Auto-Saving implemented in r16227 (to become 2.1.5) - Feedback wanted

don Paolo Benvenuto donpaolo at
Sat Jul 7 08:09:45 EDT 2007

El mar, 03-07-2007 a las 21:28 -0700, Bill Wohler escribió:

> For me, saving takes about four seconds. It's not enough to cause
> hardship, but it would be a pain while I was actively entering
> transactions. So, I might imagine a configuration like "(every 5
> minutes or 10 transactions) and 1 minute idle".

With my data file savings takes more than 20 seconds, I agree with Bill,
we need a control on idle gnucash time.

I try to suggest an alternative, too. The developers say that during the
saving process gnucash can't permit data change. My suggestion is to
perform the saving in these steps:

1. save to memory a copy of the data file (gnucash doesn't permit data
entry) - fast operation, should't interfere with data entry
2. return the user the permission to enter data
3. save to disk the copy

What about implementing this schema for all saving operation?

don Paolo Benvenuto
è il diario che scrivo, principalmente io, ma anche altri:
puoi trovarvi la vita della missione, giorno per giorno

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