ChangeLog generation (was: GnuCash 2.1.2 Released)

Christian Stimming stimming at
Tue May 22 15:48:24 EDT 2007

Am Dienstag, 22. Mai 2007 21:45 schrieb Derek Atkins:
> I wonder if part of the issue is that "ChangeLog" is copied into the
> distdir before "NEWS", and it's copied without trying to preserve
> the timestamp (e.g. cp, not cp -p).  So in the install tree the ChangeLog
> IS older.

*Right*, that sounds like it were the reason.

> MAYBE we should key the ChangeLog rebuild off of BUILDING_FROM_SVN?  I.e.:
> ChangeLog: NEWS
> 	$(SVN) log -v --xml -r HEAD:15287 | \
> 	  $(XSLTPROC) --stringparam strip-prefix "gnucash/trunk" \
> 	  --stringparam include-rev "yes" $(srcdir)/macros/svn2cl.xsl - > $@
> endif
> Then it will never try to rebuild the ChangeLog from a tarball build.

Great! This will hopefully resolve this issue. I'll test and commit in a 


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