gnucash web site

Paul Harouff pharouff at
Sat Feb 15 13:19:44 CST 2003

On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 23:38, Bob Holtzman wrote:
> When I try to download gnucash 1.8.1 or the associated g-wrap from 
> and I get 
> the following message:
> no approperiate application for type audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin found!
> I'm running RH7.3 and this happens with Netscape 4.79 and Konqueror 
> 3.0.3-0.7.2.

The file extension *.rpm is used both by Red Hat and by RealMedia. Your
KDE or Gnome or browser preferences are set to associate the file
extension *.rpm with RealPlayer (Installing RealPlayer sets this by
default). So, left clicking the link is telling RealPlayer to open the

Don't left click the link.

Right click and choose Save As or Open With <your favorite package

Another option is to go into your KDE or Gnome settings and delete all
references to *.rpm in the File Associations.

Alexandria, VA

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