Is there anything *enjoyable* about our development process?

Neil Williams linux at
Sun Oct 16 13:03:28 EDT 2005

On Sunday 16 October 2005 4:48 pm, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 16:02 +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > You make it sound like I'm hijacking gnucash.
> I don't believe that.

That's OK.

> I too want to see QOF be an external library that gnucash depends on.

My work will simply provide QOF externally if it is supported by that 
distribution - naturally that would tend to be Debian unstable and Debian 
like distributions initially although QOF, as packaged, does compile on FC3 

> But in the interest of focusing all scarce resources toward finishing
> the G2 port, I think that should happen later.

It is 99% done. I'm completing the last part of the patch now. Remember that 
this is not a one-way street, just because QOF CAN be used externally, it 
does NOT mean it has to be used externally. It's a conditional build that 
will create a runtime dependency on external code in some distributions and 
create an internal library on others.

> > But in time for cashutil, which also involves structural changes to the
> > codebase, this would be useful. QOF spinout is required before cashutil
> > can be merged into the gnucash tree.
> I would like to see this happen on a branch if you're planning on doing
> it before the next release.
> What are those structural changes?

Lots. Cashutil definitely needs a careful merge into gnucash - it's not going 
to happen any time soon. 

The logic levels are the largest component. However, cashutil does depend on 
external QOF.


Neil Williams

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