Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

Thomas Klausner tk at giga.or.at
Wed Jan 11 02:01:21 EST 2006


I'd like to start testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD, to make
sure it will work when the first release is out.

I'm currently using NetBSD-3.99.15/i386.
I checked out the svn repository and did:
aclocal && autoheader && autoconf && automake
with autoconf-2.59 and automake-1.9.6 installed
and got the following errors:
aclocal:configure.in:215: warning: macro `AM_GUILE_VERSION_CHECK' not found in library
aclocal:configure.in:230: warning: macro `AM_PATH_GWRAP' not found in library
configure.in:98: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
      If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
      See the Autoconf documentation.
configure.in:215: error: possibly undefined macro: AS_SCRUB_INCLUDE
configure.in:224: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_GUILE_VERSION_CHECK
configure.in:239: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_GWRAP
configure.in:263: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_GWRAP_CHECK_GUILE
configure.in:1527: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_AQBANKING

I have guile-1.6.7nb2 and g-wrap-1.9.6 installed.
The NetBSD package for g-wrap doesn't come with an m4 file,
and I don't see one providing the symbols wanted by gnucash
in the 1.9.6 distribution file.

The one for guile installs /usr/pkg/share/aclocal/guile.m4, but
that version only provides GUILE_* macros, not any AM_GUILE_* ones.

There is no aqbanking package for NetBSD pkgsrc yet.
I don't know where AS_SCRUB_INLINE and AC_MSG_ERROR are supposed
to come from.

The easiest solution for me would be if the configure script
(and related files) would be checked in to the repository too.
Or perhaps an aclocal.m4 file could be created with the
missing functions?


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