State of the GnuCash project: A call for help

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 11 01:28:09 CDT 2003

"Carl B. Constantine" <duckwing at> writes:

> * Benoit Grégoire (bock at wrote:
> > Very soon, I will write a second article to list specific projects where you 
> > can contribute.  Regardless of your skill set, there will be one for you...
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I look forward to such a report. One of the areas I'm very interested in
> is Taxes and Invoicing (for business). Here in Canada, many provinces
> have dual taxes (Alberta being the main exception). The federal
> Government Services Tax (G.S.T.) and then provincial sales tax (P.S.T.).
> The law states that these taxes must be shown separately on invoices,
> they cannot be blended (like the VAT I belive). There isn't an easy way
> in GnuCash to make an item taxable twice and then show it separately and
> appropriately on invoices (with GST number). This is one area I'd like
> to scratch, and document very well.

Sure there is, you create a Tax Table called "Alberta" which has two
entries, one entry for the Alberta PST and another entry of the Federal
GST.  Make sure you have two Tax witholding accounts (one for PST, one for
GST).   Your "double-taxed" items can use the "combined" tax table, and
on the invoice just on the "Individual Taxes" feature.

> Some initial work has been done by Herman Oosthuysen of Aeorspace
> Software on how to set up GST, but as he's in Alberta, he doesn't have
> to deal with PST :-).
> Anyway, I look forward to seeing how I can contribute as I want to use
> GnuCash for my business.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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