fr.po for 1.6.1 : won't be finished
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 10:30:52 +0200

At 01:17 06/07/01 -0700, Dave Peticolas wrote:
> > If you want to help on translations, you can :
> > 2- Say here how you would translate COMMODITY (even non-french speaking
> > people can explain here the meaning of the word) I've a lot of
>In GnuCash, the word 'commodity' is used as a very general
>word that could denote:
>1. A national currency
>2. Stock & mutual fund shares
>3. Anything else that you want to 'count' the quantity of in an account.

That's what I understood. But my problem is still here : how to translate 
this in french ??? If any french-speaking has an idea...

I suggest BIEN, MARCHANDISE, PRODUIT, but none of them are perfect : 
PRODUIT also may mean income or product (ie : possible confusion), BIEN 
means almost everything (it also mean 'good', the opposite of bad), and 
MARCHANDISE applies only to material products (like sugar, wood, gold, car, 
or computer)

So i'm still looking for the right word...

Note I've translated it in the fr.po as 'account type', but it's a bad idea...