Question to european gnucash users

Trevor Barton tmb at
Wed Aug 6 15:26:27 CDT 2003

Jon Lapham wrote:
> I think this thread is starting to veer towards the bizarre.
> PS: The commonwealth does not include the US.

I think he probably meant "colonial" ;-)

> PS: In the latest documentation found in CVS (14 chapters, 3 appendi, 
> 7102 paragraphs) there are 71 paragraphs that contain the word "check", 
> not counting the "checkbook" chapter.

Aaah, but how many of those references meant "check" as in "check the result" 
rather than "cheque" which all proper users of the English language know to be a 
small slip of paper on which one might write an order for someone to give 
someone else some of your money?

See, not only are you cheque-centric in the colonies, but you've left yourselves 
open to misinterpretation by not spelling the Queen's English as She meant it to 
be spelled, Lord luv 'er.

Bizzarness aside, it is interesting in a passing sort of way to see how your 
banking systems seemingly differ from ours here in the UK by inference from 
GnuCash.  I previously used Quicken, and it had the right sort of emphasis on 
the right sort of thing for the UK, but I suspect that it's heavily 
internationalised for its major markets.  There are some things that have been 
lacking from GnuCash which made me avoid it until about 1.8.1, like for example 
scheduled transactions for directly debited stuff from my current ("checking") 
account.  I pay all my regular bills that way, often in equal valued instalments 
each month.  That includes obvious things like th mortgage, but less obvious 
stuff like insurances and electricity and water bills, and even the credit card 
takes the money out of my account automatically each month.  I also never write 
a cheque, although my wife writes loads, mainly to non-credit card people like 
the piano teacher and the like.


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