QIF patch-o-the-day (supersedes previous patch)
Derek Atkins
14 Feb 2001 17:53:04 -0500
grib@gnumatic.com (Bill Gribble) writes:
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 05:22:51PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Name: Treas MM
> > Description: Vanguard-50
> > Currency: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar)
> > Security: FUND:VMPXX (VMPXX) <- greyed out
> > Code: 131
> > Type: Bank
> > Parent: Assets -> Vanguard
> So the QIF importer originally created this account? It looks very
> strange: a Bank account shouldn't have a security (you couldn't create
> one that did in the Gnucash UI). I may be overly fuzzifying things if
> I let a mutual fund account (or whatever VMPXX is) get created as a
> Bank account.
No, I created it myself, back in Gnucash 1.4. I then imported it into
"1.5". Originally I had this as a Mutual Fund, but I decided it
worked much better as a Bank account (mostly because Vanguard treats
it as such, and the share value is always "$1.00"). I think it still
let me, at the time, define the security for it. But that definitely
isn't the problem here (I think it should ignore the "security" in
bank accounts, anyways!)
> > Name: Treas MM 2
> > Description: QIF import: Name conflict with another account.
> > Currency: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar)
> > Security: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar) <- greyed out
> > Code: 131
> > Type: Bank
> > Parent: Assets -> Vanguard
> The security mismatch is why the accounts are incompatible. I'm curious
> why the second import wouldn't know that the security for this account is
> VMPXX... any ideas?
Actually, I only imported the file once, and the import did NOT know
what the security was. And it never asked me, either.
Let me give you a better example of a Mutual Fund account pair that is
also mis-matched from the same QIF file. The first account I created
myself, the second is what the QIF importer did:
Name: 500 Index
Description: Vanguard-40
Currency: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar)
Code: 133
Type: Mutual Fund
Parent: Assets -> Vanguard
Name: 500 Index 2
Description: QIF import: Name conflict with another account.
Currency: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar)
Security: ISO4217:USD (US Dollar)
Code: 133
Type: Stock
Parent: Assets -> Vanguard
I have no idea why the QIF file loaded my mutual fund as a stock.
Here is the particular QIF file I loaded. Maybe that will help you?
The file itself belongs to "500 Index", which is the MF account,
"Treas MM" is a Bank account.
> b.g.
Y500 Index
L[Treas MM]
Y500 Index
L[Treas MM]
Y500 Index
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available