I want it :-/

ezxzwy58jnaz75001@sneakemail.com ezxzwy58jnaz75001@sneakemail.com
21 Feb 2002 16:04:44 -0000

Not a "bug" as such, except that I really want to get my hands on this program (especially after a nightmare morning of trying to balance everything out)...

...but the download ( http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~rclark/xacc/download/xacc-1.0.17.tar.gz
 ) leads to a "file not found" page :-(

Please let me know about getting this file. I want xacc, not GNU-cash as I have heard the former is more stable (ref: http://linux.davecentral.com/articles/view/545/
 ). I am using RedHat7.1

Cheers - Lancer

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