Re -Werror and backup plans
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 4 18:01:52 EDT 2005
Quoting Neil Williams <linux at>:
>> PS: I use FC3.
> Could you do me a quick favour, off-list? This is going to be a fresh network
> install from a FC3 DVD - January 05, gnome 2.8 libraries, 2.6.9 kernel, etc.
> - could you drop me a line with a list of the packages I'll need specifically
> for G2? It's been *years* since I did anything RPM-based!
Honestly I don't know offhand.. But FC3 has yum and apt-get is also
so when you need something you can just "yum install blah" to install whatever
package you need. If you install the gnome devel libraries that should give
you most of what you need. ISTR that I needed to only add about three or four
additional -devel packages, which was easily determined by seeing what
configure complained about.
> I've got a list for the Debian ones here:
> Would you mind just telling me the FC3 equivalents? Thanks.
You'll definitely need g-wrap-devel (which will pull in guile-devel).
I don't know what else doesn't come pre-installed. Pretty much anything that
Debian calls -dev Red Hat calls -devel.
> Do any need to be downloaded or would the normal ISO be sufficient?
ISO should suffice for everything.
>> PPS: For MacOS you might want to run the on Linux and then move
>> the sourcetree over and build it there.
> (I knew AppleTalk would come in useful eventually!)
> Thanks.
> --
> Neil Williams
> =============
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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