Build Dependencies

Jean-Claude Magras
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 09:27:33 -0500

Alan Orndorff wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > I would have to agree in part.  I built gnucash on a Sun box and I basicly
> > had to start from gnucash and work backwards with the dependencies until I
> > had everything built.  The approximate total number of libraries built is
> > about 64 from approximately 30 packages.  This was extremely frustrating and
> > time consuming.
> Getting Gnucash up and running on Solaris is a bit of a pain, but it's
> definately worth it.  I recieved my upgrade letter from Intuit
> yesterday,
> smiled, and then filed it in the trash.  Felt good.  One of the biggest
> drawbacks currently is that Gnucash is being coded towards Gnome.  Next
> year when Sun drops CDE and starts shipping Gnome as the default desktop
> the compilation on Solaris should be trivial.  Until then, your one of
> the
> few who can say, "I was there from the beginning." :-)
> alan
> ---
> Solaris Ultra/Intel Resources -
> When you open your Windows you'll see a light blue sky
> filled with clouds. If you look past the clouds, you'll
> only see the Sun.
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> your been
> able to get

Have your been able to get a good copy of gnome-core library?
The copy of the source found on is corrupt.. gnutar 1.13,
solaris 2.7 (mu4) tar and star report a problem with "././@LongLink".
AIX 4.3.3 also says there is a problem.


J..C. Magras