Auto-Saving implemented in r16227 (to become 2.1.5) - Feedback wanted

Christian Stimming stimming at
Mon Jul 2 06:59:48 EDT 2007

Please make sure to *always* CC: to the list!

Quoting don Paolo Benvenuto <donpaolo at>:
> Does auto-save save directly to the file or to a temporary file?

Did you actually test this feature? My email specifically asked for  
feedback when *testing* this feature.

As for backup files: Just as the normal save, auto-save will write the  
full file but the previous version of the file will be kept as a  
backup file with the timestamp in the filename.


> I think the second option could be considered, so that the data file be
> changed only when the user actually saves the work. Manually saving, the
> user is confirming that the changes are effectively to be saved to the
> data file.
> This way in case of a crash, the temporary file should be proposed (to
> be copied to the real data file.

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