Closing Accounts?

Stephen P Williams
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 13:43:32 -0700

On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 11:59:29AM -0600, Eric Schwartz wrote:
> Seems to me that a "Close This Account" function that just excluded it
> from the account list wouldn't be hard.  If no-one's interested in 
> writing it, I will; I'd just like some idea if my patches will be
> rejected a priori first. :)


The way I handle closed accounts is to simply re-parent them underneath
a "Closed Accounts" asset account at the top level of the account
hierarchy.  This way, all of the transfers to/from the closed accounts
are still valid, but since I never open the "Closed Accounts" account,
the main scren remains relatively uncluttered. 

Hope that helps,
Steve Williams