Newbies, account setup and manual reconciliation

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Tue Nov 15 14:16:33 EST 2005

Jeff Smith wrote:

> In the future, should I be flagging these redundant transactions as 
> "reconciliation" records, or just ignore them completely? Does it matter 
> which way I go?
I'm not sure what you mean by this. I assume you are manually entering a 
transaction when you pay your bill. Then later, when you download 
transactions, you get a duplicate of that transaction. Either one of 
these could be deleted. Reconciliation is unrelated. when you reconcile, 
you will mark whichever of these transactions is left. That is, when you 
  check off the transaction on your statement, you will check off the 
matching one in the account in gnucash. that's all there is to it. what 
am I missing in your question?


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