                        |   2 -
 gnucash/report/html-barchart.scm                   | 397 ----------
 gnucash/report/html-document.scm                   |  16 -
 gnucash/report/html-linechart.scm                  | 475 ------------
 gnucash/report/html-piechart.scm                   | 239 ------
 gnucash/report/html-scatter.scm                    | 227 ------
 gnucash/report/html-table.scm                      |  25 -
 gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm                  |  27 -
 gnucash/report/report-core.scm                     |  30 -
 gnucash/report/report-utilities.scm                |  68 --
 gnucash/report/reports/CMakeLists.txt              | 198 -----
 gnucash/report/reports/aging.scm                   | 847 --------------------
 gnucash/report/reports/example/average-balance.scm |   2 -
 .../reports/standard/income-gst-statement.scm      |   6 +-
 gnucash/report/reports/standard/job-report.scm     | 601 --------------
 gnucash/report/reports/standard/owner-report.scm   | 861 ---------------------
 gnucash/report/reports/standard/payables.scm       |  81 --
 gnucash/report/reports/standard/receivables.scm    |  94 ---
 .../reports/standard/test/test-owner-report.scm    |  59 +-
 gnucash/report/test/test-report-html.scm           |  29 +-
 gnucash/report/test/test-report-utilities.scm      |  24 -
 gnucash/report/test/test-report.scm                |   7 +-
 gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm                     |   7 +-
 libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm                 |  11 -
 libgnucash/app-utils/c-interface.scm               |  18 -
 libgnucash/engine/Account.cpp                      |  21 -
 libgnucash/engine/Account.h                        |  12 -
 38 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 4749 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 bindings/guile/gnc-module.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/html-barchart.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/html-linechart.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/html-piechart.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/html-scatter.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/reports/aging.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/reports/standard/job-report.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/reports/standard/owner-report.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/reports/standard/payables.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/reports/standard/receivables.scm

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