gnucash and Mac OS X 10.4

Francisco Azinsan frysco-gnucash at
Thu May 19 17:29:59 EDT 2005

David Reiser <dbreiser <at>> writes:
> I had to work a little harder, but mine is working now too. Fink  
> selfupdate (yet again) today netted a new version of fink that would  
> go to a working mirror. Unfortunately, just 'fink update gnucash'  
> didn't do the trick for me.
> I did both an upgrade to Tiger (not clean or archive and install) and  
> an in-place fink update. The result was that updating to  
> gnucash-1.8.11-20 didn't get the gnome-libs or gtk+ updates installed  
> before compiling gnucash. (I have let the maintainer know.)
> Not knowing if it is completely necessary, I told fink to update  
> gnome-libs, gnome-libs-dev, gnome-libs-shlibs, gtk+, gtk+-data, and  
> gtk+-shlibs (older versions were in my old fink setup, so I just did  
> 'em all). After that, forcing a recompile of gnucash 1.8.11-20 seems  
> to have worked fine.

I've not had as much luck. 

So far I've:
- blown away /sw 
- reinstalled fink
- enabled the use of unstable sources
- run fink selfupdate
- installed gnucash
- rebuilt gnome*, gtk+* and guile*
- rebuilt gnucash

Nothing's changed from what I'm observing. I start gnucash and the guile-1.6
process starts taking up all CPU time and just stays that way. It never starts. 

I could really use other suggestions on getting it working. My personal finances
stuff are getting behind :P


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