[GNC-dev] How to get Report Development Environment Working in Windows

flywire flywire0 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 19:55:17 EDT 2021

I'd like to use
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports#Development_Environment in
Win10. The Technique to reload reports without restarting GnuCash is not
working and I think the main problem is not following:

> Finally, you should also extract a GnuCash source tar ball in
~/GnuCash/CustomReport/ to have access to the Scheme files referenced in
this page.

Does this mean extract the contents of gnucash-4.6.setup.exe
under %USERPROFILE%/GnuCash/CustomReport? Which files are actually needed
where (required path of one file as an example would be good)?

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