RunningGnucash´s data file form a smb share

Stephan Budach budy at
Tue May 20 17:00:55 CDT 2003

As suggested by Christian I am sending this mail here.


this may be OT, but I am having difficulties running Gnucash´s data file 
from a smb share. Specifically, the saving of the modified file to the 
smb share fails, but writing to another file is okay.

The error shown indicates that the file is busy, what is very clear to 
me, since I am using this filem but shouldn´t it work? The smb share is 
an a samba 2.2.7 server on a RH 7.2 box. If I try saving again to the 
same file Gnucash segfaults.

I am running Gnucash 1.8.3 on a Mac OS X 10.2.4 and it was installed 
using fink.

The error messages are attached as PDF files.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Christian Stimming wrote:
> Moin,
> wenn der screenshot auf englisch ist, dann kannst du auch den schicken 
> -- das ist in der Tat am deutlichsten. Und dann bitte an gnucash-devel :-)


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