GTK3 page and Wiki general; was: Feedback about 2.7.8

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at
Sat Mar 31 09:47:05 EDT 2018


Am 31.03.2018 um 13:51 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> I'm fine with moving the FAQ material here, but I would prefer to keep a link 
> from the faq to this page so users can be redirected.

IMHO we should move most content from the FAQ to structured pages of the
respective themes (and after some breeding into the official doc
package). So the FAQ would become primary a link collection.

> I would also propose a less technical name for the wiki page. Most users don't 
> know what gtk is so the wouldn't guess that page would hold information on 
> tweaking the gnucash gui style/theme.

IMHO a page name should be (for easy linking) short, but precise.
Because there was already a GTK page, now moved to GTK2, the name is fine.

> So the page title should rather refer to such keywords: style, theme, tweak, 
> customize,... I'm not very creative in finding good titles right now, so feel 
> free to suggest some for public deliberation.

There are other technics e.g. for keywords use categories, the FAQ and
the search function.

At some places we might consider to insert overview pages, e.g. create
them from the sections of the (now IMHO too long) main page.

> Geert


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