guppi patching hand-holding needed

Reed Loefgren rloef at
Sat Apr 24 15:31:43 EDT 2004


I have just found out that my installation of gnucash-1.8.9 is not 
producing graphs because I don't have guppi installed. Well, I do. It's 
the 40.x version that needs the patch included in the gnucash-1.8.9 
source code.

I've compiled this with just a "./configure" on Slackware-9.1 and used 
another website that explains how to get gnome2 and gnucash's needs to 
live together. I'll try the compile again using

./configure --prefix=/usr

this should (apparently) locate and utilize guppi but leave me with some 
labelling problems the guppi-legend patch fixes. Can someone give me the 
patch command verbatim? I know there's a -p switch in it; beyond that 
I'm ignorant. I have downloaded the guppi-0.40x source code.



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