GnuCash BugDay: May 15, 1500-2200 UTC

Josh Sled jsled at
Sat May 5 11:05:25 EDT 2007

We're now entering the scheduled (but otherwise unannounced) second bug
day for the 2.1.x releases.

Please join us on <irc://>, to test a 2.0.5 or
2.1.x release, or SVN.  Stress it, poke it, break it, fix it, and be
merry.  Wander through bugzilla and try to verify or reproduce bugs.

I note that next week's 2.1.2 release also marks the string freeze, so
special attention to string-changing bugs is in order.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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