Let's really release 2.4.0 soon

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Thu Dec 16 16:55:41 EST 2010

Am Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010 schrieb Phil Longstaff:
> Sounds good.  What, if anything, is required for a 2.4.0 official release
> over and above 2.3.X RC release?

Given the current lack of resources for activities beyond getting the code 
running, I would say just make the same steps as usual. I don't think it is 
necessary to generate additional PR buzz right now. I think the most important 
thing is to have a *stable* new version number that we can point the 2.2.9-
people to. Unless anyone volunteers to prepare some PR work, and to prepare it 
really fast, I'd say just go ahead as usual.

> As usual, I'll do the tarballs and release notes.

Thanks a lot!


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