How do I turn off backups?
Jean-David Beyer
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 08:28:10 -0500
Leigh Wedding wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
> >Jack McKinney writes:
> > > Is there a way that I can keep Gnucash from creating the backup and
> > > log files other than just deleting them every time?
> > >
> >
> >No, but it wouldn't be hard to write a shell script to start up
> >gnucash, and delete the log/backup files at exit if you really wanted.
> >
> >The log/backup file scheme is going to change for 2.0.
> >
> Jack,
> I have written a short script to delete backup files older than 31
> days, you may find it useful. You can change the 31 to any value you
> like. Change "personal.xac" to whatever your filename is.
If you use logrotate(8), you can arrange that your logfiles are rotated
on a regular basis, with the oldest one dropping into the great
bit-bucket in the sky. Thus, the current log might be (I do not have the
correct logfile name, so I make one up): gnucash.log
If you setup logrotate (that, on many Linux systems is run late every
night) to be run by cron, and ask for a total of 4 old logs to be
retained, you will see:
You can set it up to keep any number of backups.
.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
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