QIF patch-o-the-day (supersedes previous patch)
Derek Atkins
14 Feb 2001 17:22:51 -0500
grib@gnumatic.com (Bill Gribble) writes:
> More bug fixes thanks to Derek Atkins. This patch is against today's
> CVS so it includes the earlier patch.
Definitely a step in the right direction. The chase QIF now imports
perfectly! Good job. I still don't understand how to use the
duplicate-transaction chooser dialog. The instructions aren't very
clear on what to do. So, I still wound up loading duplicate
transactions when I tried to load the same QIF file a second time. I
find it odd that the "duplicate" matcher is so confused when there
really is a clear duplication match.
Anyways, there are still other "fuzziness" problems. I tried to load
in a QIF file from Vanguard and it created duplicate accounts.
Luckily, these duplicate accounts are only leaf accounts, but it's
still annoying:
Name: Treas MM
Description: Vanguard-50
Currency: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar)
Security: FUND:VMPXX (VMPXX) <- greyed out
Code: 131
Type: Bank
Parent: Assets -> Vanguard
Name: Treas MM 2
Description: QIF import: Name conflict with another account.
Currency: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar)
Security: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar) <- greyed out
Code: 131
Type: Bank
Parent: Assets -> Vanguard
As you can see, the "security" is different, even though it is greyed
out. Other than that, these two accounts are exactly the same. It
did the same thing for another Vanguard account. This particular QIF
file is of !Type:Invst and does a number of buys and sells.
But again, this is DEFINITELY a step in the right direction. Good
work, Bill!
> b.g.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available