A problem compiling 1.6.1 and 1.7

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
10 Jul 2001 15:42:03 -0700

On 10 Jul 2001 23:31:28 +0100, Duarte Loreto wrote:
>    Hello!
> I'm having a strange problem compiling 1.6.1 and also the current devel 
> branch.
> When compilation is almost at it's begining, I get an error about the file 
> /src/doc/design/version.texi not existing. I go to that directory and it 
> isn't there. But if I make a touch version.texi and try to compile again, it 
> goes after that...
> Should I have that file? Or is there any other strange thing going on on my 
> sources?

That file is supposed to be in the distribution (I just checked to make
sure it is). If you are compiling from CVS, it is supposed to be 
installed when you run autogen.sh.
