Unstable 1.5.5 forgets main window size.

Bill Gribble grib@gnumatic.com
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 07:54:22 -0500

On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 09:02:28PM -0500, Kevin Finn wrote:
>      My problem is that the "welcome" report comes up every time GnuCash
> is launched, no matter whether I closed it before exiting the last time
> or not.

Let me look into this.  I can see more-or-less what's going on from
the file snippet you posted, but there's no reason I can think of for
it to be happening :( 

The problem is that MDI is not correctly saving the window
configuration.  this either means that the save_state function is not
beingcalled -- what are you doing to exit Gnucash? -- or it's not
doing what it's supposed to do. Let me see if this is a known bug in
that version of the gnome libs.
