Polish translation updated

Cristian Marchi cri79 at libero.it
Tue Sep 22 02:12:08 EDT 2009

Jacek Baszkiewicz ha scritto:
> Hi Team!
> I've just finished my work with Polish .po file (with a glossary).
Thanks, I will commit in the next hours.
> Two things. First: I've started my work few months ago before the 
> string freeze and that's why references to .c files in comments are 
> out-of-date. I didn't find the way to correct it automatically.
To solve this I will use the command msgmerge in linux: e.g. "msgmerge 
-o merged.po old.po latest.po" (where old.po is your translated po file 
and latest.po is the latest version of pl.po found on svn-trunk; the 
result will be saved on the file merged.po that will be renamed in pl.po 
to be commited)
> Second: There was no way to translate one string for menu option 
> 'Online Banking' in Preferences Dialog. Maybe there is some error to 
> check.
> Greetings to all
> Jacek Baszkiewicz
> P.S. I will try in a next days to translate also account's files. Can 
> someone tell me what I need to do to see my changes after code 
> compiling? I mean - I put new Polish folder in a accounts folder 
> and... what else to do to place this new folder in a KDevelop project 
> so that it could be compiled?
Can't comment on this two last question. I hope someone more expert than 
me will jump in.

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