Feature idea: make numeric-keypad `Enter' in reconcile window act like the main `Enter' key

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
12 Aug 2001 18:53:19 -0700

On 11 Aug 2001 12:34:52 -0700, Eric Hanchrow wrote:
> Whenever I reconcile an account, I press the "Num Lock" key on my
> numeric keypad, so that I can quickly enter my statement's balance in
> the little window that pops up.  However, after entering the digits, I
> always stumble when I hit the numeric keypad "Enter" key -- nothing
> happens.  I always expect the numeric keypad "Enter" key to act
> exactly the same as the main "Enter" key in this context, namely,
> dismissing the little window.
> Oughtn't the two keys act the same?

Yes, they should. I think we've looked
into this problem before and I seem to
recall that it required a fix in gtk.
But I'll check again.
