GnuCash wont build anymore (From SVN)

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 21 16:28:57 EST 2005

Quoting Tor Harald Thorland <linux at>:

> tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$ cat src/gnome-utils/gnc-version.h
> /* Autogenerated. Do not change. */
> #ifndef GNC_VERSION_H
> #define GNC_VERSION_H
> #define GNUCASH_SVN 1
> #define GNUCASH_BUILD_DATE "2005-11-21"
> #include "gnc-svninfo.h"
> #endif

Okay, so gnc-version is correct.  Not at all surprising..  But...

> tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$ cat src/gnome-utils/gnc-svninfo.h
> tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$

This is broken.  How.. odd.  It's worked for me in all tests that I've
tried.  This seems to imply that this section of Makefile isn't working

gnc-svninfo.h: .gnc-svninfo.h
	@s=${srcdir} ; \
	if [ -h ${srcdir}/ ] ; then \
		d=`readlink $(srcdir)/` ; \
		s="${srcdir}/`dirname $$d`" ; \
	fi ; \
	if [ -d $$s/.svn ] ; then \
		svninfo=`svn info $$s |grep '^Revision: '|sed 's/Revision: //'` ; \
		echo "#define GNUCASH_SVN_REV $$svninfo" > gnc-svninfo.h ; \

Well, another potential issue would be if you don't have "svn" in
your PATH when you're building gnucash.  But I don't see why that
would change this time versus previous builds.  And you said it worked

So..  Umm..  How about this.  In src/gnome-utils/, find the
code I just copied above and remove the @.  Then do:

  make -C src/gnome-utils gnc-svninfo.h

> That was the output. The strange thing is that I have builded this
> several times now, but today it failed without me doing any changes on
> my system...

Well, obviously SOMETHING changed..  If it worked before but now it
doesn't, then clearly SOMETHING is different.  It's just a question
of what changed.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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