Installation on Solaris 8
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 14:53:00 -0600 (CST)
It's been rumoured that Jon Saperia said:
> > I don't know much about Solaris, but I thought that file
> > was a Solaris package. Do you get an error if you try to
> > use it that way?
> Thanks. I have tried a variety of ways:
> pkgadd: ERROR: attempt to process datastream failed
> - bad format in datastream table-of-contents
> pkgadd: ERROR: could not process datastream from
> </export/home/jon/GNUcash.1.4.9.Solaris.8.sparc>
any chance its still gzipped? If you downloaded w/ netscape,
it sometimes plays this trick on you, telling it ungzipped, but it
Try renaming GNUcash.1.4.9.Solaris.8.sparc to g.gz, and then ungzip,
and then pkgadd.
the opposite may also be true: I think the pjg format is natively
compressed, and maybe netscape uncompressed it without telling you.
You might want to downl;oad using ftp, and verify the package size.
> pkgadd -d ./GNUcash.1.4.9.Solaris.8.sparc.pkg
> pkgadd: ERROR: attempt to process datastream failed
> - bad format in datastream table-of-contents
> pkgadd: ERROR: could not process datastream from
> </export/home/jon/GNUcash.1.4.9.Solaris.8.sparc.pkg>
> I have added other packages to the system without much trouble. I do not
> do it frequently so maybe I have missed something.
> /jon
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