Gnucash and inventory

Marc Paré marc at
Wed Dec 14 06:20:27 EST 2005

Brian Dolbec a écrit :

>On Tue, 2005-13-12 at 10:26 -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
>>Marc Paré wrote:
>>>I have been using Gnucash for my business and have thus had no problems 
>>>using it. I now need to track inventory, is there anyway to do this with 
>>>Gnucash ... or any suggestions?
>>As Brian said, what kind of inventory, how large etc?
>>There are definitely ways to work around it. If you are simply dealing 
>>with the cash value of inventory on hand, that is easily tracked in an 
>>asset account. If you want to actually count widgets on hand and store 
>>that number, maybe there is a way to fudge it using stocks or exchange 
>>rates or something like that. For example, you could make up a stock for 
>>your widgets called "widget" (I know creative). Then when you purchase 
>>more widgets you can treat it like a stock purchase. When you sell 
>>widgets, (for more than you buy them I hope) then split the sales 
>>transaction with part of it going to reduce you inventory and part of it 
>>to income? I am only guessing here as I don't do anything like this in 
>>my books.
>Here is what he emailed me:
>I would like to be able to track inventory using gnucash. My wife's
>business, includes hundreds of industry
>cheat sheet cards, which we sell. It would be nice to track how many of
>card we have on hand, which are already at the printer or scheduled for
>printing, so that we can keep up with orders coming in. 
>I think your work-around using stocks would work for him fairly well.
>P.S.  Don't forget to cc the list as well.  Usually hit "Reply all"
>instead of reply :)
I am not too sure who sent you that note but it certainly was not from 
me! It sounds like it came from another poster who would like the same 
function from their Gnucash.

As to the inventory in question, I sell a combination of some early 
music keyboard supply parts and have recently started to sell computer 
supplies locally. I would need a package to more accurately track my 
inventory list. Andrew's suggestion looks like a good one. I may give it 
a shot.

I have already started a database but it is very rudimentary and not 
tied to my Gnucash.

Brian ... you suggested that many people have requested an inventory 
module and to register my request for one as well. Would I just do that 
here or is Derek taking note of these on his own?

I am looking into Quasar which I used to use before their GPL'd version 
which looks like it tracks inventory although I would prefer to remain 
with Gnucash.

Thanks for the suggestions from all.



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