Gnucash multiuser remote (was Re: gnucash web interface)

marthter marthter at
Wed Jul 9 12:34:38 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins wrote:

>marthter <marthter at> writes:
>>I was hoping that the rumoured web interface (which Derek debunked as
>>a false rumour) would mean that GnuCash listened on port 80 (or some
>>specified port) for http requests and served up some flavour of its UI
>>to anyone running a web browser, but I guess that was too wishful.
>>Would there be a low-resistance path to implementing something like
>>this given GnuCash's existing design?  I'm thinking abstractly about
>>XML representations of the account tree and registers, and some <form>
>>based UI to make changes, though I don't know enough about GnuCash to
>>know how involved this would be.  Then make it https instead of http
>>and I think you'd be able to address a fair number of small and medium
>>business users.
>This sounds like SQL-Ledger..  If you REALLY want a web-based
>interface, you might want to look at that.  Gnucash is nice because it
>DOESN'T require a web server.  This is a feature, not a bug.
I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining about a "bug" that it 
didn't have a web interface.  I was just trying to make a feature 
suggestion that would really help in my situation.  And I think it is a 
similar situation for a number of small (like 10-20 employees) 
businesses that I work with.  They could get a lot of benefit from 
GnuCash.  If the setup involved 1 Linux machine and no setup on the 
clients (just using a browser), I think the convincing would be easy.  
Currently the setup involves converting their whole office to Linux, and 
I think that convincing would be very hard.

If you think this is too small of a minority of users to worry about, or 
outside the scope of what GnuCash is trying to be, then I will of course 
bow to that wisdom.

Thank you everyone for your input on this thread.



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