[GNC-dev] iOS app
Geert Janssens
geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Wed Apr 29 03:28:59 EDT 2020
Hi Camille,
I'm sorry to hear you had issues setting up a development system on the Mac. You can always
ask for help here if you want to retry. If you provide us with the details, we can help you make
progress and perhaps identify bits of the setup that need more polishing.
That aside, I run my cmake and other build commands directly from the command line. For
editing I use KDevelop. It has syntax highlighting and semantic navigation (jump to declaration/
definition of a function, search for uses), dynamic static code analysis and so on. It also has git
and gdb integration but so far I have not really used that. I'm already too used to driving those
from the command line.
Other IDE's that may be worth checking out are
- Eclipse; I used it in the past, though it had the tendency to blow up on my from time to time. I
know one of our other devs is currently still using it.
- Gnome Builder; I never used it myself, but it is heavily focused on the gtk/gnome ecosystem
and optimized for that. As gnucash is a gtk application it may be useful.
Op dinsdag 28 april 2020 21:56:22 CEST schreef Camille Rizko:
> Hello Geert, After 2 frustrating and unsuccessful attempts to install
> development on the Mac, I ended up reverting back to Linux. I have compiled
> and ran successfully gnucash on Debian. Do you have a preferred IDE that
> you use on Linux?, I haven't used EMACS for almost 15 years and would
> rather use a newer IDE/editor. Let me know.
> On Thursday, April 23, 2020, 10:09:52 AM PDT, Camille Rizko via
> gnucash-devel <gnucash-devel at gnucash.org> wrote:
> Thank you Geert, I can develop on Linux as well as MacOS. My Linux
> station is a portable running Debian 9. My macOS is a workstation with a
> 26" screen, obviously a better choice for me. I did download the source on
> Linux and went as far as running the cmake but encountered an error at line
> 59. Since I prefer the Mac station, I will download the Mac development and
> see if I have better luck doing a complete build. Once I have a successful
> build, I will look into app-utils and see what I can do with it. The
> objective I assume is to port it to 100% C/C++, for all platforms, and
> eventually make it portable and usable by my iOS app. MacOS and iOS are
> different OS builds, but they share a common compiler set, namely Objective
> C (superset of C/C++) and now SWIFT. The OBJECTs sometimes differ between
> MacOS and iOS, but are quite similar otherwise. On Wednesday, April 22,
> 2020, 01:37:14 AM PDT, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be> wrote:
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