Web page proposal

Jon Lapham lapham at extracta.com.br
Sat Aug 9 11:27:27 CDT 2003

Jeff MacDonald wrote:
>>3) This approach is much more extensible, when GnuCash v1.10 comes out, 
>>the documentation for v1.8 simply moves into the [other] link. Hell, if 
>>we have any "older than 1.6 documentation", let's put that on the 
>>[other] link too.
> hmm.. ok, "old" stuff could be on a seperate page if you want.. how
> about instead of labelling it "other" you have a couple of links, one
> for "older documentation" and one for "external guides" or something.
> using "other" seems a little too generic for me, and it isn't
> immediately obvious what exactly you mean by "other", so I would have to
> click it to find out what is there.

Yeah, the word [other] is clearly not ideal.  [Extra] maybe? 
[Additional],  [More...], [All]?

The problem with an [external guides] link is that if we go down that 
road, why not also have a [older docs], and [development docs], and etc, 
etc.  Would these all lead to the same page?  We wouldn't want separate 
web pages for each (no!).

>>5) We could put a "in development" link on the [other] page, where 
>>documentation people could put their in development docs.  Kind of like 
>>what I am doing now with my own web site.
> good. as long as it is clearly labelled.

Well, what did you think of the wording I proposed?

Documentation In Development
  [GnuCash v1.10 "in devel" docs]

>>1) Two clicks to get to documentation other than the current User Guide 
>>and Help Manual.
> as long as it is less than four, IMHO you are fine.
> as an example, check out <http://python.org/doc/>.. they have a very
> clean interface IMHO.

Sure, but that page is not the python main page.  This page would be 
equivalent to the page that appears when you click on the (misnamed) 
[other] link.  But, you probably already know that.  :)  So, yeah, looks 

On the python main page they have a what appears to be 3 docs links: 
"Documentation", "Beginners Guide" and "Topics Guide".  I actually like 
the GnuCash.org main page layout better, the python page seems kinda 
busy to me.  Maybe it is just the colors.

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at extracta.com.br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
  Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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