r18582 - gnucash/trunk/src - Add disambiguation prefix to the word Split where it is the action of a Stock Split.

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Tue Jan 26 10:47:19 EST 2010

Zitat von Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>:
>> -  xaccSplitSetAction (split, _("Split"));
>> +  /* Translators: This string has a disambiguation prefix */
>> +  xaccSplitSetAction (split, Q_("Action Column|Split"));
>>    amount = gnc_amount_edit_get_amount (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (info->price_edit));
>>    if (gnc_numeric_positive_p (amount))
> [snip]
>> -      gnc_combo_cell_add_menu_item (cell, _("Split"));
>> +      /* Translators: This string has a disambiguation prefix */
>> +      gnc_combo_cell_add_menu_item (cell, Q_("Action Column|Split"));
>>        break;
> Looks like you used the same disamiguation prefix in both locations.
> Shouldn't these be different?  I would expect you'd make the first one
> be "Stock Split|Split"?

This was intentional. In both cases it is the text that is displayed  
in the "Action" column in the register. The former writes the text in  
the action field of respective split, the latter adds it to the  
proposals that appear when opening the combo box to edit this field in  
the register.

So yes, the two places are different use cases of the wording, but  
eventually both strings end up in the same field in the register, so I  
figured they should have an identical msgid for translation.



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