Crash recovery granularity

BenoitGrégoire bock at
Thu Jul 31 15:43:07 CDT 2003

On July 31, 2003 02:18 pm, Jon Lapham wrote:
> Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Through 1.8.4, the granularity is "the last time you hit the "save"
> > button".  Unfortunately there is nothing to actually read the logs.
> > This will change in 1.8.5 where there exists a new log format and an
> > actual "log replay" feature.
> Derek-
> I see the "Import -> Replay GnuCash .log file" option in the latest CVS
> version of 1.8.
> Can you give me a quick paragraph for the docs on this?
> This would go in "2.7. Backing Up and Protecting Data", which has
> already introduced the fact that GnuCash writes a .log file recording
> changes done in the current GnuCash session.
> Or, fix this attempt at understanding something I've never used:
> Data Recovery:
> In case you exit GnuCash inadvertently, possibly due to a power outage
> or a system wide crash, it is possible to recover some of your work
> since the last time you save your GnuCash file.  First, open the last
> saved GnuCash file, then go to "File" -> "Import" -> "Replay GnuCash
> .log file" and select the .log file with the date later than the saved
> file you just opened.  This will replay the transactions that had
> occurred since the last save.
> Note: this will not recover  XXXX (I don't know, Derek?)

Ok, here it is:

Data Recovery:
In case you exit GnuCash inadvertently, possibly due to a power outage
or a system wide crash, it is possible to recover most of your work
since the last time you saved your GnuCash file.

-Open the last saved GnuCash file.
-Go to "File" -> "Import" -> "Replay GnuCash .log file" and select the one 
.log file with the date later than the saved file you just opened.  Make sure 
that you picked the right .log file, or you will possibly wreck havock in 
your accounts.

Log replaying will recover any transaction affecting the balance entered since 
the last save, including those created from scheduled transactions and 
buisness features (invoices, bills, etc.). 

Warning:  Changes to the scheduled transactions, invoices of bills themselves 
are NOT recovered, and their transactions that were recovered may not be 
properly associated with them, and should thus be double-checked.  Especially 
for buisness transactions, you may have to delete and re-create some of them.  
If you do not, altough the balance will be correct, some reports may not.

Transactions entered in the register or imported should not need to be 
Benoit Grégoire

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