calendar proposal WAS: 2.1.0 Release
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 16 22:46:57 EDT 2007
Personally I think it's overkill.
It's really just a question of coordination, and that can be done on IRC.
I know that Chris usually comes onto IRC when he's rolling the release
in order to ask other devs for help if there is a build/release problem.
So if you're hanging out on IRC during "release weekends" then it's just
a question of when Chris comes online and does the release.
I dont think we need a calendar for that. We have the wiki, and
you're welcome to use that to whatever personal calendar you need.
I dont see the usefulness of a shared calendar for us.
Quoting Nathan Buchanan <nbinont at>:
> On 4/15/07, Chris Lyttle <chris at> wrote:
>> <snip>
>> I guess christian already answered most of your questions. Do you have
>> access to sourceforge to upload the binaries?
> yes
> Anything else you might
>> want access to? If you would like I can email you what time I'm
>> preparing the release before I do it so you know to grab it.
> My first reaction to this was, yah that would be great if you could e-mail
> me...but after thinking about this further it sounds like we might be able
> to do it better. We are already have
> (1) the patches list where I can see the revision used (eventually there
> will be tags too, I understand)
> (2) the release schedule that gives me the expected timeframe
> (3) the release announcement
> I think the real roadblock for me is that I don't usually catch 1 or 2
> because they are out of my normal usage pattern, so I thought - How can I
> get them in my normal usage pattern? Well I use email and a calendar
> application. We have integration with e-mail - the mailing lists and
> possibly a change notification on the wiki. These all work well for events
> happening *now* but are relatively ineffective compared to a calendar for
> planning *future* events. So after my somewhat long-winded intro:
> What does everyone think about setting up a shared calendar for project
> planning? A good example of this is google calendar or to a somewhat lesser
> degree lotus notes and MS outlook. We could go out and just use say, google
> calendar or we could host the shared calendar ourselves.
> google calendar - easy to setup (minimal setup required), but everyone that
> wants to modify the calendar must get a google account (doesn't have to be a
> google/gmail address). viewing the calendar would not require a google
> account and could be done using the software application of your choice.
> do it ourselves - I have very little clue how to go about this, though it
> would provide the ultimate in customization
> Using a calendar will allow better awareness of the schedule by allowing
> tighter integration with existing technologies. Example:
> Thoughts? Objections? Suggestions? If this seems like a good idea, I'd like
> to work with everyone who sets the release schedule to get this going.
> Thanks,
> Nathan
> Sorry about the period, as christian mentioned it was an error in the
>> script.
>> Let me know if I can help.
>> Chris
> --
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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