Options when adding a new transaction
Roland Roberts
05 Apr 2002 13:48:26 -0500
>>>>> "Chase" == Chase Peeler <chasep@cc.gatech.edu> writes:
Chase> I recently updated from a very very old version to the
Chase> current stable version (1.6.6?) Whenever I add a
Chase> transaction, a window pops up asking if i want to balance
Chase> the transaction manually, let gnucash do it automatically,
Chase> or let gnu cash add a split, and then it creates an
Chase> imbalance account. I do not want it to ask me this. I dont
Chase> even use gnucash for balacning my register, i just use it
Chase> to keep track of what I have spent so i dont overdraw my
Chase> checking account. How can I turn this off, so I can just
Chase> enter a transaction, press enter, and enter another one.
Do you have autosplit turned on? I.e., you are automatically
displaying the splits? The only time I have seen this is when I have
it automatically show the split and I have only modified amount in one
part so the transaction does not balance.
PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD RL Enterprises
roland@rlenter.com 76-15 113th Street, Apt 3B
roland@astrofoto.org Forest Hills, NY 11375