gnucash 1.5.98 qif import

Dave Peticolas
05 Jun 2001 23:40:08 -0700

On 05 Jun 2001 18:39:32 -0500, Kevin Finn wrote:
> "Leach, Chris J (Oakton)" wrote:
> > 
> > It would be nice if moving parent moved the subtree.
> > It would be nicer if the tree was presented and you could drag and drop
> > subtrees
>      It's been a while since I've imported from QIF, but I agree that it
> would be nice to be able to drag-and-drop account in order to reorder
> the hierarchy in the account tree window, even if you're not just
> importing.  My original set of accounts were based on the MS Money
> default categories that I started with years ago, some of which no
> longer make any sense.  One of my "wish list" items for the next
> development cycle would be to be able to re-arrange the account tree
> more-or-less at will.
>      I think the last time I tried,  changing an account's name didn't
> update all of the accounts' transactions' splits in other accounts with
> the new account name, although I haven't tried this in a while and so it
> may work right now.

This should work now. Splits are connected to accounts through 
pointers/GUIDs, so the failure to update the name is just a refresh

>      While I'm thinking about it here are some other things that would
> be nice for the future.  Some of these I don't have any idea how to do,
> but I'd be willing to learn if no one else is already planning for them:
> Wish list:
>  - rearrange account hierarchies

There is support for this in the engine and in dialog-account.c.
The GUI enforces some sanity checks on the hierarchy (see 
dialog-account.c) including what account types can be parents
of other account types. The account dialog allows any account
to be reparented to any other account, but pops up a dialog
explaining the changes which need to be made in order to do

So, allowing the user to rearrange the hierarchy through drag-n-drop
requires implementing the drag-n-drop stuff and refactoring the
sanity check code from dialog-account.c.

>  - book closing - my initial equity account that I started with when
>    migrating over from MS Money doesn't mean much now, a year and a  
>    half hence.  I know there was some discussion about book closing
>    on the list at one point but I don't know what the latest plan is.

This will almost certainly be on the plate for the next cycle.

>  - startup and/or file load time - although I'm still using guile 
>    1.3.4, is the scheme performance on startup significantly improved
>    with guile 1.4?  It was so painful to set up a development 
>    environment in the first place that I'm cautious about changing
>    things if I don't need to :)  Also being able to close my books and
>    scrub out transactions from past years would probably help the load 
>    time too.

One thing that would really improve load times would be to defer
loading the main bodies of report code until they are needed for
the first time. I think this should be fairly straightforward.
Any guile gurus see problems there?

>      My apologies if it's too soon to start looking forward to the next
> development cycle; I've been hanging onto a fairly involved set of
> reconcile enhancements that I'm ready to send out.

It's not too soon at all, now is the time :)
