A couple of quickies

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
07 Aug 2001 16:37:12 -0700

On 07 Aug 2001 15:06:25 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On 7 Aug 2001, Dave Peticolas wrote:
> > For 1.4 there isn't any such thing. For 1.6 you can (or should be able to)
> > make a book from the sgml sources. However, those docs don't apply to 1.4
> > in many cases.
>   Oh. OK. In other words, I can do it, but it won't do me any good. :-)
>   For some reason, I'm having mechanical difficulties in figuring out in
> what register I'm supposed to be working at any given time. For example, I'm
> in the Assets | Checking Account register and I go to enter a check. Put in
> the number, the date, and the payee. Move to 'transfer' and click on the
> icon. I see all the asset accounts and the main liability account, but none
> of the expense accounts. Same thing with making a deposit: can't access the
> income accounts.

Strange. Could you open one of the income/expense accounts
and make sure it has a currency?
