Mortgages and other "loan" types?
Dave Peticolas
Tue, 02 Jan 2001 14:59:30 -0800
> It's been rumoured that Paul Lussier said:
> > >> Is there a description of the file format for the .xac file that GnuCash
> > >> uses some where on the website and maybe some example perl code I could
> > >> look at to learn how to parse it?
> > >
> > >The CVS version uses an XML format -- it's fairly straightforward
> > >once you take a look at it, but feel free to ask additional questions.
> >
> > Oh, okay, so this stuff is completely re-designed for the 1.5.x branch?
> > I assume that means the gnucash.xac file will be deprecated once 1.5 reache
> s a
> > stable point?
> Yes.
> The recommended way of accessing either file format is to use
> the libgnc_engine api. The API is guarenteed to
> read/write/manipulate the data in a slef-consistent manner.
> We use swig to build it into a perl module to make it accessible to
> perl scripts. See gnc-prices for a sample perl script.
Err, the perl API is deprecated and was actually removed from devel CVS.
Anyone who wants to take up the standard of perl interoperation is welcome
to, but some work is required in order to bring the old implementation
up to date with the changes in the engine api.