user reports
David Fries
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 20:49:21 -0500
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The really helps, thanks. Now can I add a directory to the search
path for reports? I'll admin to being at a beginning level of scheme,
but I can't even figure out where the current search path is defined.
I have determined it isn't gnc:*load-path* or %load-path.
On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 04:51:31PM -0700, Dave Peticolas wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-04-13 at 19:27, David Fries wrote:
> > I'm using the debian packaged gnucash 1.6.6
> > What I want to do is to design my own reports.
> >=20
> > My questions are, where do I put the scheme code to load my report,
> > and how do I add a directory to the search path for the reports?
> >=20
> > I'm finding the only way to load a report is to modify the
> > /usr/share/gnucash/report/report-list.scm file, except that requires
> > root access and it would force my report on any other user.
> >=20
> > What I have found is I can add
> >=20
> > (gnu:depend "options-utilities.scm")
> > (use-modules (gnucash report my_report))
> >=20
> > to the ~/.gnucash/ file and it will load it from the
> > search path once... and then that file is over-written.
> GnuCash first looks for ~/.gnucash/config-1.6.user and, if it exists,
> loads that file instead. It is never written to by gnucash. If you want
> the .auto file loaded as well (to get your preferences) put
> (gnc:load "") into the .user file.
> dave
| David Fries |
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| |
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