Payee & Beneficiary reports!

Mohamad Al-Saqer malsaqer at
Mon Mar 22 13:56:16 EDT 2010

Hi All
I am new to this email list which I reached when I was looking up how to do
reports for payee and beneficiary.

I use quicken business for our small non-profit organization. We receive
donations as well as help needy people form time to time. I quicken I can
generate reports for one payee/beneficiary and it is good for this. However
I want to reorganize the accounts in a way quicken can not handle. I want to
setup sub-bank accounts within the main account. I played quite a while with
Gnucash and seems to be the best free candidate for this purpose, but the
lack of payee/beneficiary reports is what holds me back.

Wouldn't it be a good option to add where you can generate a report for
transactions that matches a certain description? While searching I cam
across a post to this mailing list back on 2007 by a developer who was
questioning the importance of such feature. I guess for small businesses and
charities using and notes/memos based reports can make their evaluation
easier. It also tracks how much money were spent to which vendor/client
(beneficiary/payee for our non-profit) when many transaction can occur on
the fly without previous bills/invoices. i.e, when the transaction is
initiated by the purchaser.


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