Invoice starting number (yes I know it's a FAQ...)

Andrew Ruscica avr at
Tue Mar 2 14:47:48 CST 2004

On March 2, 2004 02:17 am, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Chris Dennis <chris.dennis at> writes:
> > Yes, I know all the documentation says that I can set the starting
> > invoice number by toying with the XML code, but I can't get it to work.
> > Can anyone give step-by-step instructions on setting the starting
> > invoice number?
> Look in your main data file and you'll see the COUNTER.  Change it.
> The count-data is not the counter.  The counter is in a kvp "slot".

I too am trying to set the counter. However, I am looking in my main data file 
and I don't see the COUNTER. If I search for 'COUNTER' or 'Counter' I don't 
find anything. Searching for 'counter' reveals only this section:

    <slot:value type="frame">
        <slot:value type="integer">1</slot:value>
        <slot:value type="integer">2</slot:value>

I'm running 1.8.7 on SuSE 9. 


> -derek

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