receipt tracking

Charlton Rose
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 08:16:15 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Andrew C.Dingman wrote:

>  	When I kept paper records instead of using Gnucash, I tried to staple 
> my receipts to the apropriate statements when they arrived. It seems 
> like bad record keeping to throw away my only proof that I actually 
> made the purchases, but like many people my ability to keep track of 
> little bits of paper is so limitted that I might as well be throwing 
> them away right now.

Get a scrap book and a glue stick and paste all your receipts into the
scrapbook.  Number the pages in your scrap book and enter the page number
of each receipt into its corresponding entry in GnuCash.  Months later,
when you are looking at a transaction in GnuCash and decide you want to
see the receipt, simply get the page number and find it in your scrap
book.  That's what I do and it works great.