GSoC organization application opened; I'd like to apply for GnuCash

David T. sunfish62 at
Thu Mar 3 15:10:29 EST 2011


I am not in a position to help the cause (I could mentor someone to be a librarian, but not a programmer, unfortunately), although I think it's a great idea. 

In my opinion, it would be really fabulous if something could be done with the reporting functions to make them more end user friendly. It does seem to be the area that generates the most traffic on the lists.


--- On Thu, 3/3/11, Christian Stimming <stimming at> wrote:

> From: Christian Stimming <stimming at>
> Subject: GSoC organization application opened; I'd like to apply for GnuCash
> To: gnucash-devel at
> Date: Thursday, March 3, 2011, 7:50 AM
> Dear developers,
> the 2011 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) programme is open for
> organizations to apply as mentoring organizations. We've
> participated in 2007 with four students, and we've tried to
> apply in 2010 as well but were not accepted.
> I want to give it a try this year again. This time, I want
> to spend considerable work on a good organization
> application, as outlined here [1] [2]. One of the more
> critical issue mentioned there is to present a good "Ideas
> Page" [3]. So far, we have the minor thoughts collected on
> our wiki page but I plan to
> heavily modify this page so that it results in a much better
> application.
> I also volunteer as organization's administrator who
> actually registers at google's website to submit our
> application. (@Derek: Can you be the backup admin?) I will
> also volunteer as a mentor for at least one student,
> potentially more.
> What do you think? Are there people around who can consider
> a mentor role for some student? I think additionally I'm
> going to ask some people here directly whether they can
> consider acting as a mentor.
> I think with our recent increase in development momentum we
> are now back again in a position where suitable tasks can be
> identified within gnucash. The students will need tasks that
> have a realistic chance to be completed within 12 weeks, yet
> have enough smaller steps of success so that the task will
> be fun for the student and the mentor. And eventually to our
> project itself. I believe gnucash now offers such
> possibilities much more than in the previous years, so I
> think GSoC this year is a good program for us.
> Questions? Comments?
> Regards,
> Christian
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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