Canadian Stocks in USD (eventually)

David Hampton hampton at
Fri Jan 7 23:38:43 EST 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 19:11 -0800, Oliver D. Iberien wrote:

> Thank you. This solves part of the problem. One oddity is that one of the 
> symbols is "IPL.UN" -- it has a period in it, which must confuse 
> Finance::Quote. Does anyone know if there is a way around this?

Lookup the stock name on and plug that ticker
symbol into Gnucash.  Gnucash does no interpretation on the stock
symbols.  It simply passes them on to F::Q, which passes them on to the
site you are requesting the quote from.  I.E. The stock symbol needs to
be the symbol as accepted by the quote source, which is not necessarily
the symbol you would see reported on tv or in the papers.

> It looks as if there is some way to tell Finance::Quote to convert the CDN to 
> USD for purposes of calculating present value so that it registers in the 

No.  F::Q only reports in the currency local to the exchange, because
the exchange only reports in the local currency.

> Balance (Report) column as USD. I do not know how do to this, but if anyone 
> has something can can be cut-and-pasted in somewhere, I would be grateful for 
> it. Or any other method that works. Thanks!

IIRC, gnucash should also be requesting a quotes from F::Q for the value
of 1 CAD in USD, and using that to give you the current balance in USD.
Been a while since I looked at that part of the code, so I'm not sure
why that's not working.


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